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Everything posted by Spection

  1. Hello Felix, nice to meet you!
  2. -Support -You're very disrespectful -reasons above
  3. Yeah I had a dream about PoliceRP but not about getting banned
  4. What you want to see? - I would like to see PD being able to pick their players character Why should we add it? - It would add more diversity to the department and I understand the playermodels look like that because of the certain ranks What are the advantages of having this? - None Who is it mainly for? - PD Links to any content - N/A
  5. Could you please list all of the job spawns that are currently broken to your knowledge
  6. Over time warns tend to duplicate and my first warn was micspam because I was dreaming down my mic over radio my 10-20 and needed backup but nobody was coming
  7. +Support -You shouldn't be kidnaped in spawn
  8. -Support -You, should have checked the car ahead of time -Your also a bit mingey
  9. +Support -Active -Friendly -Mature -Effort in application -Fit for support
  10. +Support -Active -friendly -Helpful -Effort in application
  11. +Support -Active -Friendly -Effort in application -Fit for support
  12. Yeah, it has been getting annoying for a while and should stop because at this point it is just becoming bullying and targeting.
  13. +Support, all good reasons above and just needs to be a bit more active
  14. +Support if it replaces NSA, however, the department would have to stand out like any other instead of looking like a similar department.
  15. I will miss you Crav,? I haven't talked to you in a while.
  16. Spection

    SRT tryouts

    SRT tryouts are starting now!
  17. Spection


    Out of all of the current official departments we have in PoliceRP, what is your favorite? I'm just wondering and curious to what the most popular department is? And please give a reason to why is that department your favorite on PoliceRP!
  18. Spection


    Can't wait to see you in game and not just TS and the fourms
  19. You made a fourms account on my birthday!

  20. Spection

    Aj staff ban

    -Support, this appeal is very unclear and it show no effort has been put into it you don't even know anything about your administrative ban.
  21. Please wait and be patient... SMT is very busy dealing with a lot +Support, that type of action did not deserve a permanent ban and that action was very jurassic
  22. This post is lacking a lot of effort and details to why you were retricted and why you should be unrestricted. Age really doesn't have much to do with with maturity and at 14 and 15 you should be mature.
  23. -Support, reasons above, as a staff member on another community as a semi-high rank you should know how to be mature on another communities server, just recently you were minging here and that will not get you far. Disrespecting a higher up no matter in public or private is never exepectable what so ever!
  24. +Support, wrong person warned and minged, mistakes like this could happen frequently if you are going around in a server with a very similar name as someone else playing.
  25. +If the guy shot first after being revived -If Vodnik shoot first after the man was revived
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