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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2018 in all areas

  1. Lets start by pointing out the lack of evidence.. so here is the story while its fresh on my mind.. 2 people that i had called staff on were continuously carjacking me with out advert would run up to my car right as i was repairing my car. they would jump in the driver seat right as i got to 100% so i then shot and killed them.. about the 3rd time snookiebear shows up as im repairing my car and come up to me with a gun and says to drop the weapon. i explained i had no weapon and i tried to explain the situation but lets face it garry hates me and doesnt want to listen instead ignore like he does the rest of gaminglights population. so anyway i keep repeating my self i have no weapon. mind this entire time i have king in my name. well Finch also has king in his name comes up from the side of garry and starts shooting him, garry then shoots me once while i still have a repair tool in my hand then turns his attention to finch. so at this points its finch vs garry so i then pull my weapon and help finch kill garry. i feel no rules were broken and no disciplinary action should be taken.
    3 points
  2. ACCEPTED Clear breach of the MOTD rules. DURAMAX failed to put his hands up and comply while a gun was pointed at him. DURAMAX will be spoken to.
    2 points
  3. ExoTic Maddog Face Reveal ( Not Fake ). Heads up I'm a football player and a basketball player also 6'4 Explaining why I'm so big
    1 point
  4. +Support Well Deserved Active Mature Great staff member I believe you should be the next admin for PoliceRP, you are an amazing person & friend overall, and i look forward to all future encounters with you. Goodluck!!
    1 point
  5. ACCEPTED Come speak to me or Snar in the TeamSpeak
    1 point
  6. THE LAWMEN ARE HERE!!!!! In-photo @ArmyGuy @GhostlyNinjaDude @Joe Mama @JMS Gray Matter (Doesn't have forum account or couldn't find it) #TheLawmenAreHere
    1 point
  7. ACCEPTED please speak to admin+ for whitelist and high command for info
    1 point
  8. Who Death was spectating does not matter in the slightest. A rule was clearly broken and needs to be punished appropriately. It's not like it is entrapment or anything stupid like that, DURAMAX wasn't pushed towards breaking the rule, he broke it of his own free will. So, please stop bringing up who Death was spectating as a reason why this is an invalid report because that doesn't matter.
    1 point
  9. I want to start by making it very clear that I have no bias in this scenario. I've known both players for a long time, have been in departments with both, and have had a lot of good times with both of them. This opinion is completely based off of what I see in the video. +Support Clearly had a firearm which Snookie witnessed. IRL you would not taze somebody you know is armed and dangerous just because they put the gun into their pocket. You hold them at gunpoint and take them into custody. There was a good minute there where verbal commands were being issued while DURAMAX was at gunpoint and under FearRP where he did not cooperate, clearly just stalling for one of this friends to get there (none of which were there to begin with). Clear breach of FearRP. It is not a staff application where he can't reply after it is posted. He is replying to everyone's -Support because they clearly aren't educated on the situation and the MOTD. I agree with him, everyone giving -supports has no idea what they are talking about.
    1 point
  10. Snookie, can I please ask you don't argue with every -support you get?
    1 point
  11. I guess I should clarify this since many of you are confused. The reason he was placed under fearrp was because I witnessed him killing someone with a weapon, which I’m pretty sure stated above with the reason of “witnessed a murder”. So yes I did have a reason. Never said he ran away. Not relevant at all. Just because someone has a certain amount of warnings doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be warned. Yes, I had multiple chances to tase him but I’m not about to try to tase the suspect when I know for fact he has a heavily armed weapon on him. Putting him under FearRP was for my own safety and my own good of trying to arrest him. Don’t think you know where the FearRP I’m talking about happened. I am talking about when I had approached him at the beginning where he had just killed someone and put his weapons away when I came closer to him. I had my weapon pointed at him throughout the whole situation. What you said above is true and i agree with it. Fair game since I looked at his friend and he started shooting at me. No problem at all about that.
    1 point
  12. +/-Support - Great guy - There are other more active admins for the job - Semi-Active on Staff, very active on Gov. - Head on Gov. - Mature, and experienced admin - Deserves it! Overall Will, you've been an Admin on GL for a while and deserve this rank. At the same time, you could be more active on staff. I think you're trying to since I see you getting on staff more often now, but there are still more players that are CURRENTLY putting in more effort. Be more active on staff, and its a +Support from me.
    1 point
  13. +/- Support knowledgeable of rules admin for along time always willing to get on staff In my honest opinion when i feel like when i have to ask for your help with a situation or a whitelist you give this inconvenience kind of attitude
    1 point
  14. That’s the point though in my opinion, everyone who does roleplay and cares for the state of the server will show up. Then we can discuss and brainstorm all together with SMT about different ways we can affect change on the server whether it be changing server rules, PD rules, gang rules etc...
    1 point
  15. +Support Active In-Gaame/Teamspeak Mautre LT for a longe time Good Application Good Leader Active on the forums
    1 point
  16. PENDING Awaiting on more community feedback.
    1 point
  17. DENIED For NOW we will be keeping it the way it is, if it gets worse, than we will add back the ratio This is subject to change at any time
    1 point
  18. My adorable polar bear named Kazoo
    1 point
  19. so i have become very inactive again and lost all interest in Gmod on its own, i enjoyed my time in state and policerp. as you can see im not very good at these kind of posts so yeah cya
    0 points
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