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Everything posted by Vice

  1. +support i agree the colors should be diffrent
  2. I agree most guns are pointless. and especially the honey badger its makes the ARU rifleman really bad
  3. spoon said this and i kinda agree try to have a better approach to meetings other than that great LT
  4. + support cause it does show clear abuse if he didnt say anything i would say it looks like an accident but it doesnt appear to be. but i really dont think anything major should come of this as it was just a grab of the car and nothing else but none the less it still happened and the staff member should know better
  5. - support for a whole community blacklist it has to be a pretty major offence most times its a more grow up person or teen. so they know what there and there actions have consequences and if its a little kid being stupid we give them that good life lesson of the actions have consequences and not to say dumb shit and its a gmod community its not a huge loss like a job. maybe this can even teach them how to act accordingly This is to protect the whole community and keep people from harming this great community and make it stay amazing
  6. while i like the idea im gonna - support this while i think it would add a cool aspect of RP it feel like it would make things for both crims and Gov alot more difficult - i feel like this would also lag the hell out of the server with the amount of data that is being made and kept for a database. thats really my main concern is how it might affect the performance on the server.
  7. i have seen it a few times so i agree hopefully this ban will realize to act better
  8. definitely a warn this does not require a ban as this is a minor offence
  9. Were saying a ban from getting 40 warns is not appealable
  10. + support Great application Has been around for quite a while low warns that are older warns
  11. As said above you had plenty of time to correct your behavior now you deal with the consequences
  12. - support While yes he should not have said it this is very old case and is kinda irrelevant now. in a way ( no disrespect intended) this seems very petty to report this 5 months after this happend. Plus the player has owned up to his actions in a post above and has since improved his actions. and from what ive seen this player is good PRP player
  13. +support FearRP was very clearly broken the Nova i think was just a weapon he had out when he got out of the car so he put it away but pulling out a negev was breaking FearRP. This player should have known better
  14. Like Zale said this is not Tolerated and player should be banned
  15. +support as stated above this is clear abuse deal with three PT's is annoying but you could have called for other officers or something else. now i think all that is needed is a strong talking to about this as this is a minor mess up and shouldn't ruin his entire time ( still up to SMT) otherwise this is a great person and staff member
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