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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. As i feel like you should not go afk when you are staffing for longer periods of time I don’t feel like a strike or removal is necessary a stirn talk to is just what donta needs everyone makes mistakes sometimes and mabey he forgot to get off staff +/- support
  2. +/- support i am unsure if you only need to look at 1 video or both but if you need to look at both of the videos then you should be getting striked but other then that I will stay neutral in this
  3. If I am not wrong in real life FBI takes care about negotiations??
  4. We have acc really good WiFi in Sweden
  5. lol takes me about 15 min to download gta 5'
  6. then just tell the admin that he can do that ":___"
  7. -support if you saw them shoot then it dosent matter
  8. +/- support feels like you are kust trying to get him demoted but i am gonna stay neutral on this
  9. +Support +Great person +mature +knows how to talk to people Good Luck
  10. @Vizz csgotower.com
  11. lol i know that i was gonna use the bombs as a trap when I did a bank raid but I needed to go before I could do that
  12. YE like every friday would be great in my oppinion
  13. What you want to see? - Event team for policerp Why should we add it? - Would be more fun for everyone on the server What are the advantages of having this? - I Think it would be more fun for the players on policerp and the Community around policerp we could for exemple have it every friday. you could for example (win a prize) if you wont the event it would also be something new that people would enjoy. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - N/A (Note) I know that SMT already could host events but SMT cant be on everyday
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