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Everything posted by Rinzler

  1. Furthermore, the applicant is inexperienced and unprofessional. Every encounter in-game I have had with them has thus far been negative.
  2. GENERAL INFORMATION [1-6] Name: Rinzler Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:433360051 ULX Rank: Diamond How long have you been playing on the server?: Since early November of 2021. Have you read the SCP-RP Event Team Guidelines?: Yes. How many warns do you have? (Screenshot): I have had zero warnings on all GL servers since joining the community. WHY I WANT TO JOIN THE EVENT TEAM I want to join the Event Team because I see it as the next step forward in my wide-reaching goal to serve this community as best as I can. The Event Team itself piqued my interest after I participated in several recent events which all varied in nature and scope. I have several ideas for events that could be hosted, big, small, combat, and non-combat. I have comprehensive knowledge of the SCP universe, so I am competent in dealing with the subject matter. I have extensive experience in staffing and directing complex operations, which would support my ability to ensure things run smoothly and run events smoothly myself. I am as active as I can be, and I am highly professional when it's the appropriate time. In short, I am interested in ET because of the knowledge and skills I want to apply to the server even further, and because of my desire to develop and host fun experiences for the playerbase. WHY I FEEL THAT I AM TRUSTWORTHY I feel that I have displayed considerable reliability, activity, and trustworthiness in handling sensitive material and/or responsibilities in the past and the present. My comrades in the MTF faction can attest to this. I am familiar with working under pressure and with a great deal of power, and thus responsibility. My status as an SNCO in Mobile Task Forces Nu-7 and Delta-5 displays my ability to work diligently, proactively, and professionally. To supplement these statements, below this answer a resume is linked that provides a history of the positions I have previously held. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dpLevPY3xQSXzTIHgt1SP-ue-OG2K18XMxB-T0VV3cs/edit I am not familiar with ULX, but I am adept in technology and willing to put time into learning how to master the system. EVENT IDEA(S) I would love to host or cooperatively lead events that introduce more cognitohazardoud or memetic elements. Another idea is to introduce SCPs that conform to different secondary classes, such as Numen (designating pertinency to a deity). Event plans may also be not related to the SCP universe, focusing more on fun games. Such as more prop hunt matches, arena games, and more of that sort, all for an in-game cash or item prize. For roleplay combat events, Capture the Flag or King of the Hill games could be hosted on the surface at buildings or vantage points between FF and CI. For these events, combatants would have their NLR disabled. Focusing more on SCP-related activities, anomalous objects, humanoids, or animals can be introduced in RP to give research staff something to work on.
  3. PREREQUISITES My GL Forums account is 171 days old as of the writing of this application, being formed on November 12th, 2021. I believe I have a positive community reputation, and I have no conflict with any member of any GL server. I have received zero warnings in my time here, and I have read and comprehensively understand the Staff Handbook. I understand that I will be shadowed by a Senior Moderator or higher for the first five days of my membership in the staff team should I get accepted. GENERAL INFORMATION [1-4] Name: Rinzler Steam Name: Rinzler Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:433360051 Discord Username: Rinzler#5906 SECONDARY INFORMATION [5-13] 5 - Experience with Staffing I have extensive experience with staffing. I have served at all ranks in staff teams of all sizes across a wide variety of communities, primarily in Console and Discord based communities. To spare the clutter, a resume of my staffing experience has been attached here that will provide a detailed curriculum vitae. CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mzp97nf1sk34O3TGsGlzO78OOVObIodfDLwLaBLqyGw/edit 6 - What date did you start playing the community? Shortly before the creation of my forums account (early November of 2021). 7 - What date did you make your forums account? November 12th, 2021. 8 - How many warnings do you have on all GL servers? A total of zero to date. 9 - Donor Rank Diamond, I plan on upgrading to Platinum when I have the money to spare. 10 - Are you a staff member in any other community? I do not currently serve as a member of any other staff team. All positions formerly held have been retired in pursuit of greener pastures. 