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Evelynn's Trial Moderator Application- Accepted


Voting Poll  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Evelynn Become Staff?

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What is your in-game name?


What is your steam name?


What is your steam ID?


Do you have any other experience with staffing?

I have a vast experience with staffing. I have staffed on quite a few games/servers including the following. Garry’s Mod, Rust, Discord Servers, etc. I have the most staffing experience inside Garry’s mod. I have staffed on servers like Unity Gaming (Operator), Icefuse (Head Admin), Garnet Gaming (Moderator), and Rustoria (Rust). I have in total about over 1 and a half years of experience, and have handled most likely over 2500+ tickets, and managed over 500+ other staff members. I have experience in ULX, ULX+, and quite a few other types of systems for staffing. I understand how to use a variety of different Ticket/Sit Addons, and how to properly talk and help users who are in distress. In my years of staffing I have gained many traits/skills such as how to de-escalate situations from becoming out of control, how to determine correctly the outcome of sits/tickets and many other useful traits/skills that have been learned by my experience of staffing on quite a few servers.

What date did you start playing in the community?

I started playing around November 9, 2019. I was very much into research inside SCP-RP and learning about the different types of SCP’s. I played on the server for about a month I believe, and have played on and off since then. Though I have recently been enjoying myself inside security, so I started playing on the server around last year, though I have played on and off. So about a month straight in the past, on and off, and most recently have been playing on the server for over a week straight.

What date did you make your forums account?

November 9, 2019

Current rank on server

Normal user

How many warns do you have on the server

None: https://gyazo.com/012c4c2661ad23e24870f45406253ed3

Have you donated?


What rank are you applying for?

Trial Moderator

Are you staff on another community


Have you read the staff guidelines, you will be tested on it




Why do you believe that you deserve the rank?

I strongly believe that I deserve the rank of Trial Moderator because I am an experienced, calm headed, respectable, rule abiding,  a mature individual, and many more things such as follows.
Within my time on Gaming Light, I have shown nothing but respect for the rules, and other players alike. I have an extremely lengthy background in staffing in Garry’s Mod, Rust, Discord, etc… I also have quite the lengthy background on this server, originally coming to it about a year ago. I would love to get the ability to not only let my words speak for me, though most importantly my actions. During my time in SCP-RP I have come to get to know a plethora of people both inside of role play, and inside the staff team, which I believe my impressions on them have been very positive! We have shared our enjoyment and love for gaming/SCP-RP.  Almost all of the people that I have met inside SCP-RP have been kind, welcoming, and very fun to talk to. It is a very big part of why I would like to apply to become a staff member. I have no problem at all treating them with upmost respect seeing how they have given the same onto me. 

Loyal/Team Player
I would love to get the chance to help improve the server in a positive way. If I were to be accepted into the staffing team, I would not only be able to help the server, though with my vast amount of staffing experience I would be able to help assist my fellow staff members. I truly care about each and every person on the server, even much so the members of staff that get on each and everyday to help the server without asking for anything in return. I’m also a very big team player, I am loyal to any team that I take part in because I know that if we all work together we can achieve anything, if we all remain loyal to each other and the server we can easily conquer anything in our way. I request to join the staff team not only to help the server though also the staff members. Hundreds of people join the server everyday and a handful of people can’t be expected to handle all of them. If I was to become staff I would be able to backup and support the staff members as a team. I also have the ability to lead, I know what is right and what is wrong, I understand that some people may or may not take everything  seriously, or even get confused on what is the right choice sometimes, though regardless I would be able to set everyone on the correct path. I am excellent with solving problems not only with players though also with my fellow team members. 

 I will admit I am not perfect nor the best at anything I do, though what’s different about me and other people is that I try my best no matter what. I always try to improve and gain skills that will help me better myself in everything that I do. I plan to give the Trial Moderator Rank everything that I’ve got no matter what happens along the way. In my previous experiences and encounters with staffing I have had many hardships and trials. From the start of my experience of learning how to staff, from disgrimination based on my gender, from anything far and few between. I have worked past it and emerged on top every time. No matter what obstacle or hardship gets in my way of anything that I do, I make sure to stand strong, determined and never falter for whatever the correct thing to do is in any given context.

