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About Senior

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Thank you for your service, welcome to the club.
  2. I'm not homosexual or a rapist, hes making things up.
  3. Just saying a-lot of those warns are over a year by the look of the old staff members names and some are also duplicated by the look of it, if the person is not minging I dont really see the point of punishing him.
  4. Free Money? For Mother Russia!!!
  5. In 2015 I saw a YouTuber and I was like, that's a cool game let me get it and boom got the game and then I start it no lifing the game.
  6. Name: Senior Rank: Sergeant Callsign(ex:1D12): X87 Division: NU-7 Concerns: N/A
  7. Senior

    Guardian's ET App

    +Support +Active In-Game +Active in ts and the forums +Good Application +Mature (This is If Mike really said that you no longer have to be part of staff to apply for Event Team)
  8. This is just a question for the hud that shows our health and armor, are we able to get like the blinking hud this will also make 173 able to move once somebody blink.
  9. Senior

    Cool moment

    The Flash-Bangs that Me and Scheffer throw were really effective on that situation they were all blinded.
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