11 - Have you read the staff handbook? Several times. I possess a comprehensive understanding of both the MOTD and Staff Handbook. 12 - Timezone Pacific Standard Time (PST). 13 - What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator. WHY I BELIEVE I DESERVE TRAIL MODERATOR Throughout my interaction with other GamingLight regulars, I believe I generally have a positive reputation. To those who know me, I am professional, active, dedicated, and trustworthy. I meet or can meet all staff expectations, and I am ready and willing to perform as staff in line with all on-duty expectations. I believe that in my experience here (which admittedly has predominantly been in the MTF faction), I have brought positive energy, encouraging a friendly and cooperative working environment. This impact in tandem with the extensive experience I have in all forms of staffing makes me what I would believe to be a very suitable candidate for beginning my journey here at the GL staff team. I am competent in handling stressful, confusing, and complex problems, and working under pressure. I understand the dynamic responsibilities of the moderative staff here, comprehensively understand the staff manual, and have prior knowledge of how staff teams operate. I am ready to take the next step forward here at GL, and in the event, I am accepted, I am prepared for anything that I may face while on duty. SCENARIO QUESTIONNAIRE Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? My first step before calling the sit would be to identify and note all person(s) involved. Afterward, I would confirm their guilt and then attempt to establish a motive or reasoning by asking for one. If the person persists with their abrasive behavior, I would gag them, and then formally inform them of the nature of their infraction. The next step would be to inform them of what punishments they are going to receive, and how long they will be in effect. The reprimand would consist of giving them a formal warning and issuing a 5-day ban. If I am unable to issue the punishment myself due to the administrative restrictions of my trial period, I would ask a Moderator+ for assistance in doing so. Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation? Assuming I am the leading staff member in the sit, my approach would be to return each player to their original location and move down the list of the five one by one. This way, we can receive uninterrupted information from them without the social stress of the other four. Once we have obtained sufficient info from each player, then we can move further. How we would move further is entirely dependent on the nature of the sit and the conduct of each player involved. If a player is offended by the toxicity of another player, and their antagonist's guilt is evident, the appropriate punishment would be issued. An alternate approach to this situation would be to isolate each player in the sit room so that RP is not disrupted on the map. Q3: In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a situation involving a player that does not care about the punishments they are receiving? Apathy when facing punishment is a common issue on Garry's Mod servers, so I would expect this to happen frequently. Generally, the level of concern a player has with their actions and the punishment they are receiving has no bearing on my decision-making. Personal affairs and sympathies have no role in staffing, and they would receive the standard and appropriate punishment. If a player is racking up minor formal warnings without care, I would solemnly inform them that if they continue, more serious action would be taken in the form of a ban. Q4: A player is abusing a known bug, and he has been reported to staff. He swears he followed the server rules when you talk with him. What's the best way to handle this? If the bug has been identified and outlawed by higher echelons of staff or is commonly reprimanded, I would cite this information to them, and ask them to utilize the staff report system on the forums if they believe they are being treated unfairly before proceeding with issuing the proper punishment. If the bug is unknown to me and other online staff members, I would check with a higher member of staff for guidance. If that member of staff confirms the exploit requires punishment, I would proceed with the reprimand. If the player continues to insist that they are following server rules, I would cite the word of my supervisor and ask them to utilize the staff report system if they feel they are being treated unfairly.
  4. + Support. Every experience I have had with Voxial has been positive. I have seen them do good moderative work, and they have excellent activity.
