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[GL] Tom

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Everything posted by [GL] Tom

  1. To be comletely honest I don't know anyone that deserves admin more than munchies right now, he is so active, he helps everyone litterally (me a lot xd) and @Jeff Junior Yeh, a while ago Munchies used to get a temper every now and again but I have noticed recently that munchies has learnt how to suppress it and how to be calm in all situations so for that reason I think he should get admin. Goodluck munchcake.
  2. Stay safe buddy I hope nothing more than peace and protection over you and your family. See you soon!!!
  3. COngratz noot and gg on Dep com, much deserved!
  4. whi play fortnut when we have the ROBLOX NIGHT?!?!
  5. Sorry buddy, you're a really cool person and I believe if you make a new app in like 2 weeks it will be a great app.goodluck buddy.
  6. Just because someone is complaining about something doesn't automatically determine that darkspiker is breaking any kind of rules, I feel like your judgement was very rushed and I feel like you should of dealt with the situation in a much much much better way
  7. 100% AGREED Otherwise there is no way to know if someone is undercover and this would make it impossible to trust people when they first join someones family etc.
  8. +Support It gives people there own unique thing that can make them standout. As felix said don't add gifs but having text of what your name is and other things like that is a really awesome thing for a forums and is almost essential for some people on a forum, including me! ?
  9. Welcome buddy! I bought GMOD about 8 weeks ago now and this was the first server I logged onto and the only server I log onto and I can say in your first week of playing the server everything becomes much easier I suggest finding a friend group to chill out with and have some fun on the server :D if you have any questions pm me in-game or wherever you can contact me best :D
  10. Welcome buddy and I wish you the best of luck in your marriage
  11. Then you asked him to remove it, so then he was... he was trying to dupe it and then delete it but u just straight warned him like.... give him some time atleast ?
  12. Those toes look like an ugly worm... not even a good lookin worm
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