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Ya Boi Sawrunner

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Everything posted by Ya Boi Sawrunner

  1. +support Tbh, there are a lot of otherwise good guns that make themselves obsolete by kicking the entire top side of itself into your face when you ads, making them useless unless you hipfire or guess. Why stop at lmgs for these fixes?
  2. What are you suggesting? - The noise that plays when you open and close a cell door in lower d block is completely unique. I think we should use it on LCZ doors, to play those noises when they open and close. How would this change better the server? - It would have 2 main improvements: 1: An immersive sense of progressing through the site, since doors in LCZ will sound one way, HCZ has their doors, and EZ would retain the current noises for those doors. Every area would have their own unique sound and feel, and the proposed noise for LCZ doors sounds lighter, less harsh, perfectly suited for a relatively safe area. 2: For newer players, this would also give a sense of progress, the more intimidating mechanical noises being a flagship of progression perhaps. Also, they just sound cool. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - If it requires a map change, that would be the only issue I can think of. Otherwise, nah. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Anybody who goes into LCZ, which is to say literally everyone. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - https://medal.tv/clips/62482142/d13377zHQBl0
  3. -support No, y'all got way too severe of gambling addictions already, N O.
  4. +support We cant do this already? We usually threw a few down in shitty to defend CC's.
  5. let the meme die, please also I am not sure what you expected, the first rule of the internet is "Easiest way to get something is to say you dont want it" and now you are being jumped lmao
  6. +support Mainly just here for the m16a4 and honey badger nerfs. They are not balanced, take the time to test their damage if you think they are.
  7. Fairly certain they aren't. I think they can if they make it to an armory tho
  8. +support Turbo chad, definitely belongs
  9. Image proof of some kind? People dont want to see the S.O.P, im sure the majority of us do not care. There are plenty of ways they could show proof that doesn't involve showing any redacted info. Until such proof is given, beyond "someone said he did" There is no point in repeatedly claiming he has.
  10. -Support The keycard cracker works in rp as something that fools the keycard slot into thinking your card is a real one. Like stealing someones password, it doesn't break the system, but allows access. Here are a few reasons why I disagree with this suggestion. 1: Having to call staff to put broken signs is not something D-class are going to do. Hacking already leaves them insanely vulnerable, having to call staff too is too much for someone being hunted. Alternatively, the SCP can do it, but that wastes their time as well and gives players more time to respond to the scp attempting to escape. If no staff are on at the time they are going to be sittting there, or they just won't bother. 2: Self breaching is a slow process for a reason. Breaking entire doors in 15-25 seconds is something not even 682 can do, letting some d class slap doors into nothing for zero effort would be a nightmare. Even with the lower rolls, someone will still have to do something to fix it and normal maintenance stuff wont apply. And what if they fail? Now there is a broken door for minimal effort. 3: This hinges on the activity of those who can repair stuff. Without them, it falls to other personnel, which, by default, makes them have to roll really high for stuff. Make it too easy, then the system becomes redundant. Make it too hard, the system becomes invasive. There is no winning with this concept. There are more reasons, but what I have stated already should suffice to drive a point home. I can see the merits of it, but it just does not fit.
  11. +support SO MUCH NEW DRIP also i will go out of my way, WAY out of my way to destroy those drones if i am going against nu-7. Without a gravity gun, manhacks are the single most annoying thing ever created.
  12. where the proof? +support for baba
  13. In Game Name: [GL] Ya Boi Sawrunner/Daddy D Boi Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51798609 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Engineer Current RP Ranks Held: CI SGM, SR, MP, E11 LCPL If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: No preference. If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: N/a How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): 0 Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I feel like I have done a bit of everything I have wanted to do on the server. I have been here for almost 10 weeks, having spent time in almost every branch I find interesting. I feel like I could accomplish a lot in RRH, and I wanna give it a shot. Why should we accept you: I am highly familiar with the server, its rules, and the interactions between RRH and everyone else, at least from an outside perspective. I can bring both competence and skill to my interactions, while still having a good time with all parties involved. I also do well with defending and escorting players, having RIS, and Hlpr bot both, as well as often guarding and assisting sleuths as an Infil. I can fight well, keep players alive, and do everything expected of me and knock it out of the park. With engineer, I would be able to keep the site from falling apart while being able to apply my skill in combat simultaneously if needed. Overall, I could do damn well in RRH.
  14. +Support There are few people I could recommend more highly for this position than Thin. - Talented combatant, hes being pretty damn humble. - Knowledgeable in most aspects of the server if not all, and familiar with each branch. Has been around for a good ass while. - Great sense of humor, understands what FUN is and remembers we are playing a video game, not protecting the president. - Familiar with the lore to the extent needed for his job, well spoken and intelligent. If he can be a Sunsetter, he can certainly be a RRH.
  15. Sledgehammer is monstrous, but if you want a replacement, a fire axe works damn well
  16. Thank you! The part I enjoyed the most was having to switch wording and phrasing when POV switched between Bright and 076. Bright has co-workers, 076 has captors, and so on. I am glad you liked it!
  17. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EQ4mUn4in44NQpndvLj3PjVsEIVUw18KjHxP10rYV6E/edit?usp=sharing This was made with the combined effort of me (Daddy D Boi), Bernard, S1ke, and Levii.
  18. Man, thats a touch one. Since this is in the d class thread, i will exclude the longbow. Falcon: Damn good damage at close range, can tear through HP in no time, like a 1911 but better. B3 Wingman: Solid damage, good accuracy, headshots will bully enemies if you can aim well. Almost 1v1'd a goliath as a normal d class using it. Donator Knives: Low skill floor, pretty high skill ceiling. Once you learn how to well, trickstab/abuse the servers lag i guess, you can wipe the floor with people Golf Club: Same as above minus the skill floor/ceiling and just adding the fact its fuckin op lmao Trench/Dive knives: Probably my number one. Buying both stacks the ammo you spawn with, which means you double your knife count. Hitting headshots nets you 100 a pop and most of lcz is pretty chokey, so you turn it into your own shooting gallery but with knives. Once you get the throws down there are few things you cant kill with some well placed knives. Also, they go through riot shields, which releases enough dopamine in me to cure depression in half of north america.
  19. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c2D9XYB_mw7FXePUu-DUibMqGMB49oMYjptcTFd0lzI/edit?usp=sharing
  20. +Support I like the current system, it just needs to be fixed. Take a shot everytime someone asks what the code is after a change, die of alcohol poisoning in half an hour, tops.
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