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haydeng30 staff application


should haydeng30 be staff  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. should haydeng30 be staff

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.What is your in-game name?: imthemuffinman

2. What is your steam name?: Haydeng30

3. What is your steam ID?: steam_o:1:182539695

4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) yes i have staffed on darkrp server. i was a head admin but i came across gaming light police rp. so i tried that out. so i am looking for a sever to be a administrator on police RP and this server is great.

What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly).  i estimate about last year at 2:06 pm september 7th.

6. What date did you make your forums account?i estimate about last year october 6th

7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? user

8. How many warns do you have on the server? i estmaite around 2 havent got in much trouble and my brother used to play on same computer so warns for me about 2 but for my brother like probably 12.

9. Have you donated? no

10. What rank are you applying for? Trial Mod

11. Have you read the staff guidelines YES

12. Timezone: central stander time

13..Permission (Admin+ need this):N/A

14.Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) The reason why i'm applying for staff the reason is i want to be an admin i have always wanted to be one and help people and to be recognized as a good admin not some admin that doesn't do his or her job i have read the staff handbook i have read the staff guidelines i would never curse or disobey a higher rank or even a low rank or disrespect them i would go to people that need help on the server and try to assist them in any way possible even with other admins i will try to help in anyway possible and i will do any orders i am given by higher ranks then me.   i will try to make the server better in any way possible i will attend meetings i wont be late i will respect all admins and players on the server. i will be a great admin i will not disprect any one even if it is someone has done something really really wrong then i would call a higher rank to sort it out i would never waste a SuperAdmin+ time please give it some thought to have me on your amazing sever.

15. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? i would cage them and ask them to calm down and if they don't i'll gag them if the still don't listen i will call to a higher rank admin to see what we should do with him or her if none are one and they keep doing a 6hr  ban or if they get enough warnings .


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Never seen on forums, in-game, or TS3

#14 needs ALOT OF work, you have nothing that "interesting" or unique about it

#15 is wrong

No effort put into application


App shows no effort of using grammar

First post was staff App

Lied about being a head admin


In my opinion, you are deffinetley not ready for staff


Copied Application! Now you need to be staff restricted in my opinion


Edited by {GL} My Pet named Steve
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46 minutes ago, My Pet named Steve said:


Never seen on forums, in-game, or TS3

#14 needs ALOT OF work, you have nothing that "interesting" or unique about it

#15 is wrong

No effort put into application


App shows no effort of using grammar

First post was staff App

For some reason, I don't believe you were a head admin

In my opinion, you are deffinetley not ready for staff



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49 minutes ago, My Pet named Steve said:


Never seen on forums, in-game, or TS3

#14 needs ALOT OF work, you have nothing that "interesting" or unique about it

#15 is wrong

No effort put into application


App shows no effort of using grammar

First post was staff App

For some reason, I don't believe you were a head admin

In my opinion, you are deffinetley not ready for staff


I agree 

Banned from Signatures - Valk - DNR - 11/25/17


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53 minutes ago, My Pet named Steve said:


Never seen on forums, in-game, or TS3

#14 needs ALOT OF work, you have nothing that "interesting" or unique about it

#15 is wrong

No effort put into application


App shows no effort of using grammar

First post was staff App

For some reason, I don't believe you were a head admin

In my opinion, you are deffinetley not ready for staff



MilRP: Spetsnaz SCOL | Retired SZ and DI Major General  || JvS: Retired Sith Council | Reserve Sentry Darth | Retired Administrator




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55 minutes ago, My Pet named Steve said:


Never seen on forums, in-game, or TS3

#14 needs ALOT OF work, you have nothing that "interesting" or unique about it

#15 is wrong

No effort put into application


App shows no effort of using grammar

First post was staff App

For some reason, I don't believe you were a head admin

In my opinion, you are deffinetley not ready for staff



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App has no effort 

Never seen you before 

If you don’t put time and effort into your app then what makes me think you will put time and effort into your job

Retired Superadmin || Member since 2016

Retired ImperialRP High Command

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  • I’ve never seen you in-game
  • Application needs more effort.
  • First post, staff app.

Overall, I can't really trust you yet on having the staff rank as your activity in-game needs to improve. You deserve a chance, but I just don't think you are ready yet. Re-apply later when you think you are now well known on the community, and I might just give you a +Support. Good luck in your app.


Noah Jimes

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7 hours ago, My Pet named Steve said:


Never seen on forums, in-game, or TS3

#14 needs ALOT OF work, you have nothing that "interesting" or unique about it

#15 is wrong

No effort put into application


App shows no effort of using grammar

First post was staff App

For some reason, I don't believe you were a head admin

In my opinion, you are deffinetley not ready for staff



PD Captain  Senior Moderator Late night minge patrol 

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13 hours ago, My Pet named Steve said:


Never seen on forums, in-game, or TS3

#14 needs ALOT OF work, you have nothing that "interesting" or unique about it

#15 is wrong

No effort put into application


App shows no effort of using grammar

First post was staff App

For some reason, I don't believe you were a head admin

In my opinion, you are deffinetley not ready for staff



That bald Aussie Guy

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14 hours ago, ? BrycE ? said:


If you were to ask me, you should be staff restricted for a bit for plagiarism of another members staff application, this shows no effort, is highly disrespectful or rude, and is frowned upon. 

Also you copied someones application whos only got -Support

Ex. Superadmin - AnimeRP Ex. Senior Admin (AND FIRST) - PoliceRP   Ex. Senior Moderator - PoliceRP
Ex. Admin - Clonewars Ex. Admin - DarkRP 

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On 10/3/2018 at 1:19 AM, My Pet named Steve said:


Never seen on forums, in-game, or TS3

#14 needs ALOT OF work, you have nothing that "interesting" or unique about it

#15 is wrong

No effort put into application


App shows no effort of using grammar

First post was staff App

For some reason, I don't believe you were a head admin


In my opinion, you are deffinetley not ready for staff


Copied Application! Now you need to be staff restricted in my opinion



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