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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2021 in all areas

  1. *This is not a callout or a rant rather it is a request. I am requesting for recently Removed MAJ J0LT to receive reserves as he would get if he retired. J0lt was removed on the 11th of October 2021 with the reasoning "Inactivity" A little backstory J0LT joined gaminglight long time ago and joined CI just as long ago around the year 2020. From then J0LT did not leave, retire, or get removed. By the time I joined CI (Around mid 2020) and joined CI a day after joining the server. At the time J0LT was at the time a 1LT and S1. During this Hope and him were the main FTO's training going out of their way to train every D class which requested training (Including me and countless other future command). J0LT remained active in CI for MONTHS hosting countless raids, filling out tons of logs, handing out promotions, and being a lead example for CI. January of 2021 he became LTCOL and A3 in E4 (Overseer rank). Around later that time he slipped up a little with an internal command problem involving command problems. The reasoning was a demotion of 1LT for minging during a PT. Under J0LT's vision he was trying to do the right thing by trying to keep minging in command out of the picture. This turned against him and got him demoted back to MAJ. After more grinding in CI continuing great activity he got promoted back to LTCOL. A bit after this he began doing sports and didn't have a ton of time to dedicate to the road to HCMD. Due to this he decided to step down from LTCOL and return to MAJ to not hog a slot for someone who had the chance to dedicate more time. This is also the time he joined nu7. Near the beginning he dedicated a little bit more time to Nu7 to try to grind out those enlisted ranks. He became close to some Nu7 command which began a bit of internal command drama which negatively affected J0LT. This including the banishment of the Head FTO which J0LT was at the time. After the drama passed J0LT remained at MAJ for the remainder of his time as command. He kept up activity, raid logs, E4 logs, PT's, Promotions, etc. All until he got removed for inactivity. My point I'm getting at is: I feel as J0LT should receive MAJ reserves for as he retired due to the fact of all the time and unbroken dedication to CI and it's community. For this reason I felt J0LT was done worse than he should've for the amount of work he put in. For example: 1LT Echo went inactive for a long string of time. Instead of removing him they gave him to either retire, bring up activity, or be removed. He retired and kept reserves. J0LT did not obtain that same privilege he did. In conclusion This is a request asking to HCMD+ to give J0LT MAJ reserves which he isn't able to redeem for a certain amount of time to prevent imminently redeeming them. Giving this would allow J0LT to be rewarded for the dedication to gaminglight and CI he gave to this branch.
    6 points
  2. This is more of a fail on Security's part. FearRP is immediately broken upon two of the guns being put away for cuffs. There wasn't time to establish that to the receiving player "The Gaming Goat" nor did anyone think to re-establish it in that timeframe. Even in the clip, the gun goes out of his view so he would not have known that the proper amount of guns were out. One second and switch doesn't mean you can maintain a freeze, you got to maintain through the whole process. Some people are lenient and will let you have it but the proper way as described in the rules were not established. -Support EDIT: I don't appreciate the use of reputation and constant replies over an opinion that will most often not even be used in deliberation by SMT. You made your statement, I made mine, and we can disagree. But that's immature sir.
    4 points
  3. Okay so let me get something straight. You are complaining that your F R I E N D didnt get reserves. Now this is something I havent seen in my 3 years of running this server...
