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Adding a specific reason to denied suggestions - Denied


Should this be changed?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Should SMT add a reason as to why suggestions are denied?

    • yes
    • no
    • case by case

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What you want to see? - SMT writing actual reasons as to why suggestions are unable/are unwilling to add to the server

Why should we add it? - This will give members of the community a chance to refine their suggestions to fix any flaw with their suggestion and re suggest it to where it won't cause issues, the current cookie cutter response of "The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason" Is way too vague to go off of, people should be able to know why their suggestion won't be added instead of being left to guess why it won't. I am not talking about the suggestions that are all -support, but rather the suggestions that have a ton of support behind it only to be denied by SMT for an undisclosed reason. If you tell us why it can't be added we can find a different resource that is compatible and get something amazing added. As it currently stands people can't improve their suggestions because they don't know what the problem with it is. Even something like Denied, This would cause server instability would be better than stating all the reasons and not pin pointing a specific one.

What are the advantages of having this? - People will know why their suggestion was denied and will be able to modify it to something that can be accepted. Back in the day it would be like Denied, would cause too much lag to the server or Denied, this would break other plugins we own. These allowed people to find different addons that would not interfere with the server!

Who is it mainly for? - The entire server

Links to any content - N/A

Edited by Pliskin

Imperial RP

  • Stormtrooper Lance Corporal Snake 3120
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+support SMT Use to do this 


                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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MASSIVE +Support

+It's honestly slightly annoying to have a suggestion with plenty of plus supports and then get a copy & paste reason that it was denied.

+I understand having the copy & paste things for warns that tell you how to appeal it, etc. but having a suggestion and it being denied with the cookie-cutter response of "We aren't adding it because of this reason, this completely different reason, or this completely different reason" is really disheartening.

+Imagine going to the doctor and them saying "Alright, you have disease X and you got it because you did something that you shouldn't have."

SX CEO ViperKimg | EMS/FR Reserves | Gaminglight Member Since 2017 | Donated Over $850 | Ex-PoliceRP Staff | $1,000,000,000 Achieved In-Game | Married to @EmptiedSkies ❤️

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6 minutes ago, ViperKimg said:

MASSIVE +Support

+It's honestly slightly annoying to have a suggestion with plenty of plus supports and then get a copy & paste reason that it was denied.

+I understand having the copy & paste things for warns that tell you how to appeal it, etc. but having a suggestion and it being denied with the cookie-cutter response of "We aren't adding it because of this reason, this completely different reason, or this completely different reason" is really disheartening.

+Imagine going to the doctor and them saying "Alright, you have disease X and you got it because you did something that you shouldn't have."


Ender | Former SWAT Lieutenant | Senior Low Command | SWAT FTO | Previous PoliceRP Administrator 

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"There's a fine line between right and wrong. And somewhere, in the shadows, they've sent us to find it."

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4 hours ago, Hannah King said:

+support SMT Use to do this 


3 hours ago, ViperKimg said:

MASSIVE +Support

+It's honestly slightly annoying to have a suggestion with plenty of plus supports and then get a copy & paste reason that it was denied.

+I understand having the copy & paste things for warns that tell you how to appeal it, etc. but having a suggestion and it being denied with the cookie-cutter response of "We aren't adding it because of this reason, this completely different reason, or this completely different reason" is really disheartening.

+Imagine going to the doctor and them saying "Alright, you have disease X and you got it because you did something that you shouldn't have."

Sometimes I understand it if its private but with alot of things it shouldnt have to be the case.

Former S.W.A.T Commander & J.M.T Member


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INB4 steve comments "Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason"



This is super annoying to see a suggestion you liked not have a stated reason for being denied. There may be some circumstance where smt may not want to say but we should know why it was denied for the vast majority of suggestions so we can know what her something can be fixed on the suggestion or if it's a suggestion that cant/wont ever be added for blank reason.


21 hours ago, Hannah King said:

+support SMT Use to do this 


21 hours ago, th3 said:


It was easier for suggestions to be modified instead of the uncertainty that remains now. However, sometimes certain things are interfering with it that the Manager may not want to disclose and those vague messages allowed them to be flexible in terms of future server development.


21 hours ago, ViperKimg said:

MASSIVE +Support

+It's honestly slightly annoying to have a suggestion with plenty of plus supports and then get a copy & paste reason that it was denied.

+I understand having the copy & paste things for warns that tell you how to appeal it, etc. but having a suggestion and it being denied with the cookie-cutter response of "We aren't adding it because of this reason, this completely different reason, or this completely different reason" is really disheartening.

+Imagine going to the doctor and them saying "Alright, you have disease X and you got it because you did something that you shouldn't have."


I was already thinking about suggesting this.

If this doesnt get accepted I'm going to give myself a really big paper cut and you will be sad.

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I’m sorry I can help but thing the “Denied” thing is going to be put on this and it’s going to say  “ Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding thissuggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason”

LOL +support

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PD Colonel , EMS Deputy Chief


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On 1/12/2020 at 3:37 PM, ViperKimg said:

MASSIVE +Support

+It's honestly slightly annoying to have a suggestion with plenty of plus supports and then get a copy & paste reason that it was denied.

