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Everything posted by Southpaw

  1. I believe the more expensive is the better looks. I got the Bayonet knife and it works great. For this list I would say Bayonet Damsacus or Karambit black
  2. I can understand where this is coming from. 682 and 106 are the only real threat to MTF and other personnel. The only time other SCPs are a threat is when they are lose, missing, and have been killing tons of people without being caught. SCP-194 is not used and when breached I have seen D-Class kill him, sure he needs a buff and infecting other players in 194 would make it more of a threat. It would also encourage people to buy the SCP Job pack as you said. For now, it looks good and it might make 194 more fun to play on. +Support
  3. I really dont have an opinion, mining has died down a lot ever since it got nerfed. It looks fine but option 2 is a bit insane. It would get actvity but also add a bit of lag + Support on option 1 +/- Support on option 2
  4. If we reset it again it will piss off more people so just no.
  5. It looks like a simple mistake, even I have RDM D-Class who get in the way on accident. I still want to see Jameshi34's side too. +Support
  6. Dont worry, we will hold D-Block for you
  7. Dont forget the format but anyways, MMF are like the combatant sub-branch of maintenance. I understand why you would want the gravity gun for the recycler so for now its a +/- support, I want to see a bit more information but I am leaning towards a +Support
  8. Sarkics are weak and they need some serious buffing to make them a threat to CI and the Foundation. Combat cuffing is hard to do and it would most likely with you end up with you being shot. People never walk around solo and you are right, MTF goes in groups of 2 or more and even then, it takes 3+ sarkics to fearRP someone with a weapon out. Sarkic Acolytes can be one tapped by a sniper and the hitbox is just broken. +Support so far.
  9. As you said Jack, I dont think D-Class should threaten the enlisted with strikes,demotion,etc. It will make them want to leave and hop off. + Support
  10. Besides missing the format, all of the other gambling areas are ooc or in a spawn area. I think it should be ooc from what you are saying +Support
  11. +Support I like the idea, but where will be contain it? I like it anyways, I hope it gets added
  12. This is one of the best staff aps I have seen
  13. - Support it would become a major distraction to GENSEC and MTF when they are trying to do their job. If this was a thing, where would free roam SCPs spawn? I would probably see GENSEC just gambling away while D-Block is lost. I prefer it if the casino stuff is in their bunks like MTF or CI. So when they die they can do what they want for 2-3 minute NLR.
  14. #RDMFest But seriously, I like the idea but as Wanted just said it could lead to a mass RDM from minges. Door PT and strike sounds better to me. -Support
  15. I served with Kami in Omicron-9 and seen her do stuff around the facility. She is welcoming and kind to others, plus she has tons of experience with the server and other branches. +Support, Keep doing what you do best Kami.
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