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Everything posted by Phil

  1. This is from a while ago and I've had alot of things happen in my life since this warn was issued but unless you can provide proof that you didn't ltap during a sit as well as staff diss, I will have to say this warn was indeed correct
  2. Phil

    Who is cuter?

    munchies is the cutest lil sesh goblin out tho
  3. As much as I don't want to I will be putting up my resignation from this amazing department, for the past few years I've been dealing with depression and now getting help for it, with that being said I'm focusing moreso on myself and taking time away from alot of things including gaming or having less time to play die to meetings with my therapist In saying that heres some people I'd love to give a shout out to: Gamik: my first director I've served with, who I learnt a lot from and considered a model agent for snyone to look up to. Jimmy: first off I'd like to thank you for putting faith in me to be able to get Low Command, you've been a valuable friend and a great director and I know FBI is in safe hands with you Jack: we went up the ranks together even if you outrank me now your still a great bloke :') Juan: the leader of mexi grill and a good mate thank you for your leadership and helping me out when I needed it Luckygoose: an exemplary agent and a even better friend thank you for the raids and busts we did together friend. to all the many agents i served with and commanded thank you for being apart of such a great department In closing thank you all for making the department what it is and I hope I helped in ways to benefit the department and assist command. Thank you to those who helped me and put faith in me to become a DAD in the FBI. Stay strong and continue the good work in my absence. This is FBI DAD PHIL RA10 signing off. Fidelity, Bravery and integrity - the standards we hold as Agents remember that.
  4. i like ya wonton but gotta agree with munchies
  5. I know most of us play gmod but what other games do you guys like to play? you'll mainly find me playing BF4, Escape From Tarkov and Star wars Knights of the old republic 1&2 here's a lil clip I made if anyone was interested
  6. -support shouldn't be walking around with a physgunned prop anyway no RP sense to it and can be considered prop minging specially if you hit cars/people
  7. Phil

    Warn appeal

    -support telling anyone to "kill themselves" is never okay regardless of the situation
  8. +support Fits requirements
  9. Your In-game: Phil Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114270629 The player's name in-game: Ferb911 The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:102586862 What did the player do: has 74 warns, told me multiple times during sits I took against him he didn't care for rules Evidence (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1918523023 What do you believe should happen to the player: PermaBan or anything smt decides Any extra information: N/A
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