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Ya Boi Sawrunner

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Everything posted by Ya Boi Sawrunner

  1. Name: Daddy D Boi SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51798609 Current Rank: SR Time in Research (Estimate): Couple months or so Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?(100 word requirement): I believe I belong in research command due to several factors. One: I am intimately familiar with the lore of SCP as a whole, the factions, the entities, and so on, and have been interested in it since I was just a kid. Two: I am also intimately familiar with the server, having 8 almost 9 weeks on SCP-RP, the branches, the structure, the rules both MOTD and SOP, and overall just how things work here. And lastly, three: I can be professional, do the job asked of me, and work hard, but not be a hardass that brings down other peoples fun for redundancy. What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement): This is a strange question without knowing my competition, so I will base it off of just an average SR, two branches tops, 3 weeks on the server roughly, that sort of thing. I know a great deal about the SCPs in Site-50, not only by lore but by gameplay function, I know what has been tried before, what is and isn't a good idea, so on. I know the maps layout from LCZ all the way to the entirety of surface, so wherever I am needed I could perform optimally. I personally believe that my competence is readily available to be viewed in all situations, while still making sure everyone involved has a good time working under the research division. Not too serious but not an idiot. Not a walking lorebook, but well beyond knowledgeable. What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement): Well first off, I would keep doing what I already do: Encourage creativity. We have too many JRs and ARs just flinging d class at X scp to watch them die, too few actual ideas. I could (thanks to owning a CC and having money to BURN) give out cash prizes for creative tests often, which could encourage our researchers to think more about scps, familiarize themselves with the lore further, and allow them to ask questions that really matter. Second: I would push for RIS activity. They are specifically designed to cut out any requirement of dealing with other branches, and while cross branch interaction isn't a bad thing, it certainly can be, and very often it is tedious as hell to get escorts. RIS units are a great way for us to get more tests going faster. Lastly, I would also encourage RRA's to work towards bringing more people into research. You never know what random D Class could one day be command. We all start somewhere, and by default, more members = more activity. It's a simple result. Besides that, I am also very active in the suggestions part of the forums, and if I have an idea, I will share it. I see a good idea, I will support it. We are a branch with a lot of options, options I wish to see explored to the fullest extent.
  2. Lore Name: Daddy D Boi Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51798609 Rank: SR Activity Level: Multiple times a day.
  3. +support You ever just sneak past a group of people just to have one glance over at your level and start dragging their hitbox over every wall to "bump" you? Cringe.
  4. -support I like the scp, and would love to have em, but we will have those assholes who actively run into gunfights to get everyone else killed.
  5. Its the heavy, I dont know why it would need the honey badger. Based on its current gear, a solid assault rifle, one that is meatier seems better. Doesn't have to be the Tar-21. but its a good spot for a pretty much unknown weapon to shine. Could switch to the Galil or G3A3 or something, but the honey badger doesn't feel like a good fit for heavy.
  6. +support I would suggest that if lights are added, there is a noticeable change when lights go out regardless. Players will still be able to have fully lit up bunks, but they wont have the same lighting as normal, so those who went afk or something know before they walk out lights are out.
  7. What are you suggesting? - To make the lure effect of 012 not function on godded players. How would this change better the server? - Its a minor thing, but when staff are flying around and suddenly get to enjoy sitting in a texture tornado because of the funny paper, it is a giant pain in the ass. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None really. Being godded removes the damage as is, the lure would just follow suit. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Staff/ET Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -
  8. Then call staff. Tell them its a failrp thing if they dont work with you.
  9. D class are bound to be stubborn, you are trying to feed them to monsters. I like the extra steps for the RP, and its always confusing as hell when or when not scps can escape
  10. One quick thing: More classes with breaching charges? Thats uh...gonna cause a fuss.
  11. +support Honey badger on Trap Expert is literally god himself coming down from the sky and giving me a hug.
  12. Watching him was amazing. I just look over while dicking around on gensec and see this gigachad just waltz out no fucks given and everyone else does not notice.
  13. +support Nanafrost is my favorite Nu-7 for a reason
  14. Im guessing this will be denied, but at least fix the broken gaps on the edges, the windows that arent for IDs but just glitched like that.
  15. The difference between the reception area and the windows is that the area you can shoot through is approximately 10 feet long and wide open. There is no tactical advantage to be gained from those windows, they just slow down combat to nothing. Because they certainly wont just spray through then. So my choices are play on specific classes, or buy a vape. No. Smokes nor vapes wont even last long enough to cover a hack.
  16. stealth? Its a giant window. And bullets dont just materialize, they will draw the natural conclusion, then its the same problem
  17. Which still slows combat to a screeching halt. I see no actual point against it here. It being two way doesn't solve the problem, its a half assed game of peek-a-boo for all parties involved Well A: Neither of those two are subtle, B: There are literal hundreds of other places where you dont get to know, why would this be different, C : You can keep the windows, just not all the parts you can shoot through, and D : no one, and I mean NO ONE has used the slots on the checkpoint windows for that. I have NEVER seen anyone do that, not with sleuths, not with 8286, never. I hardly even see people stationed at the checkpoints in any scenario PERIOD. There isn't any reason to keep gaps you can shoot through, and not just in the checkpoints, give me a lore reason as to why the windows on the sides Need this gap, for any reason whatsoever?
  18. What are you suggesting? - To remove the gaps you can shoot through at checkpoints. How would this change better the server? - Improving PVP so its not dragged to a crawl in a game of peek the tiny hole til someone dies. The gaps in the windows just to the left and right of the doors, the ones next to the concrete ramp thingy, I am pretty sure shooting through those are exploiting, so fix that, but also, the normal windows in the checkpoints should go too. Fights when these are involved are a game of whack a mole with no skill or enjoyment involved. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - I am aware this will require a map change or edit or something, but its something that should happen for the improvement of PvP, since this server focuses heavily on it. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Anybody who does PVP Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  19. +support but plz lemme have my csgo knives on em, I twirl them while I run around
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