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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2018 in all areas

  1. As most of you are aware, one of our superadmins, and most recently senior moderator for accuracy, nimo, resigned from his position as the latter rank due to an abundance of reasons, some even expressed in his resignation post. Unfortunately, some people would rather use this as a chance to bully and harass him, with some of them even being staff... Let me make this very... VERY clear to everyone. Bullying and harssment are taken very seriously over here at GL. This is a safe spot for alot of players t come and make friends and help a new community grow. As soon as you remove the friendly nature of our community, it no longer acts as that safe place. I am utterly disgusted by the lack of maturity that has been displayed by our community in regards to this resignation Any member/staff member from here on out who bullies, harasses, demeans, or puts down Nimo in regards to his resignation will be permanantly removed from this community. This goes for bullying and harassment in general Best Regards, Snar & the entire Gaminglight SMT division.
    13 points
  2. What you want to see? - I would like to see this for the Police RP server. Maybe as a map change or for a 2nd server if we get one. Why should we add it? - I feel that you should add this map because it has a lot of potential, could possibly add new jobs for specific buildings of the map. It does not need a lot of work either. What are the advantages of having this? - The advantages of having this map is it could attract more players and a map change could be good for keeping players interest, by spicing things up. Who is it mainly for? - The Police RP community Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=259346741&searchtext=california ----------------------------------- Please put your opinions in a reply if you would like to see this change!
    1 point
  3. + Support Nice guy Active Knows the rules and is respectful Good luck! ;D
    1 point
  4. It is repeated again and again. At this point, whoever is the bully don't give a damn about this. And need to be blacklisted from this community.
    1 point
  5. Thank you so much for saying this. I respect Nimo and he was a great member and posting such things on a resignation isnt the way to go. Always keep it to yourself. I'll miss Nimo but thank you for posting about this.
    1 point
  6. +/- Support Attitude Needs to Improve Occasionally seen Helping Officers Decent Application Active Committed Decent Knowledge of PD Regulations Good Leader Hard Working I have personally seen improvements in your temper as of late but it could still use some adjustment. As far as your capabilities go, you are a more than adequate Sergeant Major when on Duty, however you still need some improvement in regards to Assisting Officers, and your Attitude. Just work on those key aspects and keep building upon your strengths, and you'll do Great as Command. Good Luck! - Captain Hooplaa
    1 point
  7. +Support Active everyday in-game and in TeamSpeak. Forums activity is pretty good, but could use some improvements. Application is decent with great amount of effort. Professional, mature and friendly. No warnings. Has experiences on staffing. Knows the rules well and enforces them well. Deserves a chance on being part of the PoliceRP Staff team. Overall, Dan deserves a chance on becoming part of the PoliceRP Staff team. Best of luck in your application!
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. We are actually planning on having a more serious PoliceRP in the future that will be super serious and probably whitelisted and we might have this!
    1 point
  10. When you guys make a giant maze of fences so it takes government 30 seconds just to walk through it are you saying that is too easy to raid?
    1 point
  11. Sad to see you go man! Best of luck in your future endeavors! Going to miss you man!!
    1 point
  12. Good luck on your future endeavours in the military and all. You will be missed by the GL community! ?
    1 point
  13. sure Voxis Stay cool Thx ya'll see ya'll next time~ Good luck in the GL Community too~
    0 points
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