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Ya Boi Sawrunner

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Everything posted by Ya Boi Sawrunner

  1. "Bannedbannedbanned, see you on the forums kid" *Any question during the beginning of quota week* "Make a sit." "What code is it?" "Butta dog, dog wit da butta." "Anybody else lagging?"
  2. 1. What’s your Ingame Name?: Daddy D Boi 2. What’s your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51798609 3. What is your Rank?: MJ 4. What’s your time on the Server?: 5 weeks 5. Total strikes you’ve ever received?: 0 6. How many warnings do you have on GL?: 0 7. Who gave you permission to apply?: Dumptruck 8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?: On the server? 11. On maintenance? About 7. 9. Why do you think you’re fit for H.L.P.R. Bot Alpha (60+ words)?: I am very familiar with both HCZ and LCZ, and already have another job that functions pretty similarly (Being an R.I.S in research) as well as a distinct amount of familiarity with the rules of both HLPR bot and maintenance as a whole. I can do the tasks set before me competently, and as for the protection of other maintenance, I am very familiar with combat on the server. I believe I could make a very good HLPR bot. 10. Chaos Insurgency is raiding and you see them breaching a Keter SCP (like SCP-035). What do you do?: Call it out in site comms, but do not interfere unless I or other maintenance is harmed. Standard rules of engagement and a call out.
  3. -Support I love ya dude, but this sounds like a mildly inverted E4. Its a strange hybrid between the rules for 7101 and the shit E4 does. I feel like in our current state, we are pretty much 1:1 with MTF barring things that need to be nerfed, and adding this not only upsets the balance but just kinda feels like one of those things that will do more harm in the end than good for our branch.
  4. You have your riot shield when you hop onto D Class miner.
  5. Name: Daddy D Boi Rank: SGM Timezone: Central FTO (Y/N): Yee Discord#1234: Daddy Sicko Mode#8710 Suggestions/Complaints/Concerns/Extra: Add more unique models for classes, as trap expert, deadshot, and hotshot are all reskins of themselves, whereas longshot has like 14 customization choices. Also, better beta op model would be pog. And give trap expert an AR, his current guns are a hard meh Do you wish to remain apart of Military?: Well, yeah.
  6. HUGE + support I can never get enough time to do anything on research, its obsolete doing stuff during the constant code blacks and higher of the daytime, and during the night its a miracle if the D-class to test on arent currently freely crip walking through the entire foundation. I would love to not have to shove myself into a box and wait for a code that may never change for hours at a time.
  7. -support I like the concept of us having our own scp kinda thing, but "archangel of scorn" sounds like someones first OC. If we are gonna have something, we should have something that doesn't feel like a weebs power trip.
  8. -support In those engagements where shields are just outright abused, the trench knife just makes the engagement, well, engaging. Given how chokey a lot of the map itself is, with narrow hallways and slender doorways, the shield and its defensive capabilities wont let you be a bunny hopping damage eraser sure, but when you are sitting in front of a doorway slowing pvp to a screeching halt, you deserve the anomalous knife to the forehead. Also, the trench knife is slow to throw, and its damage isnt insanely high. If they pull the knife, they are left vulnerable to A: being outdamaged, and B: using an item that has low speed and requires more aim since its a projectile. You whip out a gun at that point, they are a free kill in a sense.
  9. +support because its basically his CC right now lol. Fortnite Supersonic Pack? Okay, but which of the 4 variants of Supersonic would you wear? Im guessing Skull, since it fits the whole color scheme but like Falcon > all the other 3 I guess I will never know, since you changed the model. Fortnite has some really fucking cool looking skins tho, so shouldn't let all their artistic direction go to waste for future reference.
  10. Lore Name: Daddy D Boi Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51798609 Rank: Researcher Activity Level: Several times a day.
  11. People arent allowed to shoot at scps from any area they cant go into, from armory to d block. The issue with 912 is that from a distance especially with newer players they just see "vaguely cop shaped enemy" and light him up. The solution to this however is not to let 912 barrel into armory.
  12. +support Too many guns are left overlooked and unknown and the armory could be a good place to give a spotlight to them. Plus, options are kind of limited in the baseline armory.
  13. RIP to a legend. I wish you the best in well, fuck, everything dude. You were always mature, responsible, and well respected. I enjoyed any interaction with you, and of all the people in CI, you hold some of my highest respect. We're gonna miss you, every single fucking one of us. Godspeed, you magnificent bastard. ;~;
  14. Fixed both steam and forum name. I gotta remember to change my name after doing dumb things lol. I just let it sit there and kinda forgot about it. Yeah, I just kinda kept my steam name uninvolved with the server (seeing in how due to the rpname system there was rarely any overlap or issue) But i can easily use a different name while doing staff stuff. I already changed the names and such.
