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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. I don't have it but someone I know does
  2. 50mil for a breaching charge, 95mil for 2
  3. -Support Huge lag, bad controls and it makes a lot of cars unusable.
  4. -Support You've not been SM long enough The app is pretty bad And I've never seen you online.
  5. +/-Support It's an alright app but we want to know more of why you want to become and LT and why you stand out, rather than a backstory of your life. Also need to see you stand out in game more, ie training cadets etc
  6. Only issue is if there's nno gas pumps or jerrycans, you'll get to use your car for 10 mins then have to sell and rebuy it....
  7. A lot of people have Nova My next bid be 2.6mil
  8. +/-Support Your a great guy and a good PD member but I think that you need to wait another 2 weeks or so being active and then ill +Support.
  9. Ive been bamboozeled by the rare gun God god dammint
  10. No offense, but the app looks pretty shite First thing I see when i look is OFC LT OFC LT OFC LT OFC LT
  11. Unkn0wn_F1R3

    CW 2.0

    +Support Most police irl with weapons have attachments on and it would be nice for them here
  12. -Support You already have access to 2 chargers one of with is faster than the pursuit chargers if you know how to handle it.
  13. -Support I'd like some new PD vehicles but half the ones you have shown are already in the server and the other half don't look right for it.
  14. Agree best way to level up as a jedi
  15. Uk Cornwall, America no clue (I live in Englond btw)
  16. I had 2 gerbils, one died in February and the other still stands today
  17. -Support You don't need to shut down a family just because one person RDMs, it's like saying that the PD needs shutting down because an OFC RDMed someone You only need to punish the person breaking the rules, not the entire family
  18. Unkn0wn_F1R3

    My thanks

    Wew! Keep up the good work and the next one will probably come soon -Maj Bob Bob
  19. I mean I would +Support it but it would require remaking the map and adding more to it
  20. What's the command to switch to Ex-Military Guard? A lot easier to use f4 menu...
  21. Impala is for LT+ Also the impala isn't as good as a charger in most people's opinions -Support
  22. +Support He's also been trying to get a lot of people demoted and blacklisted from PD.
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