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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2021 in Posts

  1. This might not come as a shock to many, but after all these years i'm finally announcing my resignation not only from DoTF, but from GL as a whole. It's been almost 3 whole years with SCPRP, and I think it's about time I finally move on from GL. As many other close friends resign who’ve been here from the beginning for me, I slowly lost interest in the server and basically no longer enjoy SCPRP like I once used too. I will say that the community here though has allowed me to create many close friendships over the years with me being here, as it is I’ve accomplished as much as I possibly could ever want. I’ve made DoTF 2x (DoC really), Been Nu7 Commander 2x, E-11 Vice Commander 1x, A1 Vice Commander 1x, and finally the one and only Omicron-9 Commander (God how I miss this branch.). Anyways, I’d like to mention a few people who’ve really kept me here longer then I had originally planned. These people have my respect as RPers, and so much love and thanks as my friends. With that being said, here is my absolute final resignation from all of GL. Benito, Blackout, and Southpaw- I’m going to lump you all in, because without you guys, I would have resigned a very, VERY long time ago. Without you guys Omicron-9 wouldn’t have been as great as it was, you guys are absolutely awesome as players, and so hard working at whatever you put your mind too. You 3 have my absolute most respect and gratitude. Hoovy- Very close friend of mine, and one of the main reasons why I also stayed so long. Your amazing personality and HORRIBLE jokes, always seems to brighten someone's day, and that's something I always liked about you and admired. Not only that, but you got something I sometimes wish I had the guts to do, which is be super upfront, and honest with someone. Personally I just can’t do it as good as you man, what can I say besides you’re an amazing guy Hoovy, never change man. Castro- A person I grew closer to the second time I came back to the server, without you watching over me and me not knowing it, some bad shit probably could have happened to me, you’re one of the coolest people I know outside of SMT, not only are you hard working, but a absolutely great friend, thank you for all that you do over here at SCPRP, its absolutely fucking insane to me man. Skela/Aleks- Probably one of the greatest people on SCPRP, you bring so much joy and laughter for many people, you’re a hard working and honest guy. Without you, I’m not sure where SCPRP would be today. You’ve been here basically almost as long as I have, as long as I’ve known you, you were all about sucking toes lmao, but now you're a huge part of the server as O5 and as a Community Member, never change. Rookieblue- I didn’t get to know you very much, but from when we did speak, you were always a honest caring guy, and I really do appreciate it from the first time you had sent me a message. Rang- Mr Rangadangalang, no one can actually say your name so we all just call you Rang, but back on track, it's crazy how long I’ve known you, who would have known that one day UNSC SMMC Rangitea would be the Manager of a great server. You’ve got some big shoes to fill since Iggy resigned, but I know with the help of the staff team behind you, you’ll do great. Much love for all the fun memories you’ve created for me. For the last time though… !slay Director Igneous- You may or may not see this, but thank you for all your hard work, I wanted to resign before you mf, but anyways in all seriousness, you’ll forever be my favorite manager I’ve ever gotten to work alongside with, you were such a hard working, honest, and funny ass guy man. To be honest I was super surprised to have been even mentioned in your resignation, it was for real humbling, thank you so much for everything my guy. Zeeptin- I’m basically a nobody to you, and I know you must get this a lot and lot of it being a bit corny in resignations, but I thank you for all the memories and friendships your community has brought to me, there's so many skills and things i’ve learned from playing your servers and I just want to say thank you, becoming JMT over here was also a experience I won’t forget, even though it was for a short time, it really proved if I put my mind to it, I can achieve what I aim for. Bread- No clue how the hell I’ve resigned 2x before you’ve even resigned once, nothing to say besides you’re a hard working dude and dedicated as all get out to Nu7. Never seen anyone as dedicated as you are to Nu7, other than that it was nice knowing you bread. Dang- DANG BRUV! You’re honestly one of my favorite guys to be around, and an absolutely amazing High Command member. You took some damn big shoes coming into High Command the way you did, and you’re doing amazing, never change! Wantedideas- Another member from Omicron-9, you’ve