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Hex's RP Resignation

Jimmy N00Btron

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"Despair not for what you have lost, celebrate what its existence meant." - Hex

I know I've been gone for practically the whole month so you all probably wondered exactly what happened. Well it's a whole month of stuff: Depression, poor sleep, insane amounts of Overtime, lack of motivation, Familial Events, and generally trying to piece my life together after sacrificing the better part of a year's worth of free time to GL. I Remember recently reconnecting with some very old friends IRL recently. I hadn't spent time with any friends outside of the internet for nearly 2 years due to my crippling social anxiety. After hanging out with them, and nearly getting a girlfriend out of it immediately, I felt two things: 

1) I need to put my actual life first, Some of these things I've desired have been so close within my reach but I wasn't putting any time or effort towards reach them.
2) Despite that, I don't regret spending all that time here. I felt that confidence I'd built here coming into play when talking to people. I felt more socially able, More confident in holding a conversation and starting one myself.

With that in mind, and the fact that it would be kinda hypocritical to the standards I hold for the positions under mine to try and keep an AHC spot after practically being away the entire month, I think that now, at the one-year mark of my first day here is the time to hang up the Rank I spent so long achieving. There's so much more to say but I think I ought to just get to my special mentions and FAQ section. I've 5 hours (now 2.5) until work at the time of writing this and I haven't slept. (C'mon Bon, you could've let me have one more day! :p)

(Wow I wrote a bunch of these >.<)

Some of the following may be retired and never see this post. If I have failed to mention your name DM me on Discord and if I have something to say, I'll write you a heartfelt message ❤️

First off and foremost, the man I worked alongside to bring about what should go down in GL history as the Medical Restoration of February 2022. We worked together to save Medical from the same fate as Havoc. I could not have done that without you. You also played a big part in my motivation to reach HCOM, I'm glad I could keep my promise to you in that regard. Oh, and not to mention you practically half-wrote my Officer App with how much you tutored me on it. Still don't know if that's against any rules, but I guess an exception can be made for how this all turned out 🙂

I remember a specific incident after an SMT Off-Map event back in December 2021 where you singled me out as an excellent leader and promoted me to COL in front of the whole server, saying the words "I look forward to seeing you as a Command Team Member". It's hard to quantify what this did for my personal confidence in myself, but safe to say it gave me an unshakable determination to reach the top of Medical. I'm glad I could fulfill those expectations and more for you sir 07

Wait a minute... WH0 are you?
The Gentlemann of DT, and one of the many people who made me love that regiment as much as I did. You've done a helluva job filling the massive shoes Odin left behind. Tell Nat hi for me, hope he's still well.
Keep rockin' like you always have been, love ya man
(Hmm That's kinda GAY)

You might not have been the most active commander, but you made Medical fun and pushed me to be my best. May the Valorant queues forever be favorable to you. Hope ROTC also goes well. You've got a damn bright future ahead of you, don't forget it!

Unarrested me from a false arrest on my first day on the server one year ago. You all have him to thank for me staying any longer than that. Hope your well man, wherever you are. #EARFGANG


Among the best GMs to work with. Thanks for doing your best there, I know not enough people tell you that. Hope HCOM works out for you my man. Promise me you won't play Ebarbs Rage on ladder while I'm gone, mkay?

Inactive lol.
On a serious note, Medical Storylines would not have been possible without you as our go-to GM. I apologize if I burnt you out on that. The Medical Restoration of February 2022 would not have been possible without your hard work GM work. Thank you.

Pie/Pumpkin Pie/Cherry Pie/Whatever other freaking Pie name you had
I still believe in you. You were an excellent Vice Commander and that's why you're where you are now. I apologize that last month went the way it did for me and I was not available to help enough. I wanted to do more and I can't express how much sorrow I feel that I could not be present when Medical perhaps needed my overseerment most. November is a new month though, and you have the ability to change the course if you genuinely give it everything you've got. Medical came back from worse, so don't lose faith in those around you, and more importantly don't lose faith in yourself. You haven't let me or anyone else down until you give up.

Don't let them find the secret organ storage vault!

For Real though, We both joined Shock at a similar time and grew together as enlisted before I began Maining Medical. Over the last year I've not just watched you grow in Rank, you've grown as a person, and I cannot express enough how proud I am of you. One day you may also end up taking the reigns of the Medical battalion to guide it by your own hand. I have full faith in you when that day comes.

Probably my bestest friend from DT. Epic Gamer Girl and super fun to work with and plan joint activities with. Honestly you should've gotten Vice that first time, you couldn't have been more inactive than the guy who did get it. ....... But that's beyond the scope and point of this post. I apologize that I was not here this month, I would've loved to see you back on the server and get up to some fun antics without the regulations of DT holding you back. Hopefully that might happen again one day but until then I'd love to play some other games with you sometime.
-p.s. "Axis lol"


Hope I made you proud and fulfilled those high expectations of yours. Stay well my man, looks like I'll have to join you on that Grind Path now. 

