Family name : Yuki's
Ingame Name:Hannah king
Ban Length:Black listed
Family owner, Asuna yuki aka Steven king, he's blacklisted
SMT member who issued the ban:snar
Reason for Ban: multiple warning\owner has no respect, I agree
Dispute: so I recently started thinking of making a ban appeal for the Yuki's name as it is really unfair to Banning a family just because of one person Yuki's were actually amazing family the haters didn't see that because they always messed with us and used to make clips of the of a week old video when sits have been taking care of I do admit we did have a crazy amount of shoot outs witch will change if the family's name is back, I want to bring this family back to show how much of a good and fun family it was , most of the members who were in the Yuki's are JMT \SMT if we were such a bad family why are most the people in it high ranked staff members, if this family comes back me and @Mika Yuki will run it and make sure every one follows the motd\rules with this new leadership I can promise you there will be no Minges no rdm or any of that will happen, thank you to any one who sees this:)