+I understand having the copy & paste things for warns that tell you how to appeal it, etc. but having a suggestion and it being denied with the cookie-cutter response of "We aren't adding it because of this reason, this completely different reason, or this completely different reason" is really disheartening.

+Imagine going to the doctor and them saying "Alright, you have disease X and you got it because you did something that you shouldn't have."



EmptiedSkies | GamingLight Member Since 2017 | $1,000,000,000 Achieved In-Game | Married to @ViperKimg ❤️

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As a manager who has quite literally accepted/denied over 500 suggestions, while this might sound like a great idea to you guys, it ends up being a pretty difficult to do this. Granted, for the most part I tend to put a small (sometimes long or even a rant) on some of the suggestions, but I don't think I would ever want to put a comment on every single thing I've denied. Especially for the number of suggestions we have to facilitate, it already takes hours on end to go through them. I'm not saying we can't try to put a reason for everything we deny, because most of the time I try to, but just remember that it can be very time consuming to do so. We are just "gamers" too you know.

Obviously I tend to not post reasons on the ones that are either A) Really Really Really Stupid, or B) It's obvious why it is denied, or C) Like all -Supports.  But for the ones that have a lot of supports and that I can't accept, I try my best ot put a reason.

That's also why I put two responses on some of them, I put my response, then I use our "button" that posts the Accepted or Denied, Locks, and moves the topic all at the same time. That's why we use the button in the first place, it makes doing the tedious actions very easy.

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I mean you can also make it so you can ask them why but most the time its same reason, "causes more lag to the server"


Killer | Gaminglight Member Since 2016 | Retired PD Colonel l State Major l SPRT Co-Commander l FBI Assistant Director l  UMC Level 4

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13 minutes ago, Matthew said:

brooooo it will take some much time posting why and etc. I think it might be better to save that time to fix/update the server.....


TheJayden | Retired PoliceRP PD Colonel | Retired/Reserve Delta Squad Second Lieutenant | Street Crimes Unit Co-Commander | Member of Gaminglight since March 29, 2018 |

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19 minutes ago, Matthew said:

brooooo it will take some much time posting why and etc. I think it might be better to save that time to fix/update the server.....


SCPRP Head of Staff

Lead Discord Administrator 

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15 minutes ago, Bor said:

This is your literal job as a Manager, Please stop complaining about time, If you don't have the time and effort, Please don't be a manger.

This is not diss. This is the truth.


I am sorry, but I don't think you truly understand. Steve and other SMT members (Like myself) are very busy. We constantly communicate with other department HC's about future updates, future departments, future JMT/SMT, future jobs (in the server like Drug Dealer), future donation items, future ways to improve our server(s), future holiday events, future sales, future servers, addons to possibly add and the present bugs! I don't think you really know what we do on a day to day basis. I am personally almost always stressed about HoS, from new staff, staff apps, staff reports, server issues, coding bugs (missing a comma LOL) and (the biggest) ALL PRP Staff Drama! Sounds fun? I can't even imagine what managers go through. Specially Igneous running 2 servers. So no we are not just complaining about time just as an excuse but b/c I have personally missed a couple personal things to fix/help improve the server. Its not complaining, its just the truth! Feel free to message me on anything if you want to continue discussing it. 

Kind Regards,


PoliceRP Manager

Retired SRT Commander | Police Commissioner | Department Supervisor

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2 hours ago, Matthew said:

brooooo it will take some much time posting why and etc. I think it might be better to save that time to fix/update the server.....

Please don't take this the wrong way but with having a specific reason as to why a suggestion is being denied, for example, that specific add-on causes severe lag or has a bug that would ruin the server, and you state that as the reason, it would help us find a different add-on that serves the same purpose and thus in the long run help you do your job of update the server and save time searching around for add-ons. Of course I am not talking about the suggestions that get -supported into oblivion, those are obvious as to why they are denied, but the genuine suggestions that the whole server +supports, but for some unexplained reason gets denied, and it disheartens the people who suggested it and those who gave +supports believe their opinion does not matter.

Edited by Pliskin
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Imperial RP

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3 minutes ago, Pliskin said:

Please don't take this the wrong way but with having a specific reason as to why a suggestion is being denied, for example, that specific add-on causes severe lag or has a bug that would ruin the server, and you state that as the reason, it would help us find a different add-on that serves the same purpose and thus in the long run help you do your job of update the server and save time searching around for add-ons. Of course I am not talking about the suggestions that get -supported into oblivion, those are obvious as to why they are denied, but the genuine suggestions that the whole server +supports, but for some unexplained reason gets denied, and it disheartens the people who suggested it and those who gave +supports believe their opinion does not matter.


Edited by EmptiedSkies
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EmptiedSkies | GamingLight Member Since 2017 | $1,000,000,000 Achieved In-Game | Married to @ViperKimg ❤️

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26 minutes ago, Bor said:

This is your literal job as a Manager, Please stop complaining about time, If you don't have the time and effort, Please don't be a manger.