I want to give everyone a chance to experience a truly good time, regardless of who they are, judging solely on their actions, not on their race, or color, sexuality, etc… As-well as give everyone a fair and honest chance to be able to defend themselves in any situation regardless of any of those things. I promise to be honest in everything that I say no matter whatever the consequence must be. A vast majority of people who get on the server are here to have an enjoyable time, and those who are not must quickly be weeded out to ensure that we are the #1 roleplay server on all of Garry’s Mod. I have read over all of the rules, I have met all of the requirements for joining staff, and hope that those who read this will see my truly honest words and allow me to help the server grow into an even better community where we can all share our time together.

How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

Seeing how they were Mass RDM'ing and the question states I already know that I would still ask them to stop, if they did not I would take away their ability to talk by Gaging them. I would allow them to give their side of the story before taking any action then review it and look at the logs if they calmed down afterwards. After seeing that they have Mass RDM'd I would explain to them what they did wrong and the consequences of doing so. I would not be able to ban them so I would CoC this up to the appropriate rank that would be able to handle it. Though before I do that I would compile any information on the matter that would be necessary for the people that I am contacting to easily be able to make the choice to Ban them for 5 Days. If any of the things they said were also against the rules I would inform and also give the evidence to the staff member I am CoC'ing to add additional time to their ban sentence.

Complimentary close.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application I know it was quite long, though I truly look forward for the possible chance in joining the ranks of SCP-RP's staff team. I promise to do my best, be honest, fair, respectful, and never let anyone down.

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I've seen her on and she takes her position seriously, she always has a calm mind during pressuring situations. 

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|| Deputy Chief Of Security || Security OFTO || A1 LT WENDIGO || Former Delta-5 WO || Former Delta-5 DHRO || Former Delta-5 FTO || Former GT4 VALI || Former RRH Echo 45 || S.T.A.R.S || S.T.A.R.S  || Mr. Golf

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Nu7 MSGT | Ex CI R&D AIN | Ex Sec 2LT | Ex OS | Ex CI 2LT

[CC] Owns: OPIF - Omnipurpose Infantry Force | Charple on Vacation | Vonzen Plushi | CI Take Force 'Blackhawks'

[CC] On: Farmer Jakub | MTF Sigma-66 | E-11 Rangers 'Reborn' | TF2 Solider | CI TF2 Heavy | Obama | Lone Wolf | Combine | STARS


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One of the most detailed applications I have seen in quite a long time, may I add was quite lovely to read through.

Good person, I have had nothing but positive interactions from the person

Leads very well as a Gensec NCO from my time in d block 

Is passionate about staff and dedicated to the community

Overall, I believe this person can do well as a staff member.  

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SCP-RP: Commander of Epsilon-11 || Chaos Insurgency Captain || Senior Admin ||  Forums Diplomat || Rho-36 Arcane Autonomous Scout ||

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1 hour ago, Sparkle said:


You don't get this much effort in applications very often. I would very much love to see how you do on the field.

Yeah,  I usually see this much detail in Admin/Senior Admin apps. Overall Evelynn would be a great addition to the staff team in my opinion.

 SCPRP Director of Logistics, Event TeamFormer Nu7 2LT, Former Senior Admin

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- Very nice application. 
- My peers think you are fit for the job and I trust them... somewhat XD.
- I've never had any experience with you but, from what  I heard, you do a pretty bang up job. Good luck.

~Your Local SCP Lead AdminAka: Rekti-High
The REAL Don Godfather 527 | CEO of the Minge Team | The Baby Joe | Leader of the Fish Mafia

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With face to face interactions, Evelynn seems like she would be fit for Staff Team. She is respectful and on multiple occasions I have seen her remind others about the rules and not to break them, also you don't see this much effort put into a application. Like never. Probably one of the longest applications I have seen and one of the best.

The only drawback I have, is much people not knowing who you're, so I guess build up that reputation more with your peers.

Good Luck!

 Foundation Archivist | Operations Supervisor | SCP-RP Senior Admin Forums Diplomat | Support 1 |

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2 hours ago, Jimmy James said:

I don't personally know you or how you are in person, but I have to say this is one of the best formatted staff applications I have ever seen. It seems you have a positive reputation in the community so I will trust the players with that and +support.


Good Luck!


Retired DHOS || Former Wardens Comissioner Caligula || Former SRIC in R&D || Former OH8 Funni [Redacted] Man | | Retired OPSV in Maintenance || Former MMF Duck || Former HLPR Bot AC3 || Retired 2LT in E-11 || Former Head Field Scout || Former Ranger Pax || former ET || Former Omicron-9 CPT  || Former OM9 EXP Delta PoliceRP: PD LCPL | SCU LT

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. " -John F Kennedy, Rice University, Sept. 12, 1962



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