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Rick Sanchez

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Everything posted by Rick Sanchez

  1. - Support I have had no issues or seen any issues with lack of maturity with any Senior Mods+. This suggestion seems to be very targeted at specific member of the staff team, members who are actually good staff and do think in a mature way and are able to think like anyone else. You call out Masterson, but he would not be a senior admin without having that maturity. And I can tell you that he is waaaaaay more mature than some of the older staff members. There shouldn't be an age limit. Everyone should be given a chance at staffing.
  2. -Support Do you have any evidence you are not an Alt? Eternity would not have banned you without doing an investigation
  3. Agreed! Been a moderator for a long time and is more than ready to move up the ranks.
  4. That doesn't say RDM anywhere on it? NITRP means 'No intent to roleplay' and LTAP means 'Leaving to avoid punishment'.
  5. - Support It should say who banned you on the banned screen You wouldn't have got banned for crashing, the logs say if you've timed out and it's unlikely you'd be banned for a one time LTAP. Think there might be more to this. Likely this won't be seen by SMT until after the 3 days, They're very busy people Okay, So I did some detective work and found out everything you should have supplied.... Your steam ID: STEAM_0:1:162485483. Admin: LT Max Holland 1L32. Reason: NITRP | LTAP | FAILRP. @Max Holland
  6. - Support Wouldn't really make sense to restrict this because what if they agree it was false? Everyone should be able to voice their opinion. even if it is biased, one -support won't matter if everyone else +Supports
  7. +/- While its possible you've changed, Bans over 1 year ago are not appealable
  8. Because people want their own CC, I don't think this would solve it. This makes most sense if it works. I don't really know anything about what makes a server lag
  9. Neutral Support Until @EternityAgar Gives His Explanation
  10. - support - The last question is wrong. You wouldn't just ban them. - very high warns - Reasons listed below + Active + Nice guy
  11. Theres new sounds?
  12. Agreed! Good luck Open! - Support because of this:
  13. Okay. I could start getting more active before I go to work, it'd be like 2am est to 4am est. Hope that helps.
  14. +Support If you're applying for command you should already be a mature and respected member of the community/PD so you should be trusted to be able to advertise without It becoming too much.
  15. + Support Sounds really fun. Could add some good RP as well.
  16. What exactly are you reporting him for? - Support. Telling someone to F off can be disrespectful and isn't necessary to someone whos just enforcing the server rules. It sounds like a valid warn and a pointless staff report.
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