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Everything posted by Spection

  1. Denied You need to provide evidence
  2. waiting for more community feedback
  3. Denied This warn can no longer be appealed
  4. Looks like the poll is showing he has a lot of kids XD
  5. Instead of complaining in the general forums area under PoliceRP. You could make a Player Report.
  6. Feel free to make a suggestion post in the suggestion section under PoliceRP
  7. I have to request access to see a picture???? And seems like everyone is doing face revals now
  8. The biggest meme? Alright everyone. Get out your rulers we are measuring memes
  9. You don't look twelve you look twelve and a half (jk nice)
  10. Looks like blended watermelon to me
  11. Usally restarting your PC works. If not then try varifing the integrity of the game.
  12. Denied We take charge back threats very seriously
  13. Pending Locked to prevant any aguing
  14. Denied Please give evadance
  15. Denied Yes it was a light reason to warn someone. At the end of the day you still dissed
  16. Hello there. Hopefully you enjoy your stay
  17. It's unfortunate how people have to act to have to make this post exist.
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