  15. What is your in-game name?: Daddy D Boi What is your steam name?: Ya Boi Sawrunner What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:51798609 What is your discord username: Daddy Sicko Mode#8710 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain): Depends, where do you consider staffing? As for games and such, I was a moderator on a server way back when when i was a kid, on TF2. Wish I remembered the name, loved it back then but my PC broke down. As for servers on other things? Dear god. I run a series of multi platform groups under the moniker of "Paradise Lost" ranging from groups on kik, to telegram, so on. Usually social ones, but the communities on each can be unbelievably rowdy. I would enforce and create new rules as need be, starting out as just an admin on em. Overtime, the original owner found herself far too busy to do, well, much of anything regarding the care of something that at this point is somewhere nearing an empire it feels like somedays. She passed it to me, one of her oldest admins, and now I have to manage that on the day to day. I am extremely familiar with being a moderator an admin in terms of rules and punishment and management and what have you. I have always wanted to add Gmod to my list of staff experiences. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly): April 28th 2021. Probably. I know it was somewhere in the ballpark of the tail end of April. What date did you make your forums account?: May 26th 2021 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank): Silver/User How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 0 Have you donated?: Yep! Up to silver, eventually gonna grab platinum. Also several packs of weapons and such. What rank are you applying for?: Trial Mod Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST): On Gmod? No. In the previously mentioned groups and such? Yes. Have you read the staff guidelines?: Yep. Read and understood. Timezone: Central Daylight time, so an hour before the servers time Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): I have grown, in a sense, somewhat addicted to this server. It has lessened a bit through what is honestly sheer willpower, but it is still a mainstay in my freetime. Over that time, I have (obviously) grown familiar with the rules and how they are to be handled. In game, I often find myself telling people the rules for shit anyways, as questions about such pop into OOC constantly. I like it, I find it enjoyable to guide people to understand the server and how it works better. Hell, I used to read the MOTD rules for entertainment while I ate (I am not joking.) With the time I have spent on the server growing day by day with no sign of slowing down, I look forward to spending more and more here. As a result, I think I could use this gained knowledge and enthusiasm to help the server thrive, both by dealing with issues caused by players, and by helping players learn, well, what fuck do. I want to be able to help the server to the best of my ability, and see it expand, and with plenty of experience dealing with people from the side of moderation, I believe I am more than prepared to handle the task of being part of staff. Besides, with college finally releasing me from its claws (Thank FUCK) so I can breathe and enjoy the summer, I have...well, a lot of free time. All I really do is sleep, work, and dick around by primarily playing this server. In the last month, I dont think I have spent a single day without hopping onto it. I believe I can keep this activity up and continue to help the server further as a staff. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: Well step one is to try and get them to calm down. If that doesn't work, I will have to gag them (Not mute, so they can still talk to me, just not through voice.) I find people are far more relaxed when they have to type and think about every word they say without it all just impulsively pouring out. If he doesn't calm down after this, such as by running around or trying to attack me or whoever else maybe in the sit (such as witnesses) I would freeze him as well, making sure he causes no further issue. An unwillingness to not cooperate with me would likely end up adding on more problems to his warn/ban due to, well, more broken rules, so I would note those and add those as necessary. Its already a formal warning and a 5 day ban (which I cant issue the latter myself as a trial mod so I would have to get other staff involved at this point) so I would, after telling him he was getting a warn and a ban, and why, issue the warn, and get a higher up to have him banned for the 5 day period MRDM warrants. Anything else caused by him during the sit would be added on as need be to both warn and ban. If he calmed down however, and started talking to me, I would need to get his side as to why. It wouldn't entirely change the outcome, but the resolution would come much faster. If he proved himself to be relaxed, I would ungag him to talk to him, and get his side further. After hearing what happened and why, so on so forth, I would gather all necessary information, and kindly explain while I appreciate his polite conduct, the punishment would still be there. I would encourage him to come back after the ban had ended, as long as he behaved himself. I would tell him (by this point, if not already) he was getting a warning and 5 day ban for MRDM as the handbook states, and get a higher up to do the ban while I issued the warning. Nothing particularly troublesome, if quite a bit to put into words.
  16. +support Will gladly set my in game wallet on fire for some of these.
  17. +support As long as its a bit more obvious it will be fine. I am certain most of the server has had at least one "i didnt notice the thing" situation with 035.
  18. +/- support I like the concept lore wise, but this comes up with two issues 1: 035 is a pain in the ass when he is breached and usually throws the whole site into chaos before much can be done. He really doesn't need more ways to get out. 2: I think it would be a bit weird for players to learn a second way of playing 035 and the whole process would take a while. D class and Maynard would probably breach if simply asked, at least the former certainly would. I think its cool, but I dont know how well this could and would work.
  19. +support This just makes sense, and seems like a completely valid rule update. Lore wise and gameplay wise? Perfect.
  20. +support Look, yes there might be some issues with this, but generally speaking most who end up cuffed besides D class know the rules about it. If you are cuffed by some minge and stapled to the ceiling, then what? Its a battle with lag until something is done. People can be taught the rules as they are now, and making it a tad easier to break quote "elastic" bindings makes, well, a shit ton of sense.
  21. +support Might make the sledge a bit more expensive though, its a monster.
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