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Hannah last won the day on April 27 2020

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About Hannah

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  1. Soo recently you guys have might have heard  me taking a break from gmod but I am sadly to say this but it's going to be permanent,  I requested steam to delete my account and it will be deleted in 24 for hours I did this because  my computer is messed up and I won't be getting a new one,  as I have the baddest  luck with computers

    Matthew sorry I cant tag you butt 

    I want to say thank you so for what you have done for me and this community      it means alot to   people you are such a sweet heart I am not even kidding    

    @Blitzton oh my gosh theres alot to say to you , you have grown up in many ways from we  first met    but sadly I cant keep up with the hacking harrassment  and other false accusations  what's leading me into    depression  when I first joined gaminglight there was alot more nice people ,  and my computer is completely   fired also 

    @ mikey cant find yea name but I wanna say thank you for being the coolest guy on the server I have never heard you yell at anyone in staff sits or other stuff you are such a good staff member you might not believe  it but trust me you're very dedicated   and I cant wait till that SA tag   


    @Calamity  idk if I can tag jmt ik we had our little fights and ups and down but I will always respect   what you have done for gaminglight  and keeping the alts away 

    @th3 I finally  get to tag you!  But you might be surprised  you're  on my list , I just wanna let you know thanks for what you have done   and I'm sorry about our past fighting 

    I will still be on fourms alot to see how everyone's doing though 


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