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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. Omggg NoOne should be super admin if anything Major +support Friendly Great role player Easy to approach Funny #makeNoONeSuperadmin! The Lengend has returned!!
  2. I hope you have amazing Christmas as well
  3. I awp a lot of criminals don't break the law xDD
  4. Hey I was only a bully in the yuki days but I grew up kinda
  5. Hello everyone!I have been on the server for a year now, however, I would like to formally introduce myself.My Real Name is Alyssa and my in game name is Hannah King goddess Hannah or SWAT SGT Hannah Some of you might know me from the yuki days god that was a rough time anyways my future job i wanna do is be social worker and help people out with depression/mental health problems everyone calls me a sweet heart aha. most of my time on gaminglight hasn't been to bad i have been in the most powerful family and learned alot of skills there my besties bryce maddog blitzon all of swat and kings family i guess i made a pretty decent name for my self here. if you ever need help or have questions you can message me on fourms or teamspeak, thank you gaminglight communty and alot more years to come #makepolicerpthenumber1rpserveringmod, byeee
  6. Hannah

    PoliceRP Status

    The 3rd one mostly happens when the hostage taker doesn't accept the payment or will just stall in that case tac teams move in yes this is a thing srt aru and swat needs to work on i try my best to always let the bank raid happen and after give the money for the hostage but the higher ranks say move in we gotta listen to orders because they are above us .
  7. Hannah

    PoliceRP Status

    Holy shit thanks zeeptin for your hardwork even that you were in collage you still did amazing job
  8. +- support I mean you did call the cops so that kinda brought him to kill you +support he counted way to fast
  9. Uhh kinda your falut for giving him the money it isn't really fail rp that he scammed you , if you went up the President IRL and gave him 500k to resign do you think he would, -support
  10. So sorry I got back to you late my in game name is Hannah swat Sgt Hannah or Hannah gang
  11. -support I can kinda see where he was coming from
  12. I can give yeh 500k in game when ever I get on
  13. Just some thoughts as we enter the Christmas season. It is important to remember that not everyone is looking forward to Christmas. Some people are not surrounded by large wonderful families. Some of us are having problems during Christmas and may be overcome with great sadness when we remember the loved ones who are not with us. For many it is their first Christmas without a particular loved one and many others lost loved ones at this time. And, many people have no one to spend these times with and are overcome with loneliness. We all need caring, loving thoughts right now. give a moment of support to all those who are having family troubles, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune. If any one would like to hangout \ talk or any of that my ears will be open to hear I know what its like to have a broken family and I love supporting others though hard times,
  14. +/- support I mean you kinda did this to your self vibes and his friend are known problem starter's at gaming light even if you didn't mean to to start any issue's you still deserve some kind of punishment
  15. A lot's been going through my head lately, most of it hasn't been very pretty. As much as I want to continue to be in community, but I am no longer able to do so. I'm not here to write a story, but I will at least say that I've cherished my time here and I was honored to be able to serve such a wonderful community for the time that I did and I want to say Thank you to every one who ever was nice to me one of my main reasons of leaving is aru is coming back and a few more private ones. Thank you so much smt for accepting me to be staff 2 times, even though its hard to say good bye I feel like this choice is right, I have been in this lovely community for like almost 2 years and competed my goals I made swat into a respectful family that's what I wanted to do mostly, and I will never for get what they have done for me Good byes @myandabeast Thank you so much freaking much for accepting me in to swat I will never forget you @Josh H-Y. thank you for being the best co commander on the server you have helped me out in a lot of ways and I will always @Fame thank you for being a really good brother and being really supportive we have been though a lot of shit and we still made it @ExoTic Maddog thank you for being a like a real friend honestly I never had some one this close to me in my life and I am so happy for everything you have done for me and just know I will never forget you @soulness oh my lord do you ever remind me of my self when I first joined swat your breaching is honestly amazing, and you were one of my close friends and I'd say your like a brother to me honestly, And ps the give away is still happening I am a person of my word and will never lie, Thank you so much gaming light community I will never forget the endless nights of fun,
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