    3 points
  4. I'd like to start off by saying a couple of things: First of all E11 High Command and CI Gamma were not consulted about this branch update which isn't all that good and hurts our cooperation and branch relations we built so far. Second, I'd like to point out that the reason Alpha Unit has such high HP and Armor are because they are part of a donator only branch and that they have HEAVY restrictions in place. Third, CI only got +50 HP on most classes due to Delta-5 being added to the server, thus having to deal with more MTF equipped with better guns, while I can see the point of CI having the advantage when they have more people on than MTF but recently that only happens only on Friday at around noon when they're getting ready for their meeting (I mean no disrespect to CI here). Now with that out of the way, -support for the HSU changes beside the guns, you guys want an Alpha Unit but without any of the restrictions we have in place which is not only unfair towards CI but towards E-11 as well +support for everything else
    2 points
  5. First one tried hard took quite a bit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bYJVSouLDRowKMbXoPOXAlq2K8zd9XCPMw2j8AUQISs/edit?usp=sharing
    1 point
  6. In-Game Name: Skela Steam Name: (GL) Skela SteamID: STEAM_0:1:165988481 What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Senior Admin/ SCP-RP How often are you online on the forums? Usually on the forums 1-3 times a day in semi long periods. Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? As a Senior Admin and also the rank of an O5 council member, I can confidently say my responsibilities as these ranks will show what I can put on the table for the Forum Diplomat Team. I believe my judgement, communication and observant skills will be put to great use for the community. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision? As an O5 Council member, decisions are made either on our own or as a team. At times you have to make decisions to either control the situation, to completely stop something from happening or to set up preparation for the near future. My 2 & half year of experience as command heavily shows my decision making skills as I've done my fair share of providing solutions towards the people and making it a win-win for all. Also as a Senior Admin, I can confidently say that I tend to provide a leading hand towards lower ranking staff members when I'm available and working alongside with the community in providing the help that's needed. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers? Firstly I would take screenshots and begin to hide all of the spam posts the individual had posted and inform them that if they continue to spam, I will send through all evidence to the Head Diplomat for an official warning or ban if needed. How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal? Making sure the post is clean, I would inform everyone to remain civil and all further posts should be +/- support, while checking on further comments and removing comments that may be offensive, toxic or doesn’t have anything to do with the subject. If any arguments were to continue, the post will be locked for SMT viewing.
    1 point
  7. In-Game Name: Danny SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789) : STEAM_0:1:118322929 What is your ULX Rank?(Donator/Staff): Platinum What is your time played on the SCPRP server?: 6 Weeks What is your RP Rank (MTF,SEC,CI, Etc.)?: MTF E11 LTC What is your time zone?: EST How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 6 Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): I was a former member of this SCP RP's event team. I left the team after 6 months [1/11/2020 - 7/17/2020] at the rank of Member. My time as a SCP event team member was mostly spent creating custom lore events as this gave me more creative space when creating events. The second position I had was on GL military rp's War Dog ET where I would set up small scale events such as terrorist outposts and the such. How Active are you? (1/10): 9/10 How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers. Put the date/reason/server, then explain each one.): [SCPRP 12/2/19] - I have one due to "teaming" with SCPs this was caused because I continued to ride an elevator after 939 got on it and he killed CI because they moved. I got warned because the person was in my custom class so it was assumed that I was working with him. Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I’ve been a long time member of this community jumping from server to server and investing my time and earning into the community. I believe that this is proof that I plan to follow the guidelines because not following the guidelines puts everything I invest into the server at risk. I also have members of JMT, Former JMT and even a member of SMT that can vouch for my level of trustworthiness with an event team rank. And If that isn’t enough, I have my reputation as a former GL SCP ET as proof that I can be trusted with an event team rank. As for the construction of events side I can be trusted to be a great member of event team because my experience in the community has taught me many event techniques such as holograms, room construction, one way mirrors for redacted scenarios, and voice generation of Cassie, SCP 079, and even artificial voice for the use of creating unique events. describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): I have two scenes I'd like to use one new and one old [Update one new more scenario] Old Scene - LCZ Underground Utility Station https://medal.tv/clips/68633798/d1337jXPDEy3?invite=cr-MSxzSFAsODI0Mjc0NCw With this old school event I used to do Maintenance would be called into lower to deal with the after math of a small tremor cause the utility station to be damaged. In order to get in maintenance would have to climb into a pipe in-between HCZ and LCZ and clear rubble blocking a door that would allow the rest of maintenance, security, and research to come down to the station. Once security has made it down maintenance will have to quickly patch holes that will allow hostiles to come pouring into the station these hostiles would be: snakes, spiders, and even D Class tunneling in through the sewage line (Spiders, and