really matured and improved throughout the year, especially with you moving up to High Command, stick around with Dang as much as possible and learn as much as you can as a High Command Member, its one crazy experience. Saint- Much love for all the work you’ve done for E-11, it was crazy to see you achieve your goals, have fun partying it up my guy. Nenea- “hey blackbeard can I speak with you in the HCMD room”, it was always a pleasure to speak to you Nenea, you are by far in my opinion probably one of the hardest working E-11 members i’ve EVER seen throughout my time in GL. Congratulations on High Command and keep killing it, and yes Nenea, you are indeed doing a good job at High Command, no need to ask no more lol. Frog- Pretty big minge, no clue how you got here lol, all seriousness, you’ve matured a tad bit, but just keep workin and doing Frog things, you’ve got one hell of a personality. Orange- Honestly I thought you hated me at first NGL, but you’re a really awesome and chill guy man, it was dope getting to talk to you when I did, best of luck in O5. Coltable- If you weren’t Irish, I’d have guessed your igneouses brother lmao, you two are super identical, and when it comes to CI you're innovative and hard working, keep on keeping on dude, you're an amazing guy. Starstep- I can see you going super far, you have a lot of potential, you just need to get over that fear of speaking one of these days. Anyways, you’re an amazing guy, Starstep, keep making research amazing. Rektify- Absolute minge, but I love ya man, you’ve been there for me countless times, and I thank you, it was a pleasure creating the foundations of Omicron-9 with you, just keep working and one of these days you’ll be SMT dog, best of luck. And to anyone else I missed and didn’t mention, I apologize, as you can see there's quite a lot of you especially with it being my resignation from this community, I just want to say thank you for all the memories, friendships, and real life skills I’ve gained throughout the years, there's so much to mention but if I keep going on its gonna take a year to read lol. But here's to the end of an era, thank you all, thank you all very much. ~Blackbeard
    9 points
  2. Accepted Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team! You have been accepted into the team, and we would love to speak with you! Please contact a Head of Staff within the next 48 hours to claim your tags and be trained, unless other instructions have been given to you. Thank you, and we look forward to working with you! ~PoliceRP Senior Management Team
    4 points
  3. First off, I wanna say that we are simply releasing this due to the fact that our last branch update was released when a gun update had hit causing us trying to change the guns but we eventually couldn't due to it already being made "In Progress" so this is our corrected version of our last branch update and we are here wanting to get the community's opinion first. I also want to include that last branch update we did add another model to E4 but when the date came out the model was *not the best* due to it crashing the games of our own very E4 and burning us when we first spawned in causing us to loose HP/Armor. Therefore we have found a replacement for the models, if this time the model doesn't work I honestly don't plan on touching/adding a secondary model again. For this corrected branch update we did add 3 more slots to E4 and talked to the branch leaders of E11 and Nu7 and they stated it was fine, and we replaced/added a few things onto some jobs. Last thing Military Gamma will not be responding to this forum post so if you have any issues please contact Enuz, Fizzy, or I in Teamspeak or discord and I will most likely change anything that ya'll aren't okay with!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Job Name: CI Beta Operative Health: N/A Armor: N/A Adding: tfa_auga3 Removing: tfa_csgo_m4a4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job Name: CI Shades Task Force Adding Model Path: models/player/suno/spyper/uk_assault.mdl models/player/suno/spyper/uk_support.mdl models/player/suno/spyper/uk_recon.mdl Adding: N/A Removing: N/A Job Slots: 6 -> 8 I have talked to Dang and Nenea (Nenea said he might do something regarding D4 in the future) regarding the job slots and they said it was fine. (NOTE: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1850933080) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job Name: CI Delta Command Health: N/A Armor: N/A Adding: tfa_l85, tfa_csgo_flash Removing: tfa_ak47 (NOTE:) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job Name: CI Gamma Command Health: N/A Armor: N/A Adding: tfa_csgo_mp7 Removing: (NOTE:)
    2 points
