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Everything posted by Nicolaaas

  1. What you want to see? - A rule added to where if someone or multiple people are outnumbers by twice the amount of people they have, they are still under FearRP even if they have guns out. Unless it is a raid or shooting has already begun and the extra people just entered. Why should we add it? - It would make the game more realistic and its just common sense, if people are outnumbers 2 to 1 they are very likely to surrender, not surrendering would mean you don't value life. What are the advantages of having this? - Realistic RP Who is it mainly for? - Everyone
  2. Tbh, you're completely right, more and more often I see staff just put their own opinion into rules and stretch their meanings out way too far. People even end up getting warned for a rule they had no idea was even a thing, which it isn't
  3. And the battering ram and breaching charge can instantly open any door, just break through with multiple people. Like I said in the post ?
  4. Wow I can't believe in only 3 short months, all the problems I listed in this post are pretty much solved! I have to give thanks to SMT for kicking it into high gear and helping and fixing this community. Even if it isn't perfect, which nothing is, its a great place to be and have fun! I have made new awesome memories! Thank you also to the people of the community for getting these problems out there for SMT to see.
  5. What you want to see? - A clear separation between fading doors that are used for shooting windows and fading doors that are used as entrances and doors. The fading doors limit would stay the same for doors, 3, but for windows you would be allowed to have 1 or 2, your pick. Why should we add it? - Like many other rules, different staff have different opinions about this. I've had staff tell me that fading door windows aren't counted in the fading door limit (I will be referring to the as FDW) and staff telling me they do. There is a clear split for the people who want them to be counted and those who do not. With Government having access to battering rams and breaching charges, it makes it very easy for them to break into a base within a small amount of time. Adding this rule to have an additional fading door for windows, would make it fairer to people basing so they don't have to sacrifice an already weak fading door for a shooting window making them very vulnerable. Even if your mainly gov. this can still benefit you, S.S make bases all the time and it will make it more fair for them also. What are the advantages of having this? - Balance out Government and Criminals Make bases more difficult to raid for government as its pretty easy if they have enough people which they usually do Have one less rule decision be split among staff Who is it mainly for? - Basers and S.S Links to any content - N/A
  6. Like he said, maybe improve your activity Good luck hotshot! xD
  7. +Support I've also seen a decrease in RP and increase in minginess Maybe add a jailing system that if they RDM (or any other offense that requires punishment), they get a warn and a jail time. When they are in jail the MOTD will pop up and can't be closed so it forces them to read it It should be admins discretion however whether to give a verbal or warn and jail, like say it was a misunderstanding or if they are new to the server
  8. Only a year and a half late but here it is. For those who don't know me I'm Nicolaaas. Now I've been somewhat mingey for the time I have played on Gaminglight but Im here to change that. I will be more involved with this community and more departments. All that I may have wronged or pissed off over this year I'm sorry and I would like to start new because drama really isn't worth it and I don't want to be a negative influence on people anymore. Now I'm going to be telling you my interests and how you may contact me if needed: Interests: Gmod (Obviously) FiveM I'm a Chicago style pizza guy (Don't hurt me) Guns, my parents are gun owners and I've been shooting quite a few times and I just love the feeling Contact me @, Discord: Nicolaaas#3832 (Yes this is my new forum account, I got logged out of my old one and can't remember my credentials.)
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