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Everything posted by SAINTY.

  1. Sorry to hear this bro, stay strong.
  2. SAINTY.

    Hey Guys

    come back IMMEDIATELY!
  3. What's up Zefer man! Stay strong on your road to recovery, there will be ups and downs, but you will get through it. Hope all goes well.
  4. Regimental Engineer Changes The concept of these changes is to bring unique elements to each battalion’s engineers, as well as having all aspects of engineers which were in the server when Havoc was around to enhance Roleplay elements and gain back some things we lost when the battalion was deleted. - ALL MODELS, KITS & HEALTH WILL STAY THE SAME. Stormtroopers (Havoc) Addition F4 Job Menu - Stormtrooper Senior Engineer (Havoc) The idea behind the “Havoc” Engineer branch for the stormtrooper corps is to bring back EOD troopers to the ISD. This will consist of SNRENG+ being able to hop on the “Stormtrooper Senior Engineer (Havoc)'' Job which will consist of a Rocket Launcher added onto their kit. Kit: rw_sw_bino_white tfa_nmrih_wrench alydus_fortificationbuildertablet alydus_fusioncutter keys rw_sw_dc17ext rw_sw_se14cc rw_sw_e11 rw_sw_e11_noscope rw_sw_dlt19 weapon_jew_det zeus_thermaldet garde_a_vousv1.1 cross_arms_infront_swep cross_arms_swep deployable_shield weapon_armorkit Additions: rw_sw_smartlauncher Reason for change: We wish to encourage people to join battalions for specific engineering regiments which have cool different addons, this will also help engineers RP during events etc using explosives and different equipment. Especially with new server optimisations, they will be able to use this equipment WAY MORE than havoc used to when it was around. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shock Troopers (Aurek) Addition F4 Job Menu - Shock Senior Engineer (Aurek) The idea behind the “Aurek” branch is to allow the engineers to be using machinery. This will be in the form of the AT-TE vehicle. This vehicle has proven to be the least lag inducing vehicle we have tested and it is easily the best suited to the engineering job as it allows up to 3 engineers to pilot it at once. Kit- rw_sw_bino_desert tfa_nmrih_wrench alydus_fortificationbuildertablet alydus_fusioncutter keys rw_sw_dc17ext rw_sw_se14cc arrest_stick unarrest_stick weaponchecker rw_sw_e11_noscope weapon_cuff_elastic rw_sw_tl50 rw_sw_dlt19 weapon_jew_det zeus_thermaldet garde_a_vousv1.1 cross_arms_infront_swep cross_arms_swep deployable_shield weapon_armorkit Addition- F4 menu -> Entities -> ATTE lunasflightschool_atte Reason for change: This is a pretty large addition for engineers as a whole. This change will bring large audiences to both Shock and Engineers as a whole and was one of the main reasons why havoc did not succeed as a battalion. Due to server optimisations, the ATTE will now be able to be used A LOT MORE than it did when havoc was around and one will be able to be used at around 70-80 players without causing too much stress to the server. It will also be great for RP, where engineers could spawn it in a location and conduct repairs, refuelling etc on the vehicle, and maybe even conduct missions where they can use one to break enemy lines and push forward in bases. - This has also been used lots recently during events and has not caused lag in the server at all ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 501st Legion (Besh) Addition F4 Job Menu - 501st Senior Engineer (Besh) The idea of the “Besh” regiment would be essentially Combat Engineers. This matches the nature of the 501st legion which is front line combat. They will be tasked with jetpacks and will be made to go around the ship and place fortifications to defend key areas. On the planet they will be placing fortifications on the front lines to allow troops to advance. Kit: rw_sw_bino_white tfa_nmrih_wrench alydus_fortificationbuildertablet alydus_fusioncutter keys rw_sw_dc17ext rw_sw_dh17 rw_sw_e11_noscope rw_sw_tl40 weapon_jew_det zeus_thermaldet garde_a_vousv1.1 cross_arms_infront_swep cross_arms_swep rw_sw_t21 deployable_shield weapon_armorkit Addition - F4 Menu -> Entities -> Jetpack starwars_jetpack Addition - F4 Menu -> Entities -> Portable Turret lfs_portableturret Reason for change: This would be super beneficial for both 501st and Engineers as a whole as it allows them to be frontlines and to be able to hold a frontline position like they are supposed to do. These two things would be very compatible with their battalion and what 501st is about. PLEASE NOTE: All jobs will ONLY be available to SNRENG+. Meaning they are hard workers in the Engineer sub division in their respective battalions and will not be abusing their equipment. They will each have certifications which they will have to complete upon getting promoted and will NOT be allowed to use their equipment before passing these. I have docs with Ideas for each battalion's certifications which could be introduced already which will be made for each respective battalion, should this be accepted.
  5. Sad to see you go, best of luck mate.
  6. +Support I have been informed of this warn by someone who overlooked the sit. Sharky was not allowed to explain his POV which is literally step one in handling all SITS - LISTEN TO BOTH SIDES. This warn should be removed and the staff in question should be spoken to as this is a pretty big deal and should NOT be occurring whilst handling sits.
  7. -Support Not needed as the ISB job is meant for RP, which no one ever does on it anyway, why would someone go on that job for events when they should realistically be on their RP job. I think the jobs are fine as they are. Also, under the new guarding rules, ISB do not even get guarded anymore (unless krennic I believe. Even so, he is so far down the priority list) so the extra health point doesn't really work.
  8. Sad to see you go man. Looking forward to seeing you come back again.
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