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Everything posted by Dane

  1. +Support Active in-game. Active in TS. Active on the forums. Application is decent. Professional and mature. Friendly and respectful. Knows the rules very well. Former staff member. Has experiences on staffing. Overall, Tom Brown deserves a chance on being part of the PoliceRP staff team again. He was a great asset to the staff team and I would be happy to see him back as a staff member. Best of luck, Tom!
  2. +Support I saw him disrespecting staff members and players yesterday and all he does is just insults people. He clearly has no intention to roleplay and is only here to minge around.
  3. Dane

    Rule Question

    Every part of PD is a private property, and only government is allowed to be in it. Civilians cannot be in it whether it is the roof, fence, or even standing on the gate can get you ticketed, arrested, shot and/or killed on sight. The only part that is not a KOS/AOS area is the lobby. -Colonel Dane
  4. Taxi Driver is part of a donation package named "Job Bundle". If you want to get the job, you must buy it from the donation store. You will also receive Truck Driver and also Bus Driver if you bought the Job Bundle. It's worth it!
  5. -Support It looks like you were just harassing and disrespecting Cole. He has said multiple times for you to stop disrespecting him in chat, but you didn't even listen. I quote on Cole's screenshot, "i do wtf i want", which just means that you are not complying with a staff member and looks like you are trying to be a bigger person, which clearly you ain't. The warn that you received was completely valid and I don't see any point on why you made a staff report against him. You don't even have your own evidence, and apparently you are counting on Cole for the evidence. If you want your staff report to be dealt with by SMT, then I suggest you have your own evidence instead of someone's.
  6. -Support Activity in-game needs improvements. Activity in TS needs improvements. Application could use a bit more work. I don't see you assisting officers that much. I don't see you training cadets that much too. Overall, I don't think you are ready for the Lieutenant rank yet. I want to see more activity from you on Sergeant Major, I see you on a lot before but your activity just dropped drastically over the past few weeks/months. I could be wrong about your activity, as I am in a different timezone. Also, your application could use a bit more work. Put a lot of effort and time in it if you think that you deserve the rank and that you want to become part of PD Low Command! Show command members that you are worthy of it and help more officers who are in need, as well as training cadets. That's all from me, good luck! Colonel Dane
  7. -Support I don't think that you would be a great addition to the staff team. Your attitude needs to improve, especially on how you behave towards other players and staff members. You are rude towards other players, and you won't comply with staff members when they are trying to stop you from cursing out players in admin sits, which just shows that you are not a great example for the players. I suggest that you should start acting more mature and professional, be more friendly towards other players and be calm and patient, improve your overall attitude, get more people to know you and get along with them, and also improve your activity in-game, in TeamSpeak and on the forums. Good luck though.
  8. Sad to hear that, Jake. Good luck in your future endeavors.
  9. +Support Active is good in-game. Activity is decent in TS. Application is good. Professional and mature. Friendly and respectful. No warnings. Forums activity needs to improve. Overall, I think that Duv deserves a chance on being part of the PoliceRP staff team. As a player, I have noticed that he is doing well and I have not seen him getting into any trouble, considering the fact that he has zero amount of warnings. I'd like to mention that you should improve your forums activity though, you only have 10 posts. Other than that, best of luck!
  10. +Support Activity in-game is decent. Activity in TS is decent. Application is decent. Friendly and mature. No warnings. Long time member of the community. Forums activity needs to improve. Overall, I believe that Stackable deserves a chance on being part of the PoliceRP staff team. I see him online whenever I am and I think that he would be a great addition to the staff team. Although, I would like to also mention that you should improve your forums activity right away. Other than that, best of luck!
  11. Dane

    Climb Swep

    -Support I remember every government officials used to have this but was removed due to people abusing it and using it incorrectly.
  12. Dane

    tcoops birthday

    Happy birthday, tcoops!
  13. +Support Active in TS. Knows what he is doing. Application is good. Professional and mature. Friendly and respectful. Deserves a chance. Good luck!
  14. -Support Warn was valid. Evidence doesn't show you getting warned or anything about the sit, but the evidence shows you just breaking several rules. I don't see why Steve had to point out and specify which server rules you broke. As for the punishment, I don't see why the need to strike him. He's a Trial Moderator, he's new to the staff team and he's still learning the ropes. I don't know why you have to be hard on him by making a staff report.
  15. Neutral Staying neutral on this until we get the said Admin's side of the story. I think the Admin that we are talking about is @WreckedInRuinz. I'm not sure but if it is you, could we get your side of the story? If it wasn't you, apologies for tagging you. As for this report, the evidence is clear and showed that the said Admin did RDMed Jigsaw. I don't know why Walrus didn't do the sit properly by bringing both players and getting both sides of the story. The sit looked like it was biased. As for the punishment, I think that a demotion to Senior Moderator or Moderator is way too harsh. I think an acceptable punishment for the Admin should be an in-game warning and/or spoken to by SMT. And Walrus should also be spoken to by SMT for not doing the situation correctly. I don't think any strikes or demotions is needed. He could have teleported Jigsaw to the Admin.
  16. Neutral Activity in-game is good. Activity in TS could improve. Activity on the forums needs to improve. Application is good, and has a great amount of effort. Kind of new to Gaminglight. Behavior is good, but could use more improvements. Overall, you deserve a chance, but I just think that you need to start improving your overall activity in-game, in TS and on the forums. Also get more people to know you and get along with those people. Other than all that, best of luck on becoming part of the PoliceRP staff team.
  17. I like every type of cars, to be honest. If anything, I'd probably choose Utility/SUV vehicles, like Ford F-150 Raptor, Ford Explorer, Chevrolet Silverado, etc. Or a luxury sedan type of vehicle, like Audi A6.
  18. Dane

    Sull LT App

    -Support Activity in-game is bad. Activity in TS is bad. Seems like you put little to no effort at all in this application. Kinda high amount of warnings. Inactive on training cadets. Inactive on assisting officers. Good luck.
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