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SCP Ban for killing afk d-class


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Steam Name Big_walnut


Ingame Name: MTF Nu7 Walnut

Ban Length: 2 Weeks

Admin that Banned you: I forgot cause it was a week ago

Reason for Ban: I was killing afk d class and then I was banned

Dispute: I understand that the rules are not to kill teammates but I play on the server everyday and I was trying out a new weapon and got carried away. I hope you understand that I am sorry for what I have done and I am hoping that you give me another chance, thank you for your time


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You were banned for Mass RDM/ARDM (x21).

That is absolutely extreme for testing out a new weapon. Additionally, the very, VERY first rule of the server, on the MOTD that appears every time you join says "Do not kill without an RP reason, this is considered random death match (RDM)." You killed 21 people, as you admit, for an invalid reason. If you really wanted to test a weapon out, you could've asked someone to agree and go to the designated space just for that.



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8 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

You were banned for Mass RDM/ARDM (x21).

That is absolutely extreme for testing out a new weapon. Additionally, the very, VERY first rule of the server, on the MOTD that appears every time you join says "Do not kill without an RP reason, this is considered random death match (RDM)." You killed 21 people, as you admit, for an invalid reason. If you really wanted to test a weapon out, you could've asked someone to agree and go to the designated space just for that.




Retired MTF Nu7 LTCOL| Retired Nu7 HFTO | Retired OH1 |  Retired Admin | French Canadian Man
Custom Classes: Raptor Team Jeff the killer

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15 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

You were banned for Mass RDM/ARDM (x21).

That is absolutely extreme for testing out a new weapon. Additionally, the very, VERY first rule of the server, on the MOTD that appears every time you join says "Do not kill without an RP reason, this is considered random death match (RDM)." You killed 21 people, as you admit, for an invalid reason. If you really wanted to test a weapon out, you could've asked someone to agree and go to the designated space just for that.



Nah chief

                                                                             Chad of many names       Professional Shit talker


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You "Tested" a weapon on 21 people. You could have just asked someone who isn't AFK but rather chose to RDM 21 people. Considering the fact that you knew this was a rule and still broke it leads to my -Support


SCP-RP: Commander of Epsilon-11 || Chaos Insurgency Captain || Senior Admin ||  Forums Diplomat || Rho-36 Arcane Autonomous Scout ||

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First of all, I do not understand how you could have killed 21 people in such a short time span. Saying that you were testing our new weapons on AFK class-Ds is not a valid excuse, saying that you didn't know that this would have such a huge consequence is also not a valid excuse. 

I issued the ban based on how other admins dealt with this large scale of RDM, because quite frankly, a 5 day ban is not reasonable for this big of an offense. 

While some might argue that this is against the staff guideline, I think 2 week is the appropriate punishment for this when YOU purposely killed 21 players within a short time span. (ban was accordance to how other higher and more experienced admins dealt with these kind of large scale mass RDM). Which demonstrated you have NITRP. 

Furthermore, not to mention that YOU agreed to the rules when you closed the menu. 

Hence, why a 2 week ban was issued. 


Edited by Hope

osu! achiever? I don't know

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8 hours ago, Big_walnut said:

I understand that the rules are not to kill teammates but I play on the server everyday and I was trying out a new weapon and got carried away.


"Without morals, are we truly any better than the things we've set ourselves to contain?"

EX-Site Director   EX-Super Admin | EX-Event Team Lead | Otter Lover Regardless of what SMT Says, not a furry. R&D Senior Inspector


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41 minutes ago, Orange 🍊 said:

Those 21 people could have had an armory weapon and had do do something outside the game and returned dead. I go AFK with guns all the time in upper D Block.

1 hour ago, Phillers said:



                                                                             Chad of many names       Professional Shit talker


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I was in UDB and I had an mp5 that I stole from armory, and this guy walks up to me and kills me with a wrench. He then proceeded to kill tons of more d-class so i got an admin, and sixx pulls me into the sit room with the guy and he straight up said “This E-11 told me if I kill enough d-class I’ll become MTF” like bruh I suck at lying and I could do a better job then that. You weren’t even killing just AFK people you were killing active people. I literally started laughing my ass off when I was told you KILLED 21 people! BRO HOW DO YOU EVEN MANAGE TO GET THAT GOOD OF A K/D?!?!






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11 hours ago, Sparkle said:

You were banned for Mass RDM/ARDM (x21).

That is absolutely extreme for testing out a new weapon. Additionally, the very, VERY first rule of the server, on the MOTD that appears every time you join says "Do not kill without an RP reason, this is considered random death match (RDM)." You killed 21 people, as you admit, for an invalid reason. If you really wanted to test a weapon out, you could've asked someone to agree and go to the designated space just for that.




Former Head of Janitorial | HCZ man geerlvl 70 life wizard | Roblox Clothing Designer 


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11 hours ago, Sparkle said:

You were banned for Mass RDM/ARDM (x21).

That is absolutely extreme for testing out a new weapon. Additionally, the very, VERY first rule of the server, on the MOTD that appears every time you join says "Do not kill without an RP reason, this is considered random death match (RDM)." You killed 21 people, as you admit, for an invalid reason. If you really wanted to test a weapon out, you could've asked someone to agree and go to the designated space just for that.




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10 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:


You "Tested" a weapon on 21 people. You could have just asked someone who isn't AFK but rather chose to RDM 21 people. Considering the fact that you knew this was a rule and still broke it leads to my -Support



"L’Eggo My Eggo"

||Omi9|| E11 PFC || CI RND Researcher ||

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