  4. The server doesn’t revolve around dclass mains and Gensec doesn’t need to be balanced only with dclass because gensec as a branch does more than just kill dclass. Gensec also fights CI constantly, with CI breaking into Dblock over 68 times a week and wiping out everyone. We have been logging the raids for this very update to prove the Buffs necessity. I can provide the data in the form of a google spreadsheet if you want. Dclass are not supposed to kill gensec easily, Dclass aren’t supposed to be balanced on the same scale that the combatant branches are, that’s why they aren’t on the charts above, they aren’t part of this equation. Dclass rp is important but so is research, and MTF Roleplay which both get smashed when Dclass break through dblock and then people complain about securities ineptness as if the members are the problem. This was not to help against Dclass, it was to put us back on balance with the rest of the combatant branches by the 25 HP and Armor window that each consecutive branch is meant to have. Not to mention you talk as if that changes much, 1-2 extra bullets to kill a CPL now “oh woe is me”. There is a sheet with a chart of every combat branches jobs and the HP AP they have. Each branches equivalent jobs go 25 up from Gensec at the bottom, to E-11 at the top. So yes I think it’s balanced, because we aren’t balancing with Dclass. I highly doubt you’ll notice a difference with the extra bullet or two you’ll need, and I doubt the Dclass with a wrench will notice Either because they don’t kill anyone anyway. Don’t stamp out the Buffs that Gensec is literally SUPPOSED to have. I don’t think you understand what I’m saying though. You minus support every branch update, it doesn’t matter what it is, you always have complaints to air. Which is fine, but don’t act like this is any different. We need to be balanced with the other branches, that is a fact and a cause needing no discussion.
    2 points
  5. Hello there, For those that know me or know who I am, this message will make more sense. I haven't played in almost a year, but I've been having thoughts of regret and remorse. For those that know, I was an angry and toxic person long ago. Since my leave, I've grown and matured, focusing my negativity into more positive outlets. I started a Youtube channel, I got a job as a Manager for a community of people. I have a girlfriend, and I'm more in good spirits. Not perfect, I still have my moments, but it is a problem I've worked hard to change. There's a special place for GamingLight in my heart, I had a lot of friends here, and this place was like a home to me, I looked forward to getting on everyday. However, that does not change the fact I hurt people with my insecurities and stress and hurt people by taking this game too seriously. I've wanted to apologize for so long, but I felt it would have better if I had just disappeared, however that's the coward's way out, and not fair to those who I afflicted. So I've come to apologize, I'm deeply sorry for a lot of things, all the pain and toxicness of before. I want to make amends for those affected by me. I simply ask for forgiveness, that's all I can ask for.
    1 point
  6. Honestly instead of blaming this on other people in your appeal and saying shit about max why don’t you just say you want another chance and apologize for what you did and leave it at that. you made a pretty good appeal other then the things I stated above.
    1 point
  7. I dont know who approved this but can we get @Coltable to revert this? (love you colt <3) But in all seriousness its been great to have RPed and messed around with you all this time I will never forget all the fun weve had and all the screams of terror ive heard from you bb. You better get on sometime for one last !slay director
    1 point
  8. -Support - Application is Poor - Answers are incorrect - Advertised - Not Fit for Staff
    1 point
  9. Accepted Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.
    1 point
  10. Once he also was under FearRP by 3 cops and he pulled a fubar out and hit us
    1 point
  11. + Mega Support - One takes job serious (Leading Troops during a Event / Training And Holds as Many Tryouts For EJT Or shock As Necessary to Keep Shock Alive) - Does Not Ming On Job Or Any Job - Loves The People / Troopers / Family He Fights Along Side - Is Not Only One Of The More Active Shock But Also Shock Officers - Knows How To Have Fun And Still Get The Job Done With Out Looking Unprofessional - One Of The Many Reasons I Love Shock I have seen him grow into the position he is in now I can say I would be proud to serve him. I have watch him climb the ranks faster then anyone. Not because he was getting special treatment because he was there when he was needed. Stopping STs From Raiding Brig or BCP Deader was there. He would put in amazing hours on the job 5 - 8 every day / he continues to put 3 + hours on job not AFKing. I know that deader would do all his friends and family proud as Vice COMMANDER. Ps. Best Of Luck Brother I Love You and Do Shock Proud I Know We Are All Routing For You - SHOCK STFO MAJOR MILK 0067
