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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. Could have waited a week or two but is a great guy
  2. Name: LT Bob Bob 1A51 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:105614491 Current rank: Lieutenant How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : A month and a bit Rank Wanted: Captain Are you Currently In a family/gang? (Be Honest Don't lie!): i sometimes join small families from time to time. (usually for around an hour or two). How many warns do you have? 1 for failrp Do you have a Working mic? Yes, But prefer not to use it. Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): N/A Why should you be promoted? : I should be promoted in the Rockford City Police Department due to my dedication towards the department and the server. I am very active and am online mostly everyday. I have a great knowledge of the rules and laws and think I could help out more people as a Captain. I help people whenever they need it, splitting my time between staff and PD. I am rarely on a criminal class and work very hard as a Lieutenant. I can deal with situations calmly and love to take any rank in PD as ridealongs. I have lead multiple big situations before and would like to add to this in the upcoming months. I deal with everyone fairly and take both sides of the situations equally. I regularly do Teamspeak checks and make sure all officers are following rules. I am online at different times as other command so due to this i can help players who cant join at times when the server has a lot of command on. I would like to make more of a difference and feel this is the correct way to do so. I have been in the department for a long time and have gained a lot of experience from this. I think i would be a great asset to the department as a Captain and hope to stay here for a long time. (Timezone is GMT so some of you may not see me that often) You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes
  3. Added a bit.more color and for the lower tier crimes you only serve time if it is repetitive
  4. As I said, these are only rough guidelines for those who need it, if you dont agree with what's in there, dont follow it
  5. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pvqv2aoRPeBwhqMzdbAF4wwcCfOGLWHHm7oFwtfVKy0/edit?usp=drivesdk This any use for current arrest times?
  6. this is only something i made in my spare time to help those that need it, please dont complain that you use different punishments as these are only basic guidelines from my experience. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pvqv2aoRPeBwhqMzdbAF4wwcCfOGLWHHm7oFwtfVKy0/edit?usp=drivesdk All arrests are up to the officers discretion for how long they want to Arrest you for or how much they want to ticket you for. This is'nt official guidelines high command has made, so if you think something's wrong with it just pm me and go off your own experience.
  7. If there are more than one in a close area the timer is quicker, so when there's about 5 in the room it takes about 5 mins per silo to earn each load of money
  8. Huge +Support There was a group of bloods(seen in screenshots in money silo post) who would have overall earned around 30mil each from the whole thing.
  9. I'll try and find some bigger ones where I was undercover
  10. Post your best money silo encounters/ raids here! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1313216452 EDIT: heres some from when i was undercover: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1313468091 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1313468586 you can earn a lot of money from silos... especially when theres a HUGE gang of bloods
  11. I use the turtle Beach recon 50 and got it for 50 quid
  12. +/- Support People may not know how to use it and PD won't be able to legally obtain guns, neither will anyone
  13. After they die they can respond if there's another panic there, but if not they can't.
  14. i can, just use dead criminals dead bodies! anyway +Support
  15. There used to be a trunk system like this a few months ago but it got removed for some reason which could be lag, but +support if it doesn't cause frame drops etc
  16. Unkn0wn_F1R3


    +support Could be nice
  17. Eternity is donor mod so can't respond, I talked to him in game about it and I'd recommend talking to him on TS
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