Snakes would be players). while maintenance is doing that research's job is to re calibrate a micro power generator down there to ensure that LCZ remains properly powered. Depending on how things are going I could adjust the water level and anyone standing in it without a hazmat would be colored green as a sign of infection and would have to report to medbay for a screening where they'll roll with medical to see whether they're safe or not. Occasionally I'll bring this station back with a couple of changes like a new generator stoles from a GOI or a new researching project to increase power production. New Scene - LCZ Metro Line Station https://medal.tv/clips/68617102/d1337ubXrYd3?invite=cr-MSxzNzAsODI0Mjc0NCw Metro is a new concept I want to try this time around with a story concept of abandoned research wings. This is another maintenance focused event where maintenance has to come down and clean up rubble building on the tracks and restoring the station full operation. Maintenance will roll in with security and after security have come in and cleared the area Player zombies will come in from the Tunnels cause chaos to maintenance personnel and security. should security be deemed unfit MTF will be allowed into the metro area to deal with any zombies or anomalies. Once the first station is clear I plan to make a series of branching stories from the metro lines from abandon power production projects to Secret weapons projects, and even occasionally throw in a hostile faction tunneling their way into the metro line looking for an easy shortcut. this is still a WIP but I hope for it to turn out well. New Scene - UVB - 76 [[:>Reborn_Wild_Fire]] [[:>Executing_Protocol_76]] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_8YIbdF_RljCJS11X0VGpm2NBTqrB9Q0/view?usp=sharing UVB-76 always fascinated me as an actual creepy look into what goes on over our heads. UVB-76 opened up a world for me of looking at WideBand Radio where you can find multiple countries dishing out secret messages & the use of ghost stations. The biggest ghost station in my opinion is UVB-76 as there have been attempts to find the station however no one can quite pin it down. The only thing you can hear from UVB-76 is the occasional buzzing sound coming in at around 25bpm and while that may sound boring occasion code language is sometimes spoken over the radio adding to the mystery. As for my basis behind this event I plan to have UVB-76 be involved in the releasing of a dangerous outdated CS who is hell bent on plotting the downfall of all human life. This event be a long planned story event following the assault of EX D4 Ronin, EX D4 Chupacabra AP3, and EX D4 Orion LE9. These 3 will cause all kinds of problems for the site which each having their own special trait. Old Scene - Concord Cyan Dawn https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MxA3fuVry6liiUNSowG95fzcD1aCFxgQTta8CDmaFec/edit?usp=sharing Concord Cyan Dawn was a custom GOI I made early on in my career as an ET. the group consisted of extremely technical fanatics who are lead by a time traveling & dimension traveling entity known as The Shian. the leader is a time traveling AI hell bent on the destruction of humanity as a way to remove the flaws that they cause in the future. The GOI is capable of bringing with them future tech to use in their fight against humanity. The foundation's job in this scenario is to terminate the Shian and the recover all future tech in for studying. New Scene - Artifact Power Generation: Metro Line Station https://medal.tv/clips/68835208/d1337cTHTBpl?invite=cr-MSxEeUQsODI0Mjc0NCw This one is sort of an update on my Original Concord Cyan Dawn Monadic Plane Crystal but instead of it being stolen from the CCD the foundation was researching a new form of power generation. The site responsible for this research was known as Site 08 a site responsible for electrical artifact studies. The project has lied dormant due to the site's alpha warheads detonating due to [Redacted] leaving the surface Extremely irradiated and impossible to enter even with a radiation suit. However since it's proximity was close to site 50 it was linked with site 50's rail system allowing for an underground route to be accessed after it's been cleared. Once at site 08 research's job is to look at previous notes and discuss with utility on how to move forward either by dousing the crystals in gamma rays to upping the power to re stabilize the crystal so it's safe for transport back. This event will play similar to keep talking and nobody explodes where the artifact will have random traits such as fast moving lights, colors, energy rings, and pulsation. I plan to have a whole document written out that I can provide to research and have research back at site 50 giving instructions to maintenance in site 08 Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes What is your favorite SCP? Why?: SCP-____-J. Cool rock I guess.
    1 point
  8. Funny british man is now deputy chief. Pop the champagne
    1 point
  9. J0lt has done a lot for CI and also to balance the relationship between CI/MTF, but if he wants reserves he should ask them himself. I'm sure SA can work something out
    1 point
  10. I do believe he should 100% recieve reserves as even up to the point of being kicked for "Inactivity" he was regularly showing up on raid logs and such, the removal reason was a farce and it's completely bullshit and feels down right targetted
    1 point
  11. I'm sick of High Command pushing their dedicated workers, no, their own fucking friends under the bus for issues outside of GL/Spending time on personal life. This shit has happened alot recently, even to myself partly, bullshit, utter bullshit, all of it! Give my man the thing he earned, don't take it away like so many have before. Fuck, man.
    1 point
  12. DENIED Security senior command has decided to deny your resignation for one of the following reasons: To cool to leave, epic command member, or another unlisted reason. nah but for real tho its been a good one fusion, see you around the site!
    1 point
  13. "Semi-Serious RP" btw, if he wants to rp with you and get cuffed he can do that. But still y'all didn't broke the number of guns to fearRP so he didn't have to let himself be cuffed.
