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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. +/-Support Only seen the last 2 days Seems alright in game
  2. Ill say +Support for the reasons naby put but I'm just gonna say that you could be a bit more active on PD I have seen you on PD but just I wouldn't say quite enough
  3. I'm gonna say +Support for your effort and experience in command but I just need to see you on the LT job a bit more (may be timezone diff)
  4. +/-Support Good member if the PD but you need to increase your activity on the SM job. In the command meeting yesterday - if your active and are dedicated to PD your a lot more likely to get promoted was one of the things talked about
  5. Quite active but had a couple of issues +/-Support
  6. Huge +Support to command models but probably not those ones.
  7. Once you've applied and denied it should be 14 days I think
  8. Half of low command wouldbe kicked out if being a dispatch operative eas required. not all of us use a mic
  9. Sounds like a good idea, can set rules for who can use what mod in thedepartments if someones gonna compain that its easily ababued pack also contains a wider variety of guns which can be good
  10. +Support More roleplay and it can work well
  11. Just needs to spend more time on PD
  12. Who are you? -Support above reasons
  13. Literally NEVER seen you on the server as any class atal
  14. +Support this script has worked very well on previous servers ivive played on
  15. YESYESYESYES +++SUPPORT All above reasons
  16. -Support Not seen much One week isn't enough Give it 2 more weeks of being active and you'll have my +Support
  17. Pepsi max Or hot chocolate with shit loads of cream
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