Remember when you were Admiral last year and I saved you from a dumb unauthorized Hostage situation only for Bear to arrest me? That was a wild memory, I can still hear the entire Medical Command team ready to go to WAR for my release to this day. Anyways, glad we fulfilled our ambitions to be in HCOM together man. I hope you get to Tarkin someday.

Thank God you exist my man. Literally saved SF after Manjini. 'nuff said.

Hope your Senior Commander journey works out.


I told you when you became Nova Vice that you'd go far. Look at you now ❤️

"Ugh... When are you gonna stop playing GL? Come play with me"

"Let's go topple the CCP, Nya~<3"
The Most powerful Catboy Warrior the Empire ever witnessed
(Shoutout Kavis). The entire reason I joined this server, so you all have him to thank. I'll have to drag him back here someday.

All of DT
Thank you all for being so kind to me. I hope the RP dynamic we had was fun. Being DT's personal Pocket Medical before and even after M36 was fun and created some of my favorite and most memorable moments here.

A Couple of FAQs:

Q: When will you be back?
A: I'm not sure, Spring of next year at the earliest more than likely. 

Q: Where can I keep up with you?
A: 𝓗𝓮𝔁𝔂 𝓦𝓮𝔁𝔂#0084 on Discord. My steam Profile is also linked there, so you can add me there too if you wanna game some time. ❤️

Q: What about the Medical Rap? What about all of those projects you mentioned wanting to work on?
A: Haven't had time or motivation to work on them after scrapping them so many times, and most likely never will. The only exception is the Skulltag-Style Announcer Voice Lines, as I've gotten quite a bit of that done and still have a drive to do it. If any of you care about that specific project of mine is a different question, but that's the answer and I'd like to stop being asked.

Q: Will you ever return to HCOM?
A: Unless I somehow get HCOM reserves, which I believe is impossible, then it's almost certain I will not. I had to sacrifice a ton of time in my life towards simply reaching HCOM and I will likely not have that kind of time again to do more than simply hold a position.

Q: What happened to you and Flut-
A: It's none of your business.

Q: Can you unblock me on Discord?
A: No. Leave me alone.

Thank you all, and I suppose I'll leave you with my new favorite motivational Song. Maybe it'll encourage you and keep you smiling and hopeful like it did me.

Godspeed GamingLight, and keep on Lightly Gaming

Heresiarch Hex VIII of Hexianople


  • Sad 3
  • Gaminglight Love 1


"Medentes sustendo postestas de nostra Imperium!"

Former: Brigadier General Hex, (Last) Medical Senior Commander HexR DT MAJ HX3R Nova CPT Heresiarch NT00

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Good Bye GIF


30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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I wasn’t planning on crying today ...

| FIRST EVER IMPERIAL GOVERNOR || Former 501st "Vader's Fist" Legion Commander || Former Senior Commander || Former SF Crimson || Former IF Agent Lone Six |
| Former Imperial RP Senior Administrator || Former Senior Forums Diplomat || Former Imperial RP Gamemaster VII || Retired 501st VCMDR |
season 1 duel of the droids GIF by Star Wars

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I am glad that you decided on your priorities and put your life first. I am glad to have met you and had the interactions I did with you. We both came up at similar times and the dynamic that was made was enjoyable, fresh, and fun. Wallah you better stay safe.

i am always correct and will always be better than you

#JusticeForTrojan #SlideForRacc #:3

Former: Imperial High Command | Deathtrooper Senior Commander | Senior Admin | Senior Forum Diplomat | Support Member


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Very sad to see you go. You were one of the best commanders I've ever had.


Former: MC VCMDR RSL IRS Fail, ST LTCOL Fail Shore Lead STRM SNR, Shock SFC Fail

“So, good news…I saw a dog today.”  – Buddy From Elf | "Your focus determines your reality," Qui-Gon from Phantom Menace

star wars stormtrooper GIF

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noooo HEXXX!! My favorite medical Commander. Very sad to see you go but I salute you focusing on IRL stuff. I am proud of you for doing that and I hope everything goes well. 07 

Current: DT M36 | Imperial RP GM III | ImperialRP Moderator
Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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  • Head of Staff

Always was great to work with you, wishing you well in the future!

ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

Head Forums Diplomat

Former High Admiral | Former DT Commander | Former State LTCOL | Former SPRT Commander

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I just got back and saw this message, Hex it was an honour being your friend and comrade during your time in the server, I thank you for having so much trust in me and for the absolute dedication that you didn’t just put into medical but to every battalion you were overseeing, whenever you want to join again just remember medical is still here. 

ps don’t worry they’ll never find it, plus if you ever wanna do that eldrich god thing contact me. 

Edited by Harr y

Current: General Harry, MC R COL Harry, R Pyke Enforcer

Former: Shock CQCS CPT James, naval lieutenant Harry, IC CSE DMS (former DMVL) SSE 1SGT Maroon/Harry, IF Agent Shoto stark, 501st SSGT LENG, DT LCPL AJ8, Nova SGT Conqueror, ST CPL ENG SCT Shore HVY Harry, Deputy Director of Research, MC COmmander Harry 8900, Pyke Sentinel HoR Harry

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