    1 point
  14. Y'all went from having 3 guns to 1 to then 3 again. Then another D-class did come up while y'all had 1 gun out. -Support
    1 point
  15. +Support for everything except for hsu mark1 and 2 Reason for that is both should have access to the halo reach weapons and mark to should be allowed to be on with no restriction, I mean he is an NCO job for HSU mark 2
    1 point
  16. Towards the end of the clip 3 people were pointing weapons at him and he was still non compliant I am going to side with a +support for a Verbal warning and or formal if deemed fit.
    1 point
  17. oh no. (if you get accepted I might get to train you lmao) +Support The server hasent had a good crash in a while
    1 point
  18. +Support - This user has been removed from Delta-4 ~ Xanthe XX0 - Any questions feel free to message me, Kieran ♡#7910
    1 point
  19. Nah nah I trust you +Support travar is a good guy and I understand why he did what he did and I actually think it was another example to add to why he such a great person.
    1 point
  20. Hm. So what happens if people start meta gaming off the names? Wanna know the answer? Nothing will change. And, suddenly, there's inconveniences for staff, interrogators, and just about anyone. ^
    1 point
  21. +Support +Great reasons for wanting to be ET again +Positive and funny guy -support pretty standard ET event although a fun one.
    1 point
  22. +Support -Massive dedication -Smart -Excels in leading roles
    1 point
  23. Agreed to this. If anything, there should be debuffs to armor and health for a few MTF jobs but that is neither here nor there.
    1 point
  24. +support Well known / Has been ETL before may has crashed the server couple time :trol: But Travar deserves to be et again.
    1 point
  25. +SUPPORT Saying "no its funny" is not a valid reason to not support something, as it stands right now as a gensec member, we need COL+ perms to organize a lower d block raid, fuckin COL+. Like just no, do not let sarkic into lower d block anymore...
    1 point
  26. +Support Fit for a position on the SCP-RP Staff Team.
    1 point
  27. Absolutely fuckin not. I've seen 7101-GL literally wipe raid parties of 10+ men before by itself. There is no reason at all for this class to be buffed as it already has 1000 HP, increased player movement, regeneration during combat, and on top of all that can teleport through walls and doors. Not to mention it can one to two shot any CI class. There is no reason for the buff, its strong enough. - SUPPORT SIDE NOTE: Other than that I think the update is good.
    1 point
  28. Any weapons on or added to the server can get edited by the managers to be made fair, like all D5 weapons, me and price had nothing to do with that and it's not the original weapons, it will definitely be balances/will be made balanced if/when it's on the server No single MTF branch is meant to outweigh CI in any hp/armor due to the size difference. If a MTF branch were to get even with CI than it would be a slaughter just gonna be honest. Also the 50+ hp they got as of recent was if anything not enough to balance D5, which will take time for balancing, so taking this big a leap on MTF side I don't think it is. For balancing CI and MTF you gotta think MTF as a whole instead of E11, Nu7, or D5 in specifics. If you think of them as a whole you can divide MTF into sections and it makes sense when combatting. I mean you kinda are, a lot of people aren't from MTF, I would say maybe 1/3, the rest are from Security and even CI. Not to mention it's even more different due to jobs and the issues that come with that. Thinking about it from that perspective is a little misleading. Again in honesty I think more balancing needs to go CI. Saying that MTF have to handle SCP's and D-class, which we do, that also takes away the main focus of MTF and the specifics. For D-Class that's our secondary job that shouldn't really be a factor here as there is an entire branch for that lol, although every branch has their ups and downs, their still there. For SCP's yall generally have those handled, even than most of them one shot so that doesn't effect it to much but I understand that. For CI you got us D5 lads and E11, and E11 also helps everyone out with everything cause there pretty baller. So honestly CI needs to get a bigger re-work as idk if the 50 hp buff is good enough. -support The HP changes to me seem way to drastic and early for a good re-working stage with D5 coming in. Although Nu7 has been killing it in activity and yall totally deserve some cool new stuff I feel this is just to much all at once, I think it's somewhat balanced now but again I think if anyone CI should be buffed more. +support Everything else is pretty darn cool, including those Halo weapons!!! Like I think this will be amazing!!
    1 point
  29. +Support -Active -Mature and trusted staff member -Good application Good luck!