    1 point
  12. Stfu ew go away u literally smell like poopy ... I aint cryin u cryin...
    1 point
  13. I have the utmost respect for you my friend. Take care ❤
    1 point
  14. Blackbeard Im gonna be honest. You have always been there for me and I have the same for you. There has never been a dull moment with you and I will always have you in my heart Goodbye o7
    1 point
  15. -support advertised in E11 TS Answers for all questions are rather bad I don’t think you understand what it means to be staff. Not fit for staff IMO
    1 point
  16. this is VERY VERY true deader is a very good shock that i my self have seen him been active and over all never had problems with him that i see and remember he has never gotten an RDA on my presence, this means he has not shown power hunger as a Shock, and over all has shown maturity as a shock for me this is a +MEGA SUPPORT
    1 point
  17. +Support -Active Shock -Very Helpful -Would Make A Good VCMDR
    1 point
  18. +Support Coming from me being in a branch with him before, he is a really chill guy. Therefore I believe he deserves this.
    1 point
  19. +Support I understand we have a zero tolerance policy how ever I can understand sometimes thing come out in the heat of the moment and he understands why he got bad and as apologize for it along with one of the people involved with the sit is willing to let it go Not really my dude it’s not funny so some people
    1 point
  20. + Support Active Great Leader Respectful and polite
    1 point
  21. Do you think i can just magic the content onto the server.. Provide a link or it will be auto denied
    1 point
  22. +Support - Very Kind - Helpful -Support - What Orby and Quicky mentioned is all that I would have to say.
    1 point
  23. I agree with this for the most part. I think you are good in naval. I honestly forgot you were in SF (kinda thought you were removed or left.)
    1 point
  24. -You need some improvment always question others, and what they do -And jump to conclusions, whenever we say sim you hop right on gm and wont get off -you a great guy but you need to improve some
    1 point
  25. -support -I honestly don't see that Manjini possesses the qualities of a strong leader. -You are active, but you are not that very active on SF. I have barely seen you on the SF job and have only ever really seen you for meetings. -You are a kind person, but I don't see that as a trait of a strong leader. -Not trying to sound mean, but I see you as a very power hungry person. -I feel that you are not ready for the position of Vice Marshall.
    1 point
  26. Major +support Hey yo its the guy who used to be a fortnite kid! But fr he is active nice mature and an overall great person. I have spent most of my time on this server close with magic I wish him the best for JMT
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. -Support You were committing FailRp Multiple times as 912. Also it is still LTAP. It's only a 3 day ban please take that time away and to focus on your school. Clear your mind and please come back with a better mindset
    1 point
  29. That is completely understandable and we’ve had no interactions which makes sense. Thanks for the reply Mav.
    1 point
  30. Name: Spartan l moat.gg Rank: RCT Callsign: Spartn Date of LOA Leave/Return: 7/5/2020 7/12/2020 Reason (if private write N/A): Banned for Homophobia won't happen again I'll mind my mouth and think about what I'll say for now on before saying it.
    1 point
  31. -Support I would've preferred you edit your first application but whatever. My reasons: - You advertised your application, which is not allowed. Even if you didn't mean to, you still did. - This is a T-mod application, not an event team application. You can't set up events... This makes me think you don't even know what your job your applying for. - You can't give a "strike" and you can't ban as a T-mod so you clearly didn't read our staff handbook. On top of that, you didn't directly answer how you'd react to their toxicity for the Mass RDM question. - Your answers are insufficient overall. Yea, your happiness is not our issue. I understand you may have worked a while on this but when your answers are not what we're looking for.
    0 points
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