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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. We are 2/2 meaning we are a tie but I give it to duv he is a very good sniper and was an actual challenge,
  2. Oooo SRT can actually afford a bearcat almosttt +support
  3. He does got a good point
  4. Hannah

    Family Appeal

    I do agree the wm family breaks NLR/rdm/ failrp a lot and it does remind me of the yuki family a lot tbh. But that's what happens when a family is poorly maintained and no consequences are given out to the minge players, but for the PD family they never did anything wrong in my eyes , they were just a standard crime family I honestly rarely seen them break rules, but that could just be the time I joined the server.
  5. + - + PD hasn't had a model change in a long time plus looks more realistic -support the PD player models have the gl logo on there and I am guessing it cost a little bit of money to add that
  6. I am so so speechless fame of course I will always be there the time you were a yuki I knew we would go far as friends and like what I said you were going to become manger in a few months and you did I am so happy that we changed our ways for the better, thank you for everything you have done for this lovely community for real ??
  7. I don't recall having an issue with you , you seem nice tbh
  8. I am actually really proud of you blitzton SRT made a good choice to make you Co-commander but always remember this with great power comes great responsibility and I know you will lead SRT into a better department :3
  9. Hannah


    +support the ofc was dragging him
  10. No those sops and members are black listed for a reason and I want those to stay in the past xD
  11. +support this rule will make people start caring for there life
  12. Of course not we aren't going around as anime player models ???
  13. Like what I said earlier I am low command in a department of government it would be silly to start a war in any PD or government trust me I got alot of planed for this family and it isn't mass shoot outs that was honestly stupid asf and even childish to do so we aren't asking for our old family rules back we are asking for our family name and under mikas control these shoot outs won't happen we accepted our mistakes and moved on I understand why a lot of you people are scared of letting us back in the community our old leader was very disrespectful to a lot of people I want to show every one what it was like in the Yuki's I treat my swat members the same way as I did to them and I bet most of them will agree with my kindness , every one makes mistakes but its never to late to fix them, thank you. And we never asked any one to leave they did that on there terms ,
  14. As low command in swat ik how much shoot outs we have and its crazy this family will have sops about when and not to kos some one and it would kinda be silly to have a fight with cops if I am in a low command spot my self @Jeff Junior
  15. You do got a lot of valid points but I dislike the comment about people leaveing that was on there terms not ours we never asked anyone to leave I do agree with the shootouts\ mass rdm and I promise you if this family becomes a thing again that will not happen the yuki family name is special to us for a reason that's where most of most of us became known you got to understand we know our mistakes we learnt from those mistakes and we just want all this beef behind us and let it stay in the past I really do understand why you would -support it but I ask you not to think of our past and think of our future
  16. PS we aren't running around as anime player models because that's for anime rp not police rp
  17. Family name : Yuki's Ingame Name:Hannah king SteamID:STEAM_0:0:422051471 Ban Length:Black listed Family owner, Asuna yuki aka Steven king, he's blacklisted SMT member who issued the ban:snar Reason for Ban: multiple warning\owner has no respect, I agree Dispute: so I recently started thinking of making a ban appeal for the Yuki's name as it is really unfair to Banning a family just because of one person Yuki's were actually amazing family the haters didn't see that because they always messed with us and used to make clips of the of a week old video when sits have been taking care of I do admit we did have a crazy amount of shoot outs witch will change if the family's name is back, I want to bring this family back to show how much of a good and fun family it was , most of the members who were in the Yuki's are JMT \SMT if we were such a bad family why are most the people in it high ranked staff members, if this family comes back me and @Mika Yuki will run it and make sure every one follows the motd\rules with this new leadership I can promise you there will be no Minges no rdm or any of that will happen, thank you to any one who sees this:)
  18. I'm not even trying to get followers though I could care less. I am doing this because its almost Christmas and giving is one of my favorite things around this year ?
  19. So I have been thinking I really love Christmas and giving so I was thinking of doing a Christmas custom class give away to 1 person, the custom class is just a basic $75 once the give away is done I will be gifting a member $75 worth of credits for they can add it, To enter 1:Tag at least 3 of your friends in the comments 2: Follow me on gaming light to keep up to date if anything changes 3 : wait until Christmas ? 4: all names will be going into a draw and will be lived streamed at Christmas Eve If not allowed smt could delete this at anytime Countdown https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/christmas?iso=20181225T00&p0=55&msg=Christmas+custom+class+give+away+&font=serif&csz=1
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