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A few small PD suggestions


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What you want to see? - PD rules being updated:- allowing command to train more PD than just cadet to improve officer quality.

Allowing command to spawn in gas masks(or Maj+) as we often find ourselves in raids which we can take part in but often mustard gas is involved. Maj+ to spawn gas masks so they're not abused/over used

Changing allowed guns for all officer ranks. Currently the guns are a big outdated, eg officer can use any smg whereas SNR and lcpl are restricted to only and m4. Also I'd like command to have access to a wider variety of weapons(specifically ranged ones) as the best we can use is an xm which doesn't work in long range situation. Ill list possible allowances for weps.

Ofc - Glock

SNR - Glock / MP5

Lcpl - Glock / MP5 / M4a1s

CPL - Glock / any SMG / M4a1

Sgt - Glock / any SMG / M4a1 / AK47

Msgt - Glock / any SMG / M4a1 / AK47

SM - Glock / any SMG / M4a1 / AK47 / Famas


Lt - all above / XM / Sawed Off / Gali

CPT - all above / XM / Sawed Off / Gali / SSG550(semi sniper)

Maj - all above / XM / Sawed Off / Gali / SSG550(semi sniper) / SG553 / AWP(possibly)

Col - 

all above / XM / Sawed Off / Gali / SSG550(semi sniper) / SG553 / AWP(possibly)


Why should we add it? - it would allow more diverse rp without everyone dying to their own weapons (gas) aswel as people with proper training.

What are the advantages of having this? - same as above

Who is it mainly for? - PD

Links to any content - N/A

Thanks for reading

-Colonel Bob Bob

Edited by -Unknown-

Retired Deputy Commissioner Bob Bob 1K51


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-Support on Gas Masks

just get tac units to spawn them in for you

Issue is tac units don't listen and when they do... They're dead and we're we're surrounded by gas, it would be a lot easier to spawn our own in, also do you have an opinion on the other 2 parts?

Edited by -Unknown-

Retired Deputy Commissioner Bob Bob 1K51


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+Great Idea (Col Bob bob)

+I like to RP more professionally 

+Have better quality PD members

+Gas masked would be better for command for PD Maj+. because state swat and SRT..... Etc I don't see why PD command can't get gas mask they worked for the rank and the position there at. 

+Huge support gas mask


Edited by Corbin(Presley)

Retired Fleet Admiral
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+Gas masked would be better for command for PD Maj+. because state swat and SRT..... Etc I don't see why PD command can't get gas mask they worked for the rank and the position there at. 

+Huge support gas mask


Thing is, NO regular PD unit carries a gas mask irl so it doesn't make sense for you guys to

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- + support

guns should be updated. 

Gas masks shouldn’t be handed out to PD due to PD not even having gas and TAC units should be doing all the raids for you. If you get gassed by a tac unit I recommend you report them. Guidelines say can’t have innocents or fellow officers lives in danger of gas. And I’ve seen it multiple times gas gets thrown out likes it’s a regular smoke grenade or a toy.

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My main issue is it sucks as an OFC to get killed again and again with a sucky glock. Make it so ofC has access to a mp5 then +support but right now it just seems unfair to them.

SCPRP Head of Staff

Lead Discord Administrator 

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I mean like exec said, PD shouldnt be responding in scenarios where mustard gas would be used. That should be SRT forces and SWAT.  

My main issue is it sucks as an OFC to get killed again and again with a sucky glock. Make it so ofC has access to a mp5 then +support but right now it just seems unfair to them.

- + support

guns should be updated. 

Gas masks shouldn’t be handed out to PD due to PD not even having gas and TAC units should be doing all the raids for you. If you get gassed by a tac unit I recommend you report them. Guidelines say can’t have innocents or fellow officers lives in danger of gas. And I’ve seen it multiple times gas gets thrown out likes it’s a regular smoke grenade or a toy.


MilRP: Spetsnaz SCOL | Retired SZ and DI Major General  || JvS: Retired Sith Council | Reserve Sentry Darth | Retired Administrator




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I mean like exec said, PD shouldnt be responding in scenarios where mustard gas would be used. That should be SRT forces and SWAT.  




when PD dont respond, tac units will complain about it that weve not gone to set up roadblocks and help out

Retired Deputy Commissioner Bob Bob 1K51


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when PD dont respond, tac units will complain about it that weve not gone to set up roadblocks and help out

Well I mean PD isnt exactly supposed to rush in just block off the perimeter for something big but yeah IK 

MilRP: Spetsnaz SCOL | Retired SZ and DI Major General  || JvS: Retired Sith Council | Reserve Sentry Darth | Retired Administrator




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Thing is, NO regular PD unit carries a gas mask irl so it doesn't make sense for you guys to

actually Jeffe in my town all police officers carry SWAT gear at all times, they have gas masks if not on them then in their car, and all officers are authorized to walk around with their AR-15 and shotgun (not sure what type). So you’re actually incorrect. They also all have tear gas on them at all times. Lol, Officer Friendly comes into schools with his AR-15 and says hi kids today I’m gonna teach you about safety. 

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Thing is, NO regular PD unit carries a gas mask irl so it doesn't make sense for you guys to

I mean no regular tactical unit carries mustard gas irl either but we do it anyway.

Imperial RP

  • Stormtrooper Lance Corporal Snake 3120
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+Great Idea (Col Bob bob)

+I like to RP more professionally 

+Have better quality PD members

+Gas masked would be better for command for PD Maj+. because state swat and SRT..... Etc I don't see why PD command can't get gas mask they worked for the rank and the position there at. 

+Huge support gas mask


I think the gas mask would be good for Maj+ because PD command it allowed to move in with tactical units at raids and the bank.

~ Funboy 

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