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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. It's cause players with high warns to think they have immunity and gain another 30 or so warnings after if this happens. -Support
  2. -Support Youve only been SM for 2 weeks witch isn't long enough in my opinion, you were reapestedly telling people on PD to check out and +support your app, you were training officers and then telling them to +Support your app and then you would get them promoted (mass advertising your app) and finally your attitude towards PD isn't right for a command member. -Colonel Bob Bob
  3. when PD dont respond, tac units will complain about it that weve not gone to set up roadblocks and help out
  4. Look through to accepted ones and see for yourself if any are good, I know there will be some pretty good ones
  5. I'm nearly at 80.........
  6. Unkn0wn_F1R3

    Lost rank

    Dealt with in game, SNR rank Received. -Colonel Bob Bob
  7. Unkn0wn_F1R3

    Lost rank

    You should be SNR now as you did ridealongs with me for an hour or so and we're on the server for a lot longer, so I'd be willing to promote you to SNR if your active today. -Colonel Bob Bob
  8. +/-Support You cannot taze anyone with a gun out regardless of if its pointed at you as it could hit another person/occupied building etc. But since you were turned around he might not have seen the gun so I'd say he doesn't really need a warn. -Colonel Bob Bob
  9. You could just use props as all the prop version of the guns are in q menu.
  10. Issue is tac units don't listen and when they do... They're dead and we're we're surrounded by gas, it would be a lot easier to spawn our own in, also do you have an opinion on the other 2 parts?
  11. What you want to see? - PD rules being updated:- allowing command to train more PD than just cadet to improve officer quality. Allowing command to spawn in gas masks(or Maj+) as we often find ourselves in raids which we can take part in but often mustard gas is involved. Maj+ to spawn gas masks so they're not abused/over used Changing allowed guns for all officer ranks. Currently the guns are a big outdated, eg officer can use any smg whereas SNR and lcpl are restricted to only and m4. Also I'd like command to have access to a wider variety of weapons(specifically ranged ones) as the best we can use is an xm which doesn't work in long range situation. Ill list possible allowances for weps. Ofc - Glock SNR - Glock / MP5 Lcpl - Glock / MP5 / M4a1s CPL - Glock / any SMG / M4a1 Sgt - Glock / any SMG / M4a1 / AK47 Msgt - Glock / any SMG / M4a1 / AK47 SM - Glock / any SMG / M4a1 / AK47 / Famas Lt - all above / XM / Sawed Off / Gali CPT - all above / XM / Sawed Off / Gali / SSG550(semi sniper) Maj - all above / XM / Sawed Off / Gali / SSG550(semi sniper) / SG553 / AWP(possibly) Col - all above / XM / Sawed Off / Gali / SSG550(semi sniper) / SG553 / AWP(possibly) Why should we add it? - it would allow more diverse rp without everyone dying to their own weapons (gas) aswel as people with proper training. What are the advantages of having this? - same as above Who is it mainly for? - PD Links to any content - N/A Thanks for reading -Colonel Bob Bob
  12. By the laws of physics and acctual sense, you should be able too as it is a meelee weapon which cannot reach you at taser range. -Colonel Bob Bob
  13. +Support Active now and knows how to do his job. -Colonel Bob Bob
  14. -Support The last time I saw you was 5 months ago... If you improve your activity over the next few weeks I will give my +Support. -Colonel Bob Bob
  15. -Support I think I'm more Unknown than you are.
  16. +Support Active, friendly and a good PD member. -Colonel Bob Bob
  17. +/-Support You a good guy and active but 2 weeks just isn't enough for Major, it's not even enough for LT... But once you've played another 2 weeks you'll have my +support Also what your message about activity says to me is that people shouldn't -Support you because you have 2 weeks and it's not enough, that's others opinions and in my opinion, all applicants should wait a month or more before applying for any rank, especially higher ones. (Just like it used to be a while back) -Colonel Bob Bob
  18. You can only use guns you are alloud with you rank unless you have perm from high command. -Colonel Bob Bob
  19. Is this suggesting anything? If so please use the format. Otherwise this looks more like a PD complaint so I'd suggest posting this under the police section. To answer this thread, if you have 5 or 6 panica at the same time, the amount of backup your gonna get will be limited and chances are, away usually ride together in 1 or 2 vehicles so they can't respond to 6 panics at once. -Colonel Bob Bob
  20. Links, people are still gonna reply until high command have denied/accepted it and if they do deny you, would will have to wait 14 days after that before you can re apply. -Colonel Bob Bob
  21. It was naby also he's not staff
  22. It was naby also he's not staff
  23. -Support Already suggested and denied, already a custom job. We have SWAT, SRT and CERT for that job
  24. When you type !motd in chat it doesn't work. That's prob the issue
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