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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. -support don’t know ho you are never seen on - okey app - lots of warns - get more active in ts and game and I will +support other then that good luck - Admin Jeff jr policerp-
  2. We dont have lcpt as a command rank i am pretty sure and -support -never seen on -never seen train cadets or help lower ranks And no poll
  3. Can i talk to you in ts later IF you are on?
  4. +/- support should’ve been a verbial warn in my opinion but I need to have video evidence to 100% + or - support this
  5. -support -never seen -never helps cadets lower ranking officers -in my opinion you should wait 3 weeks more and be active
  6. Meeeeeskeeeekekksksksksksksksksksksksks xD
  7. It was the same hacker as the person in the video So army guy most likely banned him (The same hacker
  8. follow the format pls and if any saff member dose that and i am in game (name is Something whit Jeff i am a admin) Talk to me about it and we can try to figure it out so you feel like no staff members treat you diffrently so you feel like we are a great staff team !. Or Contact me in ts i will always be there to help. and other ppl and i will say this again i am sorry if you feel like any staff member treat you diffrently. !!! -admin Jeff Jr policerp staff team -
  9. it is like policerp but you can be more mingy in a way and ppl enjoy that alot xD
  10. Jeff Junior

    Im back

    nice to have you back but get your staff tag on the forums removed
  11. DarkRP would be great also now when it is super popular.
  12. -support -Need more time as SM -don't repost to your own post just shows how angry/annoyed you get about -support +Support great app
  13. +support would be nice whit new cars in game Ford Mustang is ??????
  14. dont forget to say hi in ts sometimes ?
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