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Everything posted by Trizium

  1. + support man is cracked at being medical
  2. - SUPPORT NOT BASED AND VERY CRINGE (JK + Support love you)
  3. Massive + Support - very trusted - amazing in D5 - Great person overall - very active
  4. + Support has been a great mod so far I think he deserves this only if you let us keep our hotdogs
  5. In-Game Name: Trizium Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:503543583 Squadron you are Applying for?: Guardian Current RP Ranks Held: D5 SSGT, IRO, If applying for Guardian preferred O5 to guard: Weiss or Hoovy either one How many Warns do you have?: 1 Why do you want to join the Red Right-Hand team: I would love to join the Right Red Hand because it just seems like a lot of fun protecting such high personnel. The O5 are really fun to RP with and I want to do that as a guardian whilst protecting them. Why should we accept you: I think you should accept me because I have previously been RRH before and I think I not only have the skill to carry out the duties of an RRH Guardian but I feel that I also have the trust of the people in the server to be trusted with level 5 clearance. I may only have one combatant rank currently but before I've also been LT in CCU and SFC in Security. I've only had one formal warning recently for RDM but I know that won't happen again and I know that it won't get in the way of my duties in RRH Guardians. I can be very active in Guardians and make sure whoever I am guarding they are not going to die.
  6. Man I just want the timer lowered cuz 20 minutes feel like too long -/+ leaning towards +
  7. + Support, Man is great pick for the job and very well trusted
  8. What bug is occurring? Tranq Bug Is it tied to a specific job, swep, player model, etc? No Has it only occurred once, or is it continuous? It works 100% of the time Please provide screenshots or a short video of the bug in action: I can't really do that because I don't want to tranq abuse and I'm not sure if thins belongs here but there is a bug where if you tranq someone and they switch their job they get teleported to where they were first tranqed and keeps the equipment from both jobs and it also stacks
  9. - support, Alright so this guy tried reporting me for cuffing him, and Tank took the report and listened to Tost explaining that I cuffed him and I said "go ahead and check logs" which he did then I'm guessing he saw nothing of me cuffing him so he asked for video evidence and he didn't have a clip so he got angry and said it was me and that he couldn't be lying because he had 0 warns and started dissing us so he closed the report and he later got warned. Tank is a great mod my man aint do nothing wrong
  10. + support, uh i don't really know why you left/got removed you had the best events everyone always laughed and had fun. You don't harm anyone's fun with the events I think you should have another go.
  11. Aight, I'm out fellas, It was nice while it lasted I had a lot of fun in medical. I wanna thank all of the command for being such great and nice people. You guys truly made me feel welcome. I won't be doing any honorable mentions just because I'm not good with those things but thank you all for this opportunity and I wish the best for medical. so yeah. bye bye.
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