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Everything posted by Southpaw

  1. Name: Southpaw Rank: Event Team Member SteamID: STEAM_0:0:183974422
  2. +/- Until Weiss responds. I'm gonna be honest SMT reports are a very serious thing, there could be plenty of reasons as to why Weiss had to teleport away, some good and some bad. The punishment you are requesting is extremely absurd, especially for something as simple as what appears to be noclipping. This isn't another rang situation. The model I'm not sure is gensec, that specific one is on DoTF and a few other jobs (I think, correct me if wrong). Ill need to check the models on gensec since I haven't seen the stuff added yet in the update. Until Weiss responds, Im keeping it a +/-.
  3. -Support Hell no, that shit does not belong on this community for a reason. Just dont.
  4. +Support Looks good to me, and now Gensec can use the mustard gas without ET being there.
  5. ROA or LOA: LOA Name: Southpaw Rank: ETM Start Date: 7/8/23 End Date: 7/13/23 Reason: Family trip
  6. ROA or LOA: LOA Name: Southpaw Rank: Trainee Start Date: 6/3/23 End Date: 6/8/23 Reason: Very sick and fatigued, barely able to do anything server or real life wise
  7. +Support Certain weapons need a serious buff *Cough* Snipers
  8. Guinea I have no words for you honestly. Im very sad to see you leave GL, its been a very long and fun road for you. I wish you the best of luck where ever you go man o7
  9. Honestly +Support You appear to have changed over time and deserve a chance at staff Your app is nice and probably one of the best I have seen in a long time
  10. In all honesty, before I resigned I saw the [REDACTED] job. It was hella op and legit kind of ruined RP at times. I couldnt say it better with what Enuz has said.
  11. -Support Not needed. D4 are legit meant to recontain SCPs, this would withhold them from doing their jobs. Other robots cant even fight half of the time unless they are attacked.
  12. -Support First off, I find CI heavy very op, and would like a very slight nerf. With the new weapons coming out, it is easier to kill them if you can land your shots. We also need to remember that in a raid, MTF CAN come back after 3 minutes, CI can't. You can take out a heavy just by shooting him, getting killed, and coming back to finish the job. I think it would be better off by speaking to Delta/Gamma command about a nerf
  13. Southpaw


    Who are you again
  14. As E11, we NEVER have anything to do with D-Block. If we are needed inside, DSD+ can never even grant us perms because they are not on/busy. We cant even drop off D-Class or get them when needed inside. Where do E11 end up most of the time? Outside D-Block with nothing to do. When its lost and E11 are the only responders, we cant do jack to stop the ccs from killing off a guy and then running away to heal. It takes us 5-7 minutes with no obstacles to get to D-Block, plenty of time for the D-Class to pick off the rest of E11 and take LCZ. Most of our classes are obviously not meant to be inside of D-Block due to the sheer strength of some of them. E11 are not meant to be the, "Enter for one thing and leave a second after." Epsilon-11 are meant to be one of the Foundations BEST response teams, tasked to handle any threat when the standard security protocols fail them. Hell there are times, including as the time of me writing this, there have been three Nu7 on, all AFK. The only MTF on would be E11 with 8+ members on with NOTHING to do against D-Block. As I stated earlier, they get picked off slowly until the D-Class take over. As Panda has stated, our standard classes (Enlisted, NCO, Officer, Commander) Should be allowed to enter at certain times. When GENSEC HCMD request help and Nu7 is busy, When D-Block is lost and security cant contain it, When standard protocol fails. Classes like CE, MRK, RGR, D4, should not enter due to just how strong they can be. RCU is a maybe on entering to heal. Most of the time, E11 are not needed at all near D-Block, but thats where they end up half of the time. GenSec refuse our help and we leave, then they lose D-Block and we have trouble as well later on with it. D-Class cause way too many issues in RP. Breaching SCPs, Killing research doing tests, killing everything and stopping RP for a short time. If the restrictions are lifted for standard classes, it could work out well for us. Its not meant to be easy for D-Class to break out, E11 is meant to be able to stop any threat inside of the site, including D-Class Personnel. +Support for standard classes -Support for CE, MRK, RGR, D4
  15. Damn, bot just said "Well would ya look at that?" +Support
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WN-hx_5y1otVSdsvjLpwdvHgREwMJaOCnmVcYYlFEB4/edit?usp=sharing
  17. Damn it man, Ill always remember you. The time I was on Experimental protecting you and you just took a researcher to throw into 087. Im sad to see you go
  18. Lore Name: Southpaw Steam ID: STEAM:0:0:183974422 Rank: AR Activity Level: 8/10
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