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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. +/-Support https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DaYyhhj8RkwM-ddX7F43HTXfdYa6DvFw/view?usp=drivesdk Knows how to command and is a good friend but hasn't really been CPT long enough
  2. +Support Also have been a lot of problems with him in the past
  3. +/-Support It's a good app but there's no poll, you've only got 2 posts and I've never seen you online in game
  4. +Support Get yelled at by PD if my truck falls in the water when im running from thrm
  5. I'd like there to be more ridealongs as it brings more RP but not to make it so you HAVE too
  6. +Support Should let people who want to play and be active when servers full be able to
  7. +/Support I do see you on quite a bit but in my opinion 1 week isnt enough time Maybe wait about 2 weeks longer and you'll have my +support
  8. Big -Support 1 your not alloud to raid/lockpick PD 2 you failrpd by running away after being revived 3 you were micspamming 4 you were a huge Minge yesterday
  9. Only ever seen you once in game
  10. You do have the whole vault but parts of it will end the heist saying you ran from it Maybe the area could be made so you have the vault and the room leading into it +/-Support
  11. +Support Only get about 10 fps when on server when full...
  12. Anyone can ridealong with each over as long as they're in the same department. I'd like to encourage more ridealong as it brings a bit more RP and helps by one person calling stuff out on radio and the other driving. It's also help in shootouts so you not there to die alone and your ridealong partner will die with you. No police ridealong with civilians tho
  14. 187th/Medics commander Aka this dooood https://goo.gl/images/SqTK1q
  15. ^^^ if it doesn't cause lag
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