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Rick Sanchez

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Everything posted by Rick Sanchez

  1. + Support. Because there was no sit and Will told him to appeal it. Why would you warn someone without being told both sides of the story? Especially because you weren’t involved. Cammy didn’t hear the person asking for a trial and so assumed that he didn’t want one as it prolongs the process of being arrested and most people don’t want that. This warn was unfair, even if it was a legitimate warn, a sit still should have been made.
  2. + Support (Application was changed) The application is decent in quality, I just have some issues with the fact I rarely see you active as staff on the server. It could just be our time zone differences but that doesn’t normally stop me from seeing people. Maybe try and get a bit more active before applying again if this is unsuccessful. - Nice guy though who is very friendly and a good staff member Good luck, Sanchez.
  3. + Support! - Reasons already stated. - Great active guy.
  4. -Support - This would be amazing if possible, Looks great Those other servers might not have had as many mods as PRP does, it's already got like 999 mods which cause lag. a server with just this and a few other things would be fine. but add it to a server with loads of cars, a big map, loads of weapons and other things will be different.
  5. - Support - It's not like every tac unit is massively active. There's rarely more than 5 online. The variety just gives people a choice. The only issue I have is that they're too similar, Only player models really make them unique. I couldn't disagree with you more. I have never experienced any arguing about who has priority, its normally just the highest command online and responding, And I'm not sure why you think tactics is a load of lies. CERT follows their CO's orders and we do what they taught us in training. and I've seen other Tac units do this too. Yes, ARU is British but they are hardly just PD. They just the same training as any other TAC. I don't see why you only have an issue with them when CERT doesn't actually exist as a TAC unit and DS is military. You don't have to make sense of why they exist. They're there and they're fun and give the server more variety on TAC teams.
  6. - Support - 0 punctuation in the longer questions also filled with weird spelling mistakes which shows a lack of effort/care - You cannot jail for the amount of time the handbook says, you’d need a higher up. - Barely answered the last question just said that he would follow the handbook and give them some warns? Be more specific about the punishments. - you’re applying for trial mod, not admin - The application is badly written and seems extremely rushed. I’d like to give you a +Support due to you being a good guy and active. But I just can’t with this application. if you just reread it so much of this could be fixed!
  7. +Support This guy returned after like a year and asked me if I could help him to not get perma banned for the 40 warns that are like 2 years old. Told him to not get another one and he should be okay, seemed like a really nice guy. Shame, but he does deserve this, 51 warns is a lot.
  8. + Support - Semi-active on forums - Knows the rules - Nice guy - Active - You can't jail for 10,000 seconds as a T-Mod, So would need a higher up. But I guess you did answer the question. - Professional - Good application - Been on the server for a long time - 0 warns which is amazing considering you have been here for 3 years! - "trail" Moderator but that's not a big deal
  9. Big +Support. Massively agree with th3. Good luck!
  10. In-Game Name: Rick Sanchez Steam Name: Will... SteamID: STEAM_1:0:77530715 Are you a Staff Member Within Gaminglight? Yes. Admin How often are you on TeamSpeak? Every day, whenever I am on any servers, or just talking with people in Teamspeak Why would you want to join our Support team (Word Count 150+)? I have been staff on police RP for a while now and would like to start helping people in other ways and I see support as the perfect way to do this, I love being able to assist people in the issues they have and resolve problems. I would also like to be able to cut down the waiting times that new TeamSpeak users currently face on our server as they currently do sometimes face long wait times. I also believe I do hold all the qualities that are necessary for being support staff, I can be professional, friendly and I also have a good knowledge of the serves of gaminglight and can provide an excellent experience to new players. I would also like to be able to assist current players with tag requests or people breaking the Teamspeak rules. I also am active on TeamSpeak most of the time as I normally have it open when not on the server as it is how I communicate with people on the server so I would be able to assist people most of the time throughout the day. I am also in the GMT Timezone which is rare on gaminglight and also enables me to be active when most EST/US players/support are not which means I can provide support when most support members cannot How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I feel that I am extremely active and are in a timezone that would enable me to be active when most other staff cannot be. I am also a very professional and friendly person who just wants to help people out. and I feel like this is a good role to do this. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? I would greet them by introducing myself and explaining that I represent the gaminglight TeamSpeak and would like to help them any way I can Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? Yes
  11. HUGE +Support - Amazing guy - Deserves Senior Admin - Very active - Very good application - Knows rules fluently - Been admin a good amount of time
  12. + Support - Not only do you have 40 warns but were RDMing and being a minge with the intent to be warned so you could be banned. Clearly does not care about the server. I told you multiple times that having 38 warns does not mean you are 'Already banned anyway' People have gone entire years without getting a single warning. Just don't break the rules. but you did anyway. You deserve this ban not just because of the amount of warns but the clear lack of regard for the server
  13. - Big negative support - Low forums activity - You are still staff on another server, Why not resign then apply? - Never seen you before - Random capitalization on the longer questions - No grammar and misspelled words, this looks extremely rushed and like you don't care at all - Some parts make no sense at all. - You didn't really answer why you deserve the rank. Just said about how you don't want people to hate you? and the bit where you did try to answer the question doesn't make much sense - 180 seconds for mass RDM is a very low jail time, Did you actually read the handbook? - Trial mods cannot ban for a week - I really do not think you're ready for staff
  14. Mainly people breaking priority rules. Just ruins any kind of role play. Especially People that can mow down 5 people with ease so they don’t bother with any kind of role play, same with the GTR, insanely fast, so why stop for running a stop sign and a £50 ticket/Warning? It has been improving recently though.
  15. Above 10 is quite worrying. 7 isn’t too bad, as Jayden said it could be worse. You’ve clearly changed your ways though so I wouldn’t worry about them reflecting badly on you.
  16. + Support! - Great guy - Very friendly and approachable - Extremely active on PD and criminal - I genuinely believe he wants to help the community and it’s members - Knows the MOTD and the more obscure rules - low warns. You have 4 warns, not 6. Not sure why you think you have more There’s just two things I have an issue with: - Your last question isn’t really answered correctly, it’s asking how you would handle a sit so you need to be more specific on it. It’s too vague - Low forums activity
  17. - Support - Had to be told to fix the application by the -Supports. - No punctuation and spelling mistakes which could either show that the application is rushed, or you don’t really care. - I don’t think you’re ready.
  18. - Support. The government normally do value the hostage's life, but you gotta think about it in their perspective, they just spent 8 minutes normally talking about random stuff/Impossible requests just so that the robbers can get the money/Stall to the minute mark. If this rule was removed it means that the criminals could just keep stalling and always rob the bank. It's kinda failRP but I feel like if money was as magic as being directly transferred into your bank account that cannot be touched by the government after 8 mins and the criminals respawn with the money, i'd like to think they would have a similar policy irl. You can only have so much realism when faced with something that is very unrealistic
  19. - Support - The biggest issue is the fact you only have 3 hours on the server - Even if you signed in with your steam account, You still make a forum account. You joined January 2nd, 2019. - Only 1 post and this is it. - You're applying for Trial Moderator, Not just 'staff' - If you're in Germany your timezone will most likely be 'Central European Standard Time' - Warning for Disrespect isn't about if it offended you, You should take someone who is being toxic/offensive seriously because they will most likely have that toxicity to other players which is our job to prevent. Warnings also serve as a criminal record for the players so staff can see what they're like when deciding on punishments. You also would not be able to Jail for 10,000 and Minging is no longer a thing. - I don't think I have ever seen you, and we are in very similar Timezones, Only one hour apart. - No poll - Wrong title - Replied to own application Because of these things, I just really don't think you're ready for staff.
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