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EE3/Locus's M36 application (Medical Specialist)

[GL] Locus

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[In-Game Name]






[Which lore squad member are you applying for]

M36 (Medical Specialist)

[Why do you believe you deserve this position]

I believe I should get this position as I have been within medical special forces before on other servers within gaminglight such as I was a genetic specialist within OMI-9 MTF on SCPRP, Medical/Sniper in DF. I also have been on many servers where I did extensive medical roleplay and guarding units. I also have been trained for medical within many serves and generations of medical on this server which is why I believe I am the best fit for this unit. I also believe that I should get this position due to my ability to dedicate a good amount of time on the server getting at least 4-5 hours a day. 

I have been medical on many servers like I said before and within many units which is the main reason I think I should be this highly skilled unit's medical specialist as I have been within other units that use medical in this role. I have experience with field surgery along with other surgeries and medical operations that could happen at any time. I believe that having this set of skills will allow me to save the VIP and keep the no-fail mission going. I also believe that with my experience IRL as an EMT a few years ago before covid hit will assist me in being an asset to the DT TI-23 unit as a whole and make it so that the unit can perform better and more fluidly. 

I believe that also I have shown within my training for TI-23 that allowed me to even be able to read this application that I don't complain about the VIP not doing exactly as told and try to work around the VIP instead of hindering what he wants to do. I also believe that during it I showed that I can stay serious when I need to and can break off from being serious when it is not needed and have fun and have a joke with people within the unit and DT as a whole. I also believe that I have shown the ability to learn from any mistake I might have made which makes me a good fit for the team as if we do have a mess up I can fix it and make sure it doesn't happen again. I also believe that me being determined to get better at anything I do whether in real life or in a game will allow me to effectively help this unit out in a better way. 

I think that I deserve a slot within the unit as well due to me knowing medical RP  from many years of doing it from very advanced to very basic medical RP along with combat medical tactics for in-game along with stuff I have been trained on for combat medical by people within my family who have served within the Navy as a corpsman which I believe will help make me a better fit as I have been told how to do some basic first aid from a young age. I also believe that have been told at least medical combat tactics theory will help me within the unit as I can give them ideas for combat medical movements and medical evac tactics that tend to lead to less death. 

I also have experience with many Special Forces units along with medical I was within medical as a CPT back in 2019-2020 and I have been with IF, DT, IC, Nova (Old Nova and New Nova).  I believe that the experiences I have given here also show that I am good at combat and can hold my own within a fight and have been trained in many different things from flying to hacking to medical to engineering to breach. The reasons that I have stated in the 5 paragraphs are the reasons I believe I should get this spot within TI-23. 

[Why do you want to be a part of Unit TI-23]

Why I wish to be a part of the unit TI-23 is because I believe I can be an asset to it. I also believe that it will be something new and different that will help me become better as a roleplayer and better as a person along with giving me vital experience for when I go on in DT and go higher within the unit called Death Troopers. I also want to be a part of the unit to help make DT better and better and help better the unit as well as I believe that I can assist it in a great way and give them vital medical support as the medic along with the Squad Leader recently got promoted to DT Command and cannot be within that role anymore. 

I wish to join the unit as well to learn more about DT Lore and gain new talents and learn from the other team members and maybe teach them some tips and tricks as well so we can grow together and become an excellent unit within this server and make it even better and considered a more deadly threat as if I can get the medical spot the unit will have a full set of members besides F16. I believe also if I can get this position TI-23 can better protect its VIPs which is another reason I wish to join this elite unit. I also wish to be a part of this unit to be able to better assist in a way that only a personal medic to the Death Troopers and its VIPs can which is by providing advanced and basic medical support along with equally as effective combat support. 

