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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2018 in all areas

  1. If this like gets 100 comments or 50 likes I will give Felix,Joe mama,Logan,Kilo will receive 400 dollars worth of stuff (1 person)
    5 points
  2. Dear The One And Only @Kim Yo Suk I Would like to apologize for my Rude and Dismeaningful behaviour I was in a bad mood and was in no place to take it out on you I am putting it here for everyone to know that I was in the wrong and shouldn't of started on you and especially the family your in this is my official apology and im truly sorry -Yours and not one of many Bambob01
    2 points
  3. Well I’m mean and I loved striking people, so I read the strikes a lot. I’ve seen quite a few badge abuse and violating undercover rules. Here are the basics of being undercover: 1) you can’t shoot people, or start robberies (you can only assist, so in a shootout shoot the walls) 2) refer to rule #1 3) you get to spawn in weed plants or whatever but cannot collect them. Make sure not to. 4) you can’t go inside gov only areas just cuz you’re UC. I will personally shoot you 5) if you’re being arrested for something you did do, or being pulled over, don’t just pull out your badge and say you can’t arrest me. That is badge abuse. 6) don’t get on my bad side cuz I’ve been doing stupid UC stuff for awhile now, in fact, most of the things I’ve done I should’ve been stricken for. Don’t be stupid (this isn’t a confession tho). 7) don’t disrespect people it’s rude 7.5) love ya ~October Oh and remember to never let a crim search you or they’ll find your badge. Oh and the strikes thing is real, I wrote 6 strikes in 3 days by closing this you agree to these rules
    1 point
  4. ok i will like to apologized to all my CERT Troopers, i wasnt paying attention to my time and yes it is my fault im not going to make up a bs excuse. So this sunday there will be CERT training that good with everyone? yes? ok good. it will be held at 12:00 pm est. i wont be taking anyones bs bc it will be early for me. Yall dont have to respond to this but plz look at it. Dont want to hear anything bout the training not bein held today ok alright CERT TL Huner 1CL36
    1 point
  5. Very respectful of you Bambob for apologizing
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Very nice apology ? All is forgiven but take it to PM no need to make it public XD
    1 point
  8. Where's the bearcat? Also why is your car bleeding??
    1 point
  9. +support Active on the forums. Application is top notch. Mature and friendly staff. Has good judgement. Knows what he is doing. Would make a good Forum Diplomat. Deserves a chance, best of luck!
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. +1 Support There is a clear difference between staffing for another server and getting paid to develop for a server. One is keeping RP going the other is a paid position a job if you will. There should be no technicalities in staff restrictions if you do not want people developing for another server you should put that in the handbook. Nowhere does it say he is not allowed to receive payment for developing a server (a job for some), no staffing for another server is a rule as seen here . Also it says this decision is a Manager's decision, and Fame is not a Manager he is Head of Staff so this removal/restriction is considered void since it was not handled by the proper member of management. Development is a job, not a staff rank. In real life, people are allowed to hold multiple jobs unless it is going to conflict with their ability to work. Based on my interpretation of the situation I believe that this staff member should get their staff restriction removed. The only way my opinion is going to change is if there was a fact that this person omitted in their appeal which is currently not the case.
    1 point
  12. Well here i guess I now realize how dead i look here
    1 point
  13. He was Stating that you deserve a ban for mingeing on the server I think..
    1 point
  14. Just to say to say this -support you deserves to get banned you are mining around the server in the videos and just annoying Yobo trying to get a reaction from him.
    1 point
  15. SUPER - SUPPORT ON THE FIRST VIDEO You guys were following him you were trying too make him upset for no reason if anything this was pure harassment -support second video No rules were broken at all.. Disrespectful Targeting Yobo again Camera spamming/mingling mic spam Yobo has done Nothing Wrong it seems like in these videos
    1 point
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