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Jrshafer is coming home


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Hey everyone i feel as it is time to head out 


i have been doing this for a decent time and well i think my time is over 


i am super proud of what I accomplished in security i feel as if i did everything i wanted to do 


I loved security, it is my home and i am sure i shall be back one day 


goodbye yall 


ps love you spixe 


its kinda funny everyone called me a simp and thats my downfall lmao



Edited by Jrshafer
  • Gaminglight Love 3

Current Ranks Chaos Insurgency CMDR Jrshafer | Security 2LT | Assistant Chief of EMS 

Former Ranks!
Former Alpha-1 Captain Former Physician Former Deputy Head of 
Security Armored Shield Former Member of the Community Blacklist Team

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  • Jrshafer changed the title to Jrshafer is coming home

2nd time had to see a VCMDR/DH resign / become EC

guess its time to play who will be the next HIGH COMMAND?

Freedom at last.

Former: Assistant Inspector, Head of Longshot, Research Assistant Supervisor & Operations Supervisor, G.O.C. Officer & Head of bulldozers, CI COL, EOI D-2, DJ

Former: Scout Captain, Second Lieutenant, Senior Crewman, Storm Commando Captain.

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rip. i’ll never forget the day you got WO because i failed my TP. make sure to come back tho and push all those female NCOs through to WO!!

2 hours ago, Jrshafer said:

ps love you spixe

that’s my wife btw >:(((

Former: Head of Medical Staff, Security HOPO DHWD CPT

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You were good son, real good, maybe even the best.


 Security Colonel Warden Legate Juggernaut Enforcer Research Administrator M.A.D. Site Operations Chief RRA Professor / MTF Delta-5 'Front Runners' Captain Veteran Raptor Operative / Internal Affairs Agency Assistant Director MTF Nu-7 'Hammer Down' Captain / Covert Agent / Deputy Head Field Training Officer / UN Global Occult Coalition Corporal Combat Medic Tactical Paramedic R&D Scientist  Marksman Recon Specialist / MTF Alpha-1 'Red Right Hand' Major Enforcer Squadron Lead

"We are the first line of defense. We are the first responders tasked to save those in danger. We have the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all staff members. Because of that, you are the bravest men I have ever had the honor to serve with.”

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Denied, get back here.

Thank you for all your hard work and for helping to make security so awesome. Hope to see you around again at some point!

SCP-RP Head of Staff | Ethics Committee Chairman

Former Nu-7 VCMDR l Former GenSec CPT

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 No one can replace this amazing man because he did his job well with little to no mistakes I would hope. Godspeed you magnificent bastard you will be missed by everyone. I wish you luck on your future journey to whatever that may hold for you. But when you are in your late thirties remember these times when you played Garry's mod with your friends and had one hell of a time. But most importantly it wasn't about the start, or the end but the friends you made along the way.

  • Gaminglight Love 1
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Simp 2.0, i remember when you were just a lil WO, im proud of you son for reaching DHOR🤝, we will miss you, hope to see you back someday, wish you the best🤗!!!

 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God" ~ Isaiah 41:10
Currently: Head Of Research | HOSM Sub-Zero | Ghost OA0 Emeritus Professor | R.A.U  Grand Commissioner 
Former: Security 1LT | Medical Supervisor | Moderator | Event Team Member 965374741_Designsemnome(14).png.95821f8db19c49555eea551835e2a17e.png

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1 hour ago, Solozealot said:

 No one can replace this amazing man because he did his job well with little to no mistakes I would hope. Godspeed you magnificent bastard you will be missed by everyone. I wish you luck on your future journey to whatever that may hold for you. But when you are in your late thirties remember these times when you played Garry's mod with your friends and had one hell of a time. But most importantly it wasn't about the start, or the end but the friends you made along the way.


1 hour ago, Trizium said:



Current Ranks Chaos Insurgency CMDR Jrshafer | Security 2LT | Assistant Chief of EMS 

Former Ranks!
Former Alpha-1 Captain Former Physician Former Deputy Head of 
Security Armored Shield Former Member of the Community Blacklist Team

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Jrshafer, I remember when you were an NCO and told everyone to go join NU-7 during your PTS at our main meeting. I remember the chad who had is WO app denied and was such a good sport about it that he got promoted to WO the very next meeting. I remember the guy who became our first Juggernaut Enforcer and became the first person to be promoted to deputy chief and chief of juggernauts. I remember the person who we recommended for the armored shield award. I remember endless discussion about who my first DHOS should be. I remember the guy who kept the roster at top notch state for well over a month.

You've done so much for this branch Jrshafer. Its been such an honor watching you grow from a little enlisted running around D-Block not a single thought in his head to my Deputy Head of Security. This resignation hurts a bit, I feel like I have watched you grow so much. I wish you nothing but growth and good fortune in whatever the road ahead of you has in store.

Until next time,

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Lonely Rivers cry wait for me... wait for me I'll be coming home wait for me

                                                                                                                                      spacer.pngI keep a stiff upper lip and I shoot, shoot, shoot from the hip I got a stiff upper lip, come on baby.                                   

Retired Nu7 Captain/Maintenance OM

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 I'll miss the L4D game nights we used to have. I've seen you move from on OFC all the way up to DHOS which is amazing. You've made a positive impact not only in GenSec, but the server as a whole. It was a great pleasure having you, and you will be missed by many Shafer AKA Elvis AKA J.F.K.

Edited by BoiDrizzle

Current Director of Research and Security

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Damn, sad to see you go mate. You were great to be around. Good luck!

Joined 09/30/2020
Retired 11/12/2022
Former Security SFC || Former MTF Omi9 MSGT || Former CI CPT/MAJ || Former Nu7 LTCOL/VCMDR || Former E11 CPL || Former Maintenance Professional || Former D5 CPT || Former Senior Medic || Former Advanced Researcher |


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