[What does Unit TI-23 do]

The unit TI-23 is a specialized unit that deals in both protecting highly sensitive VIPs and direct action missions. The unit has 5 members within it which happen to be F16 who is the leader and the figurehead of TI-23, L21 the demolition specialist who deals with getting anything out of the way along with repairing equipment that is mechanical and blasting down doors and rocks along with hacking as he serves as the overall engineer to the unit he also is the person who handles defusion of bombs when connected to VIPs/HVTs. M36 is the medical specialist of the unit who handles medical on VIPs and other DTs on the field and while in combative situations similar to L21 he fixes equipment just within the human variety. C37 the breach and clear member of the unit aka the Close quarter's Combat specialist of the unit his in charge of breaching down doors and dealing with CQC threats better than most other DTs could and is equipped with such gear. V07 is the marksman of the unit and as such he provides overwatch for the rest of the team and helps the team find routes to get to or provides covering firing when needed to help assist the unit in moving across land formations. 

They all serve different functions within the unit but combine their efforts to become an unstoppable force however they all are each other equals besides F16 who is the squad's leader and is their superior officer. The unit is considered highly redacted how ever so not everything they do or missions they have done is known to the public even most DTs same with the training that each member of the team has gone threw except by the members who have done it to get to the point of writing an application to get within this unit.  

[How active can you be]

I can be on nearly every day for 4-5 hours or more depending on if I have work and other obstacles that could get in the way but however, I will always be on within discord and able to respond with an hour or so if I am needed for a question or anything of that nature. 


[Do you understand that if you are accepted into Unit TI-23, you will be on a 1-strike system]

I understand this fact and wish to continue if I do get chosen 

Edited by [GL] Locus
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Previous Positions: Ex-Death Trooper | Ex- Inferno Squad Leader | Retired HRT LT | Retired FBI DCOS | Retired FBI FTO DD | Retired PD Major 

Current Positions: SRT Member spacer.png


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  • [GL] Locus changed the title to EE3/Locus's M36 application (Medical Specialist)

+ Support

- Known the guy for almost 3 years now. He's extremely dedicated to communities he likes, and Gaminglight is one of them.

- Has plenty of experience being a elite unit and has extensive RP Medical expertise.

- Active, I see him on daily.

- Nice guy to talk to and definitely knows what he's doing!

I believe he deserves this position as he's worked hard for this community as a whole; whether it be on ImperialRP, PoliceRP, or other servers he's extremely dedicated.

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[I have to be Honest or this would just be a lie]

-Treats everyone like crap

-Not easy to talk to

-Anytime I GM for him he treats everyone like shit

-Not super fit for this position 

-There are better people out there for this Position
-takes peoples work and claims it for his own 

-Doesn't communicate with anyone so well



Edited by Kio
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30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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5 minutes ago, Kio said:


[I have to be Honest or this would just be a lie]

-Treats everyone like crap

-Not easy to talk to

-Anytime I GM for him he treats everyone like shit

-Not super fit for this position 

-There are better people out there for this Position
-takes peoples work and claims it for his own 

-Doesn't communicate with anyone so well

Other than that good Luck man 

i havent personally had a bad experince but have heard some bad stories and until i have proof that he did or did not do this i am not gonna plus or minus support

Real Ass G
the sopranos smoking GIF

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+ Support

- Very dedicated to gaminglight as a whole

- Is extremely active 

- Very responsible and hard working

- Trustworthy

- Experience with medical roleplay and how it works


By the time I have spent with him he is very hard working and very trustworthy individual, in my opinion he deserves this position and he dedication to gaminglight also says a lot. Best of luck!!!

Edited by Zarzar06

 [SCPRP] Raptor 
Delta-5 Enlisted | Security Enlisted | Chaos Beta Operative
                       :  )


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1 hour ago, Kando said:

+ Support

- Known the guy for almost 3 years now. He's extremely dedicated to communities he likes, and Gaminglight is one of them.

- Has plenty of experience being a elite unit and has extensive RP Medical expertise.

- Active, I see him on daily.

- Nice guy to talk to and definitely knows what he's doing!

I believe he deserves this position as he's worked hard for this community as a whole; whether it be on ImperialRP, PoliceRP, or other servers he's extremely dedicated.

I personally have known this player, a long with the fact that he is the person who brought me into imperial, first hand from other servers I have seen him grinding doing the best he can for any department/battalion he's been a part of. He is committed to roleplay and will take any challenge that is thrown at him.

