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Everything posted by Nicolaaas

  1. Their excuse was, "its not code 4" even though it was pretty obvious there was no shooting because all of the cops were dead
  2. (This is not meant to diss EMS, I am just stating my and others opinions and experiences about what has been going on with EMS) Over the past month or 2, me and many others have noticed a very big bias toward government when EMS revives and cares for them first. They are supposed to be a neutral faction but they even sometimes say when and where a crime is being committed to the police. Most people wouldn't care if they did this but the criminals cannot retaliate and kill them for it because they are a "neutral faction". This is totally unfair to the criminals if they are allowed to favor cops and we can't lay a finger on them. Now I wouldn't have a problem with them reviving cops first and having the cops arrest them because that's how it work in real life. The problem arrives when EMS won't revive the criminals AT ALL if the criminals take down all the cops EVEN IF THEY ARE AT GUNPOINT. The reason I didn't put this under the suggestion panel is because I want to see the communities thoughts on this topic and how we can form a understanding so I can take all of our ideas into an account to make a suggestion. Thank you
  3. Dude can you write my English essays for me? lmao your app is so long and professional. On a serious note, I really hope you get super admin will. Good luck!
  4. Wow thats the worst luck Ive seen, glad your ok!
  5. I really dont like when people say this. "its easily abusable". Just make it expensive like 1-3 million. Even if it is abused its staffs job to literally stop people from abusing it. People abuse a lot of things, but it doesn't stop them from being in game. Thats the entire reason we have staff.
  6. Damn, good to hear you okay Good luck with the repairs!
  7. Maybe its a time difference but I dont see you on too often, regardless +support
  8. Oh yea, its just fun for me to solve Crypto puzzles like this, just wanted other people to have fun and to find other people that like these too.
  9. Ulgrcb Fmpacq Tpylqkgqqgml Ilamkgle Hello again Rockford The second puzzle is upon you Like previously you have 24 hours to solve it Resources: WinRAR (Download it) https://cryptii.com/ (Caesar Cipher and Integer [Octal]) Also remember to switch it to the decode function https://www.dropbox.com/s/3g1pajoayvlfjpu/image.jpg?dl=0 Ulgrcb Fmpacq Tpylqkgqqgml Otcp
  10. Because half the time they call their family to break them out or they themselves shoot them up. Ruins RP ?
  11. What you want to see? - An increase in the amount of money you get when you do silos (500k-1.5 million). And possibly an increase in price to 150k Why should we add it? - If bank is going to get an increase to 750k for only 5 minutes, then money silos should be given more for 30 MINUTES. What are the advantages of having this? - Balances money silos and bank Makes it worth it to do silos Who is it mainly for? - Criminals
  12. +Support But the thing is you couldn't sit in the back, hopefully they can find one that allows you to
  13. Um ok? No, it depends what we would want to be added.
  14. Yes, but a lot of people just bait the cop into trying to arrest them then they shoot them with their negev. If you want to see a change then make a suggestion, but rules are rules.
  15. - support It is a little copbait to bring a fubar, a weapon, into PD No evidence of you not micspamming, and I've seen you do it a lot
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