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Everything posted by Trizium

  1. GINORMOUS + Support - Is Tree - Cracked - Hot
  2. Have a BAD LOA mr Django sir!
  3. - Support, I feel that there is not enough proof to issue a punishment.
  4. + Support Why don't we just make it to where the doors automatically close during the full lockdown and are unopenable for the time being and give them spawn protection.
  5. 1. What is your in-game name?: Trizium 2. Steam ID: 3. Current Rank in Security: CPL 4. Time on the server: Nearly 5 months 5. On a scale from 1 (the minimum 30 min per day) - 10 (6+ hours daily), how active are you?: 9 1/2 6. Do you have any active strikes on the roster? (This includes other branches): no 7. Which Juggernaut members recommended you to apply?: Jrshafer 8. What is your current level in-game?: 115 9. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?: yes 10. Why do you think you deserve to join the Security Juggernaut Sub-Branch? (100+ WORDS): I think I deserve Security Jug because I am fairly active and this job will only make me more active. I'm pretty well trusted by members of security and in the server in general. I have high ranks in other branches which proves further that I can be trusted by my fellow security. I'm not the best but I'm pretty good and have a lot of experience making sure D-Class doesn't get past me alive during harsh times in D-Block. I also think that it will be a lot of fun with my fellow juggs killing orange boys and climbing the ranks. 11. As a member of the Juggernaut Sub-Branch, do you have the right to give orders to people above your standard Security Rank? Why or why not?: No, because in the end they are your higher-ups and you should always listen to them.
  6. +/- Support I wouldn't be surprised if he did he's always breaking the rules on 682.
  7. Accepted Please contact an FTO to receive your training.
  8. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: 002 The Living Room 2. Link(s) to player models: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=841976561&searchtext=scp002 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: N/A 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? N/A 5. Why should we add this SCP? I think it is a very interesting SCP for researchers and give them something more to test on besides a candy bowl, book, or a bell 6. Basic summary of the SCP: SCP-002 is a fleshy, tumor-like mass of extraterrestrial origin that is roughly 2000 feet cubed in volume. Whenever a human is in contact with the interior of SCP-002 (which resembles an apartment room), they will be "eaten". Their flesh and bone are turned into furniture in the room. 7. Extra information: I'm not sure if it's possible but if you could include this in the new map if that ever comes out.
  9. This post was made to apologize to Zeeptin for joining his TeamSpeak channel we are sorry. Jrshafer - " I made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m simply here to apologize. " Trizium - " Very sorry Zeeptin we just wanted to do a bit of trolling you know a bit of tomfoolery. I hope you can ever forgive our actions " Ven - " I'm dearly sorry Zeeptin. I should've known better " Ezekiel - " I swear Sir Zeeptin, I've never seen these men in my life and I have no association with them whatsoever. "
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