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Everything posted by Trizium

  1. + Support, I dont know you that well but i've heard good things about you in Security and I think you deserve it. Good Luck!
  2. - Support, You've got low ranks though they arent that important in this application you would need a damn good and long application before you get accepted with an application that small and low ranks. You gotta get a screenshot of your warns and add it to the application. I'm confused on why you said " PFC Rct for mtf " I suggest saying " PFC in D-5 and RCT in NU-7 ". You do good work in D-5 i've noticed that but I think if you tweak some things in your application you should be fine and im sure I could + Support next application. Either way good luck
  3. - support, Your application is very short so I would improve on that first before applying again asuming you dont get it this time around. but either way best of luck!!
  4. + Support - Great work while on staff. - Constantly making sure any problems in game are handled on and off duty. - Great guy and really nice to talk too. - I believe this man deserves Senior Mod 100%
  5. + Support - Good Person from what I've heard - Good app
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