Ex FBI DCOS | Ex FTO Director | Ex HRT 1LT | Ex PPD Overseer | Forum Diplomat | PoliceRP Admin | Ex Event Team Co-Leader | SL Capo | Negev abuser

Former | State 1T | Lord III | PO2 | Imperial Senior Mod | GM3

Barret Deleter 28-7

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This is going to be a long one so if you have time, I recommend you read this whole thing, because its the truth:

Ever since Locus joined Inferno Squad, he has always been there for the regiment and is there in 'spirit' so to call, He is active through Teamspeak / Ingame and Discord, which is a plus side to his positions when he was Inferno Squad, and as of now to being an officer in Death Troopers, His support while he was in Inferno Squad was quite difficult to match, In my opinion Locus can be an extremely close and loyal friend, but to those on his bad side, (I guess that's your fault and not his) too bad. He was an asset toward Inferno Squad and I wish him well in his future endeavors within the Gaminglight Community, I will always stick by these words and what Locus is doing for this Server and the positions he is going or Will go for is undoubtedly the best choice in the aspect of everything, He will be a great M36 [Maybe better than Racc O_O] and overall will be the best Death Trooper Officer and Medic, Best of Luck, Hope you go far.


In short terms:


- Extremely Active

- Extremely Approachable

- Will have a chat with you for hours lmao ❤️

- Top 5 Kindest person I know on GamingLight Imperial

- Honest and Loyal

- Large Range of Experience

- Dedicated to his positions.


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16 hours ago, Kando said:

+ Support-my reply

- Known the guy for almost 3 years now. He's extremely dedicated to communities he likes, and Gaminglight is one of them.

- Has plenty of experience being a elite unit and has extensive RP Medical expertise.

- Active, I see him on daily.

- Nice guy to talk to and definitely knows what he's doing!

I believe he deserves this position as he's worked hard for this community as a whole; whether it be on ImperialRP, PoliceRP, or other servers he's extremely dedicated.


16 hours ago, Kio said:

-Support -my questions to kio

[I have to be Honest or this would just be a lie]

-Treats everyone like crap

-Not easy to talk to

-Anytime I GM for him he treats everyone like shit

-Not super fit for this position 

-There are better people out there for this Position
-takes peoples work and claims it for his own 

-Doesn't communicate with anyone so well

im going to say kio is wrong is every aspect again, not much to say besides everything that he has said is completely and utterly bs....

not easy to talk to??? bro locus talks more than i do... and thats saying a lot

and how can you say if someone fit for something when you cant even decide that... i think kio just has a crush on locus...... either way this is a big +support for me

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EX-Star fighter Marshall

EX-NCM Secretary


x-wing GIF by Star Wars

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+Mega Support
-Easy to talk to
-Funny and very kind
-You gained my trust and I gained ur trust
-Very good at operations and always the best in quota! (i will beat u one day)
-Active AF
-not mid
-Honest and loyal af
-Has the experience in GL and special forces.

Edited by Fawn
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Current: Nu-7 2LT scotched ZETACI MSGT scotched

Former:   DT PFC CR7IC DMS SFC 1205 Corr, IQ/Purge MSG/Lord III LuciferMC SS PFC Freyja 1170ST/Shore ENG SCT SFC griff 1277, LCPL Mark 1B57, State Trooper PVT Mark, FBI SA David Martinez IF Squad Lead (CPT) Neeko IvySHG Senior Guard (1LT) LuciferBWA Owner Spiral, RIS Unit R scotched, Security MSGT WDXH IJG scotched CI R&D IIN(WO) scotched MTF D5 SRO DDIR SVFTO CPT scotched ZETA/G9 Murmillo Daimyo GM1

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I will need more time to decide my vote on this application. But I will state what I think at face value.

-First of all, what an amazing application. You went into great detail, and explained every question I might have had.
-Second, the medical experience you do have is obviously extensive which can be very cool.
-You seem very professional, and that is a very good quality.