    1 point
  30. The reasoning the job is getting an increase in slots is because we are merging the two jobs, we are turning the shadow unit into a main HSU job that both apex and shadow will both use instead of having separate jobs and we are turning the apex job into a senior version of HSU that will be stronger then the original but also very limited to who will have access to it. Everyone that has the apex WL will have it removed and given the Mark I WL and will have to reacquired the Mark 2 WL through proving themselves worthy and being hand picked for it. The buff for the HP and armor on some of the jobs are to help balance MTF since MTF not only has to fight CI but also SCPs and the constant rioting D-Class. Regarding 7101, in order to obtain 7101 you have to be hand picked by HCMD and in order to flag on the job there must be 75+ players on the server and 12+ CI combatants, once those requirements are met then 7101 must have an escort to go around the facility and if its a code Yellow/Blue then 7101 has to follow non-combatant rules of engagement meaning she can only attack if attacked first. At the moment 7101 is a very weak job considering Dolos can one shot it since 7101 doesn't have thermals and Dolos can kill while invisible, since 7101 is such a weak job no one wants to play it and is a dead job at them moment. HSU: Mark II isn't receiving a armor buff, its being lowered by 25
    1 point
  31. +support for the most part -support for the HP and armor buffs. Just seems unfair. Not even RRH has that.
    1 point
  32. +Support + Active + Mature + Has leading experience from Havoc and 501st + From EU Goodluck Sanity
    1 point
  33. Let's try to keep arguing to a minimum please. I don't want this appeal post to become muddled with back to forth, so before anything blows up, if you wish to argue, please resolve it in DMs. My last comment on this is the warn was *not* for trying to slip past NLR, but because Fring had hopped onto a D-Class job and got engaged in combat with an opposing branch while the same CI raid that he was involved in the previous life was still going on. If more context, clarification, or whatever else is needed, please feel free to DM me and I will do my best to fill in on what I could tell at the time when I took the sit. Besides that, try to keep this to + or - Support, along with own thoughts and whatever else you wish to post, but please don't post something if you know it's going to incite argument in this thread. Keep it to DMs! One final note, do NOT harass anyone who was in this report in DMs, if I catch wind of even the smallest harassment going on through DMs or other means, I'ma whoop somebody's ass. Thank you! Man, colored text is fun
    1 point
  34. +Support Good motivation, would make a good GM.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Denied. Due to a lack of evidence, or for no rules or guidelines being broken by the staff and or player, no action will be taken against them.
    1 point
  37. Here is the whole video. I edited the original video to the parts that were relevant just like it is done on many other reports, the main reason I did edit it so short is so I could send it through discord to Ajax, the original reporter. A few other things I want to address here: He was standing at the door not interacting with any of the OFCs or the trainer. I clipped it so it could sent on discord not to try and hide anything. We have a forums system so the other person can post their side, which she had the opportunity to do. How was it justified? What made it justified? I have never seen a civ being brought in to do training ever. Also it was NEVER cleared by the Captain who was there, they told me that themselves. The mere indication that he was acting unprofessionally when you can clearly see amethyst saying and doing all she was is absurd. Here is another example of the same situation. Which is what made us go up there and watch the rest of the training in the first place. I don't find this funny, nor did Ajax we found it more appalling that this is being allowed, in no way did he find killing Dark or her RDMing Ajax remotely funny. You just said it was justified????? Gov aren't supposed to revive Civs. He was KOS. It was never made apparent that this was OOC In my video shown it makes me think Amethyst shouldn't be at the rank she is. Ajax has not ever had issues within the server that would make me question his rank. Another thing I want to bring to attention is we were approached by the staff member Balloon who said he was asked by another staff member to approach me and Ajax to see if we would remove this report for the reason of "She has a clean record" which she doesn't have any warns but definitely has been involved with issues before.
    1 point
  38. I'm not going to give a current opinion, but i will leave a couple of points | Bio is easily the most identifiable and the most focused class against MTF. a majority of CI players would agree that sometimes MTF overextends way to much in the attempt to kill them | Security Lightweight also has the vector, and also has a massive speed boost which only helps in the vectors lethality. specifying "bio" just disregards the fact that both CI and Dclass go against this gun | it has a relatively low damage per mag considering other weapons of the sort such as the acog, type 19, or L85 | this is the exact situation that the CSGO MP7 and the current Type 19 are in. as chief said above, this seems more like something against bio rather than an actual comment on the gun itself. i'll wait to see others opinions before leaving a +/- support
    1 point
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