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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2018 in all areas

  1. CLOSED / BLACKLIST NOT LIFTED (SMT Vote. "Yes" = O "No" = 8 "Abstained" = 3) The Yuki Family is probably one of the more known families on PoliceRP. It has become infamous obviously for its past actions, and trouble that it caused. Those things that you as a family did have not been forgotten. It was a lot more than Asuna who caused issues on a server-wide scale that spread past RP on the server. A majority of the Yuki family became major rule breakers, and problem causers for SMT while the family was still active. You as a player cannot sit here and accuse Asuna of causing a majority of the mischief your family caused when all of you could of very easily strayed away from how he acted as a leader and player. While his actions were, in the end, worse than some of the other members of the Yuki Family, it goes without saying that all of you played a part in giving the Yuki's the reputation that you so desperately want gone With that being said, this uses up your one chance at appealing this family.
    5 points
  2. This is a post dedicated for ArmyGuy and his achievements and fantastic service with srt. From all of SRT and certainly from myself, thank you for your time here at SRT. Your work was fantastic and will never be forgoton. It is unfortunate that the extreme load of server maintenance and staff duties have forced you to put srt to a side for a while. Hopefully when things start smithing out, you can rejoin us once again. It does without saying that we appreciate the dedication that you put in this server. I hope to see you hop on from time to time, but this time, on reserves! Let me know when you can make time for SRT again Rockford County Special Response Team
    1 point
  3. Let me know what you think! And no, I don't claim to be a god-tier Rocket League player, just something that I felt like making. Also if you feel like watching my crappy overwatch montage from a year and a half ago that was edited on a ps4, go right ahead (lol)! Sorry for all the cinematics too, only really wanted to do some cool clips on the upbeat part of the song. Enjoy!
    1 point
  4. DENIED Improve your activity on staff / Improve your reputation with the other half that -supported Good application though Due to the overpopulation of Admins, we are getting much more picky with who we choose, we look into every small detail about a person now
    1 point
  5. i mean, you quoted the quote of me quoting you
    1 point
  6. Ledgit you quote that....
    1 point
  7. DENIED Applicants must be Sergeant Major for at least one week before applying for Lieutenant. You may re-apply in two weeks. And at that course of time, please improve your activity and train more Cadets.
    1 point
  8. +Support Really active Nice professional great fit for support Good luck
    1 point
  9. Nice What a great way to get follows
    1 point
  10. +support active on teamspeak mature good luck!
    1 point
  11. I don't think much has to be said about Invallif... Huge +Support
    1 point
  12. +Support Active Good App Good Luck!
    1 point
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