-You are brand new to DT, and a new transfer and haven't had time to truly acclimate, and join the most elite squad.
-I'm unsure how to feel about the reports I have seen from past IF on how certain individuals were treated, and will need to look into it further.
-I feel like the previous two negatives are make or break things for me in deciding this, as they mean everything for a tight knit team. If you aren't able to calmly have team cohesion and don't know the individuals around you, it can become very awkward and you might not even last long in the unit.

I do not say these things to discourage you! I am honest to see people improve.


OG DT TI-23 Marksmen V07 (Retired)
FormerSenior Gunnery Officer LX003, Lord I SilonDT 1LT DI3Imperial RP Moderator

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working with locus on PDRP has shown me the following

-Dedicates a lot of time to something he believes in
-Ensures he has the knowledge and technical skill to achieve success in the unit he is in
-Personally in my opinion would be a very good asset

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State Police
Trooper Major 1H03 | D.O.C Assistant Warden 1CC02 | C.E.R.T Team Leader 1TL01 | State Head Field Training Officer

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On 3/27/2022 at 5:45 PM, Fawn said:

+Mega Support
-Easy to talk to
-Funny and very kind
-You gained my trust and I gained ur trust
-Very good at operations and always the best in quota! (i will beat u one day)
-Active AF
-not mid
-Honest and loyal af
-Has the experience in GL and special forces.


Ex. Medical Commander Zug
Senior Admin | Forum Diplomat | Support Member


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After consideration, and taking the time to evaluate this individual further:

I still think you are fairly new to DT, but I think you could fit this position well.
You obviously have a lot of experience, and that shows.

OG DT TI-23 Marksmen V07 (Retired)
FormerSenior Gunnery Officer LX003, Lord I SilonDT 1LT DI3Imperial RP Moderator

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On 3/29/2022 at 5:08 PM, SilonMist said:

After consideration, and taking the time to evaluate this individual further:

I still think you are fairly new to DT, but I think you could fit this position well.
You obviously have a lot of experience, and that shows.


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On 3/27/2022 at 12:52 AM, Kio said:


[I have to be Honest or this would just be a lie]

-Treats everyone like crap

-Not easy to talk to

-Anytime I GM for him he treats everyone like shit

-Not super fit for this position 

-There are better people out there for this Position
-takes peoples work and claims it for his own 

-Doesn't communicate with anyone so well



I agree with Kio

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On 3/26/2022 at 10:52 PM, Kio said:


[I have to be Honest or this would just be a lie]

-Treats everyone like crap

-Not easy to talk to

-Anytime I GM for him he treats everyone like shit

-Not super fit for this position 

-There are better people out there for this Position
-takes peoples work and claims it for his own 

-Doesn't communicate with anyone so well



I'm gonna have to agree with Kio here




DT SV02 | DT SN03 | DT CPT RX6 | 69th CPL Burrito 6297

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On 3/26/2022 at 9:52 PM, Kio said:


[I have to be Honest or this would just be a lie]

-Treats everyone like crap

-Not easy to talk to

-Anytime I GM for him he treats everyone like shit

-Not super fit for this position 

-There are better people out there for this Position
-takes peoples work and claims it for his own 

-Doesn't communicate with anyone so well




  • Like 1

Former: Pyke Underboss, Shock VCMDR, RG COL/SHG Lead, Agent Kallus, Admin, GMIII.

Current: Lord Kat.

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On 3/26/2022 at 11:39 PM, Kando said:

+ Support

- Known the guy for almost 3 years now. He's extremely dedicated to communities he likes, and Gaminglight is one of them.

- Has plenty of experience being a elite unit and has extensive RP Medical expertise.

- Active, I see him on daily.

- Nice guy to talk to and definitely knows what he's doing!

I believe he deserves this position as he's worked hard for this community as a whole; whether it be on ImperialRP, PoliceRP, or other servers he's extremely dedicated.


                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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i am always correct and will always be better than you

#JusticeForTrojan #SlideForRacc #:3

Former: Imperial High Command | Deathtrooper Senior CommanderSenior Admin | Senior Forum Diplomat | Support Member


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