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Everything posted by Phil

  1. I don't even get a shout out ooof Sad to see you go will miss you
  2. Happened alot when I was staff, id be on gmod for 3-4hrs a day and be the only/main staff on and any calls to get more staff on would be ignored, soz your going thru that
  3. A blood? In GSC? LMAO obvs not apart of my fam
  4. denied multiple times in the past and will continue to be denied for this reason
  5. Phil

    Willy false warn

    That's all well and all but staff don't, what is that sending to the community when staff who are supppsed to be examples do it and get away with it then a non staff member does it and gets warned, my statement and +support stand
  6. +support Had a gun pointed at him while he was stationary, fearRP applies him screaming you can't mug me does nothing to change the fact he's under fearRP
  7. Oof ? sad to seeya go
  8. Phil


    Isn't he that gay non aussie? Jk congrats bruvva deserved it for ya hard work and dedication from a aussie to a new zeeeeeealander congrats
  9. Phil

    CHIKENS Appeal

    +support Free my mans
  10. Oh yeah cos being brought to a "sit" which was only just so ronin could tell me off and me not defend myself and get player dissed during the sit is perfectly fine, but watch out if I say "Fuck off" to him calling me and my family a minge and then after the "sit" was done and me not allowed to once again continue with what I was saying or anything with John doing absolutely nothing to "moderate" keep the "sit" within guidelines when I get talked over, interrupted by both him and ronin. That's the Way yall are gonna see it and not actually see the context then this is just a lost cause cos as per usual staff always side with staff, during the sit as John did multiple times during the sit and now yall cos someone said a swear Since if I reply to ronin it's "arguing" even if he's allowed to, not once did I tell John kill to "Fuck off" he's someone I consider a good pal the only time I swore towards him was when I told him to "Fuck ME(the big emphasis on the word me)off from the sit since im not able to say anything, only times I said "Fuck off" was when ronin called me and my family minges which anyone would do so. How ronin can get away with player dissing whereas I say "fuck off" to him calling me and my family minges and I get warned for player diss I'll never know
  11. Phil

    Willy false warn

    +Support Literally everyone goes around and does this and if any of us get told to stop by a staff member we all will, strange how he was the only one to of been pulled to a sit and warned if a entire group was doing it but that's just me Kinda hypocritical tho when the staff member who issued the warn and those that are -supporting this warn appeal do this exact same thing on the regular, different rules for different people I guess
  12. i was saying "just fuck me off since this sit is done" multiple times since you made it abundantly clear that the "sit" if you could call it that was over was when you said: Admin| SWAT MSGT Ronin XL6: End of discussion. Admin| SWAT MSGT Ronin XL6: YOu can send him back now John it wasn't even a sit since i never got to even finish what i was saying without being interrupted by either you or john i had to resort to typing which got ignored anyway. You get away with calling me and every single member of my Family a minge but the moment I say "Fuck off" its a warn for player diss and a minge, makes perfect sense
  13. Your In-game: Phil GSC Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114270629 The admin's name in-game: SWAT MSGT Ronin XL6 The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL]Anarchy moat.gg What warning did you receive: Player DissX#|"I don't give a fuck anymore" Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/id/Lord_0f_Woe/screenshot/784106011902820943 Why do you think this warn was false: i believe its false because telling someone to "fuck off mate" after getting their family called minges in ooc/staff sit mulitple times shouldnt be a warnable offience, arguing with it in ooc then taking it to a sit,multiple times during the sit he dissed my family calling them minges and referring them to the yuki's, i then tried to clear up why my family got into 3 shootouts(1st being attempted bank raid but a bloods member interfered shooting us then cops were involed due to bloods shoot out with us, 2nd being when we broke out a family member who was being arrested for a unrelated matter, 3rd shootout for due to the breakout in suburbs) since that was what the sit was about then get told the sit was over before i got to finish explaining, then procceded to assert that hes a admin and that anyone shooting for no matter what reason would get warned. me saying "I don't give a fuck anymore" was due to them finishing the sit before i got to say my peace so i said "I don't give a fuck anymore" just hurry up and retrun me unless im gonna be warned and apparently saying "fuck off mate" to someone disrespecting my family multiple times in both ooc and the sit is considered player diss Any extra information: n/a
  14. I mean wouldn't you just use the undercover npc to do stings/steakouts? Plus I mean the whole suit thing would be narc looking anyway
  15. Phil

    Irwin's Old Warns

    +support Irwin good warn bad and old
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