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Ya Boi Sawrunner

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Everything posted by Ya Boi Sawrunner

  1. +support Aces. It'll be a mess when the m16a4 gets nerfed into piss though.
  2. I asked zeeptin during a staff meeting, he said nah. Didnt tell me why, just, nah. Its okay, maybe someday. The guns in it are well balanced and fun to use, and with tfa they can be moved around to rebalance anything that seems off.
  3. See ya around gamer. Enjoy yourself while you are gone.
  4. No please, I dont wanna be sniped by him when on CI, hes like chris kyle
  5. There is a link from the forums/main pages to the store, but not one that leads to the forums from the store. Would just be a nice little quality of life so one could look at the store and not have to reopen a tab or go back possibly several pages to get back to it.
  6. RP Name: Daddy D Boi SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51798609 Discord Tag: Daddy Sicko Mode#8710 Branch(es): Maintenance Rank(s): MA Subdivisions/Whitelists: N/a
  7. On god, its literally like the whole run to gate a for me is just "SO we got a shitton of gensec, thats fine, we are just grabbing scp-939, so assuming we dont run into any mtf we will be fine." or some variation of that. Its like clockwork.
  8. Its kinda fuckin' stupid. An entire code for a shit joke. Bruh.
  9. Cant force the players around you to do shit sadly. My solution to server frustration is generally to fuck off for a bit. Go afk and play something else. My go to destress game rn is Lego Star Wars, and its super fucking fun to just get away from quotas and sit counts and activity logging and all that shit to just enjoy the limited free time I have. You should do the same. You dont need to take an LOA, just do the borderline LOA where you just do enough activity for a certain period of time and just go vibe for the rest. Lord knows I have done that a couple times, just do the bare minimum for a lil bit. Activity time is pretty generous for a lot of branches (CI, my main life, only expects activity at the minimum of once every 10 days) and for branches with less commitment, I just kinda pop my head in and im fine lol. I am sure you can do the same, because a burn out on this server is HARSH. You take it out on others too, say things you dont mean, you lash out because you are just fuckin exhausted of everything that happens here. Keep your head up king. Take all the time you need.
  10. +support, its already hell and a half to get your 3 ears since people keep remembering if you fuck up they can just shoot you, and doing all the work to have a pretty mediocre sidekick that makes you kos by association really doesn't feel worth it. Hes underpowered and unfun in his current state.
  11. thats crazy bro but i dont remember asking https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2291859613 Been messing with this one a bit, it seems stable, although some of the irons are driving me bananas.
  12. I think restricting bright less harshly could go a long way, but that NLR is BRUTAL. I feel like if the NLR only applied to his ability to mention info from his previous life, it would be totally fine. He could have a 2 minute NLR but the process of "coming back to life in a new body" would leave him "too mentally cluttered" to remember shit for a lil bit. I say give him his in lore ability to remember shit from his previous life, but have it attached to a 15 minute timer. His NLR should remain the same, however.
  13. The amount of times I have pulled out completely useless weapons in a fight instead of my normal gear is bananas. +support
  14. Shit, bet. I would kill to have some of my babies from Half life.
  15. Oh god... where do I even start? I can dislocate my thumbs and pinkies and put em back (although it is not pleasant to do so) with one hand, animals for some reason just perpetually vibe with me, I am extremely good at ping pong so long as I use my cellphone as the paddle, so on so forth.
  16. Bruh that aint even a secret But yknow, same.
  17. My most recent addiction is Detroit Become Human. I just felt like playing it again and I cant stop.
  18. A little bit of everything except weird shit, really heavy shit, and country (with the sole exceptions of Drop Em Out and Drunk on a plane, for some reason. ) My favorite artists right now are Two Feet, Pendulum, and Mystery Skulls. Here is my fav song right now for each of the three. Two Feet: Pendulum: Mystery Skulls: Tbh, I could talk about music all day.
  19. Tuesday, my one day off where I ACTUALLY dont have shit to do.
  20. This has been something I have been curious about for a while. Why are the HL2 weapons banned? (except my lovely SLAMs of course) I am guessing in some cases its balance, with like laser guided rpgs and a far too fast crowbar, but the baseline HL2 smg does like, 5 damage. Is it just that they aren't of the same pack of the other weapons, or? I would die for the crossbow.
  21. See, even on the basis of exercise that would be an issue with stairs, as they would have to be HUGE to fit the swarms of d class, and if they were slender, people would start a new problem of bodyblocking and being unable to do simple shit. -support.
  22. +support He looks like a tank, yet has the hp and ap of an escaping d class.
  23. Can you ask nicely instead of being all passive aggressive? Kinda big cringe my guy Standing in a doorway or tight hallway, riot shield out, slowing a fight down to nothing is unfun for everyone involved. It reaches a point where it is practically abuse, as the fight becomes nothing but a staring contest because you cant get past the walking prop in the hallway/door without killing the holder, which is a pain in the dick without trench knives. Shield humpers ruin fights, and I understand pulling it out to lock an area and you behind cover, but when its used it a way that just ruins the combat experience, it deserves the knife. Right to the forehead.
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