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Everything posted by SupremeChow

  1. +Support Low Warns Good App Familiar with Administration Good forum activity Don't really recognize you
  2. Hurr durr too long didn't read... Just Kidding, maybe pick your favorites and post them individually so people can +support or -support for each addon
  3. -Support There is no such thing as β€œminge hour” you must be always following the rules no matter the time of day , you claimed he was in your family because both of your names start with T, which is the FailRP warn, on top of that hitting a officer randomly with a. fubar is copbait, and even if he was aiming a gun at you that’s fear rp,Rifle>Fubar . Reading your appeal, you tried going into SS base which is again cop bait either way you look at it since all gov buildings are aos/kos . @Ender has video evidence , please upload your side aswell.
  4. could we have some sort of way for everyone to get fair amounts of time to staff and roleplay? most people hated ratio before because of being forced off roleplay by higher ups,
  5. As the title states, when you get jailed for a long ammount of time like 600 seconds what do you do in real life? Personally I just go onto Youtube in the steam overlay and watch some videos.
  6. I was in a shootout during a carjack does that count?
  7. Your In-game: SupremeChow UMC Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:77484257 The admin's name in-game: Hotshot 1K15 The admin's steam name (If you know it): What warning did you receive: FEAR RP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): (LORD) Why do you think this warn was false: Ill say its true to an extent but It was a honest mistake and I was not given any chance to back myself up, basically I had just got into a gunfight with a crip while carjacking him and without my realization SRT was suddenly in front of me it was SRT CPL SupremeLord and already having my pistol out I tried to fend for my self by unloading my clip into SRT, a few moments later I was warned while spawning my car in I was warned by Hotshot, I was confused at first then people started saying there were 4+ people aimed at me which I had no clue about, I don't know if I couldn't hear them because of gmods new sound system which makes everyone quiet but I honest to god had no clue about any other people besides supremelord here, as seen in the screenshot above I was directly looking at supremelord and I couldn't see anyone/anything that was behind me or to my side, I tried getting a screenshot of the damage logs before supremelord with the crip but calamity said the logs were bugged so I'm sorry I cant provide that bit of info as you can see it almost ended in a instant when combat started with supremelord. Any extra information: I'm sorry for the inconvenience I'm just asking to please forgive me for my mistake Hotshot, Ive been trying my best to be warn free and this puts a sour halt to my efforts. Please and thank you for reading my post. The two screenshots below are the crip I believe calamity said there was a bug with the logs so I'm not certain also me and calamity both crashed during the sit so i couldnt confirm it with him
  8. SupremeChow


    All of the birds died in 1986 due to Reagan killing them and replacing them with spies that are now watching us. The birds work for the bourgeoisie
  9. +Support as well I've seen many false report warns saying disconnect by user instead of a crash, sadly crashing has becoming more common in PRP recently
  10. this rule was alr added kind of recently
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