  5. - Support. No MTF Experience, Not a roster member of GENSEC, Literally joined the forums three hours ago, Extremely short and error filled application. I have no further criticism, I think these factors are enough to communicate my point. I HIGHLY encourage you to rank up in GENSEC, attend an Nu-7, E-11, or D-5 tryout, work your way up the ranks and gain experience, THEN revisit attempting to join Alpha-1. To have the absolute best shot at entry this time around, I advise that you completely overhaul your application to have an excess of at least 60 words in each question reply. Make sure these paragraphs are grammatically correct and well written. Note that this message does not intend to harass or demoralize you, it is constructive criticism. ~ Rinzler
  6. + SUPPORT. I see this guy on all the time as SEC when activity is needed most. Definitely deserves this in my opinion. Experienced, Dedicated, Active, Professional. ~ Rinzler
  7. + SUPPORT. Excellent Application, Excellent Activity, Excellent Professionalism. If anyone deserves to move up to JCMD, its you. I have seen nothing but hard work since the day you enlisted. I wish you the best of luck in your application. ~ Rinzler
  8. +Support. Professional and capable in game. He has performed in Delta-5 very well and I believe he would make a good fit in RRH. ~ Rinzler
  9. General Information Name: Rinzler Current Rank: SM I understand and accept that in the event of a positive verdict, I will have a two-week period of evaluation. I currently have no warnings on SCP-RP or on any GamingLight affiliated server. Evidence is attached below. Why I feel that I should be trusted with Command I have previously served in a myriad of staff positions across multiple communities, ranging from squad lead to executive management. I am familiar with operational security protocols and handling classified or sensitive information, combat tactics in the Source engine, and leadership of all forms. I can think critically and adapt rapidly to counter challenging circumstances and meet demanding objectives with limited intelligence, manpower, and resources. I am very familiar with how to construct and maintain complex systems of military-based hierarchy, and I have a comprehensive understanding of the duties which a Warrant Officer must discharge. I possess exceptional skills in the field of administration, C3 (Command, Control, Communications), and document creation. I have a lot to bring to the table, and I want to apply it to a group I care about. I have proven myself in all MTF branches, reaching NCO in two and CPL in one. Why I believe I deserve this position, and why I want it The activity and dedication I have displayed in the weeks preceding this application, my involvement in all subdivisions, tenure as an FTO, and my willingness to do all that I can to serve this branch in the best way possible are all factors which contribute to why I believe I deserve the position I am applying for. My skill set, which I intend to continue to apply in service to Nu-7, as well as my proven dedication also further develop my position. Enlisting as a member of Nu-7 was my day one goal after logging onto SCP-RP for the first time way back in November of last year. Being where I am right now, backed up with my accomplishments, dedication, competence, and activity, I feel that I am ready to take the next big step forward. Why I feel that I am the best option for Warrant Officer To my knowledge, there are no other active Warrant Officer applicants to compare and contrast myself to. However, I believe that the distinct skill and experience I have could make a significant positive impact on the branch. I have the dedication and combat expertise to lead operatives with gallantry, I have the experience in military operations and administration to work in service to enlisted personnel as a mentor, and l have the competence to operate effectively and lethally on the ground. SCENARIOS You've organized squads for the people on at the time. You notice that a PFC is disrespecting others, in an extremely frustrated tone. What actions do you take? Answer I would act in one of two ways in this situation, depending on one variable; Whether or not the PFC is targeting his/her disrespect to a particular group of individuals. Assuming that the PFC in question is indiscriminately disrespecting/harassing FF personnel, I would first attempt to get into contact with an available member of Low Command, utilizing their advice and perspective, my priority would be to establish a possible motive for their behavior by taking them aside to an isolated channel in TeamSpeak or in-game at a secure location. I would ask why they are acting the way they are, what may have caused it, whether it helped solve their predicament, and what should be done moving forward. If they fail to act cooperatively or continue to act in an unsatisfactory manner to myself or other FF personnel, I would report the issue to Nu-7 Low Command for guidance on what further disciplinary action should be taken. Until that has been sorted, I would isolate the problematic operative. Assuming that the PFC in question is targeting his/her harassment to a particular person or group of people, my first two steps would be to notify an available member of Nu-7 Low Command of the situation, and then separate the problematic operative from his/her targets, by all reasonable means necessary. If separating aggressor from aggressed is unsuccessful in quelling the conflict, I would proceed with investigative steps similar to that I would take in the previous answer. You have a problem with someone in the branch, whether it be they are causing issues or are not listening to you. They have not done this or have been warned about this before. In your opinion, what would you do in this situation? Answer My answer for this situation changes depending on the rank and position of the person I have an issue with. Assuming that the individual is above or at my level of the chain of command, I would first attempt to discuss my concerns and/or issues with the person in a non-confrontational and professional manner. If this fails to defuse the situation, I would do my absolute best to minimize my association and involvement with them. If circumstance, chain of command, or combat requires me to interact with them, I will operate regularly but be certain to collect proper evidence of any misdoing on their part, so that I may file a formal complaint against them to their superior officer. Assuming that the individual is enlisted or a Non-Commissioned Officer, attempting to talk things out with them remains the go to option. If the issues I have with them remain solely personal, I will do my best to minimize contact. If circumstance requires our interaction, I will operate regularly with professionalism. If the issues they are causing align with definitions of insubordination or violate the SOP/MOTD, I will follow the same investigative and disciplinary process in conjunction with Nu-7 Low Command detailed in the previous situation response. Thank you for your time and consideration. Secure. Contain. Protect.
  10. I would encourage you to attend Warden tryouts.
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