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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. I'm from England and even I know that there's a city called Rockford... In Illinois...
  2. Thought you were still CPL tbh -Support Inactive Never seen as PD Can Minge at times
  3. Server is called PoliceRP but I'm gonna say +Support, fugitive recovery sounds nice
  4. Tbh that just looks worse on you trying to call him out.
  5. This one's better https://goo.gl/images/gHF5JD
  6. +/-Support Only just getting active 1.5 months isn't really enough if your skipping SM
  7. Gonna go with +/-Support for now Good guy but you've been a little inactive as PD recently and we're promoted about a week into March to SM. Aka you've only been SM about 2 and a half weeks. Wait around 2 weeks more and stay active and you will have my full +support
  8. I couldn't accutally leave an opinion then cus I couldn't read it but yea +Support people really need to stop calling player diss on every single thing someone says.
  9. +Support Haven't really seen you much on but seems to have a lot of positives Maybe just increase activity a little (may be timezones)
  10. I literally can't read any of that. The font hurts my eyes.
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