This is not diss. This is the truth.


I disagree, and in fact I consider this extremely disrespectful to not only every Manager but also every SMT member. We volunteer and help the community behind the scenes to ensure a quality experience. This means we often take the most efficient path to get something done so we can focus on other areas of importance or so we can finish and go do stuff in real life. So given that you never will be faced with the choices that SMT make on a daily basis don't tell us that our only focus should be "suggestions" when its so much more. Frankly I would rather spend more time making sure bugs and other issues are fixed so players don't have a horrible first impression rather than my literal job. So I figure we would "complain" especially given how shortsighted your post is. 

I would be considerate of how you post because if you have the same attitude in further posts then you will most certainly be forum moderated.


SCPRP Head of Staff

Lead Discord Administrator 

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5 minutes ago, Pliskin said:

Please don't take this the wrong way but with having a specific reason as to why a suggestion is being denied, for example, that specific add-on causes severe lag or has a bug that would ruin the server, and you state that as the reason, it would help us find a different add-on that serves the same purpose and thus in the long run help you do your job of update the server and save time searching around for add-ons. Of course I am not talking about the suggestions that get -supported into oblivion, those are obvious as to why they are denied, but the genuine suggestions that the whole server +supports, but for some unexplained reason gets denied, and it disheartens the people who suggested it and those who gave +supports believe their opinion does not matter.

Here is the thing here, and this is probably my last comment on this post. The thing is, that most of the suggestions are repeats of the past or will cause performance issues, that is why its stated in the auto-deny reply. However, typing a reason won't improve as the same suggestion gets suggested 2 weeks later, same addon and all (or a more complex system). The auto reply no joke states all the reasons it got denied, it can cause performance issues or SMT thinks it will not benefit the server. That is really all you need to know, I think. Now I hope you don't take this message in the wrong way, do you truly value your opinions, YES. Steve and I have really been pushing for that, specially with Department High Command members. However, I believe just typing out the reason, will be the same meaning as the auto-reply, but different words to get the point across. I hope you understand where I am coming from! 🙂

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PoliceRP Manager

Retired SRT Commander | Police Commissioner | Department Supervisor

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7 minutes ago, Matthew said:

Here is the thing here, and this is probably my last comment on this post. The thing is, that most of the suggestions are repeats of the past or will cause performance issues, that is why its stated in the auto-deny reply. However, typing a reason won't improve as the same suggestion gets suggested 2 weeks later, same addon and all (or a more complex system). The auto reply no joke states all the reasons it got denied, it can cause performance issues or SMT thinks it will not benefit the server. That is really all you need to know, I think. Now I hope you don't take this message in the wrong way, do you truly value your opinions, YES. Steve and I have really been pushing for that, specially with Department High Command members. However, I believe just typing out the reason, will be the same meaning as the auto-reply, but different words to get the point across. I hope you understand where I am coming from! 🙂

I do understand where you are coming from, but even something as simple as only putting one of those three reasons would at least give us members some kind of closure as to why our suggestions get denied, instead of stating all 3. So if it would lag the server you could write, "The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons" Instead of writing that along with, or the benefit of the server, or a private reason. It helps us as a community know what is and is not plausible for this community when we know this. And I do understand you get repeat suggestions with the same addons. But what I am saying is sometimes there are alternatives out there that are lighter on resources that could work that we simply won't suggest if we think it is because SMT thinks it would not be of any benefit to the server.

Edited by Pliskin

Imperial RP

  • Stormtrooper Lance Corporal Snake 3120
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They are the ones who keep the server running, something we cant comprehend. Im the head of the ICs on the IRP server, so I get just a minute glimpse into a tiny fragment of what they do. They do this because they want to help the server, no one is holding a gun to their head and I doubt they get much, if anything, out of it. There is nothing stopping them from leaving yet they stay. Without them, server would quickly turn into chaos and ruins. Just let them do their job. If they feel like saying why, great! But force them to? Hard no

Retired as IRP assistant head game master, IRP SNR admin, PRP admin, IC Commander, SRT 2LT, EMS Head Deputy, FR DEFR

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I just don't understand why everyone is saying "this would take literally hours omg pls no" when it takes 30 second to write a one sentence response as to why it wasn't accepted. They dont have to put a paragraph for each post, just some general idea would help rather than nothing

SX CEO ViperKimg | EMS/FR Reserves | Gaminglight Member Since 2017 | Donated Over $850 | Ex-PoliceRP Staff | $1,000,000,000 Achieved In-Game | Married to @EmptiedSkies ❤️

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its just more work for SMT they dont need that maybe a brief explanation not a full paragraph  

3 hours ago, ViperKimg said:

I just don't understand why everyone is saying "this would take literally hours omg pls no" when it takes 30 second to write a one sentence response as to why it wasn't accepted. They dont have to put a paragraph for each post, just some general idea would help rather than nothing

id love to see you do it for hours just sayin

There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.


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