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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. In Game Name: Sprink Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:433844802 Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF/CI RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research/RND - Researcher+): RRH | Security 2LT. If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: I do not mind who I am guarding but I would prefer guarding O5-3 (Matrices). How many Strikes do you have: 0 Branch Strikes Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I wish to join the RRH because I believe it would add a whole new aspect to my time on the server. Every since I joined the server I looked up to these mysterious figures guarding the men in suits. Another reason why I want to join is because in Security there is a sub-branch called Wardens and my very favorite thing to do Is escort High Command and sometimes get to escort Site Administration. Pretty much what I am trying to say Is I would like to take it to the next level and be able to escort even higher personal and generally have a better time doing it. Finally I would like to join the O5 staff team because I do not really see that many RRH online often except for one or two people so I would like to help out the team and really show everyone who RRH is. Why should we accept you: I think I should be accepted for RRH because I am ready to take on more responsibility's and and tasks to do other than my normal Security job all the time. Currently in Wardens on security we are tasked with similar goals like protecting High level personnel in the facility so I have a decent amount of experience with this field of work. One accomplishment that I have in Wardens is when Phill and all the special forces in the facility captured the HWD (Sixx). They took him to EZ so Phill gave us permission to go save him. The special forces put up a big fight but in the end me and another Warden came out alive with Sixx. We had killed all the special forces which had better guns than us and twice the amount of health and armor then us. In Security I am also a SFTO, JWD, and 2LT. I really care about this server and I have met so many new friends but I would like to continue with my trip on the server like for example joining RRH. If I was chosen for RRH even if I had stacked out weapons and armor, I would give up everything to protect the O5 even if that means I die. I am also loyal to security and will never leave, so I will keep the same thing for RRH and same motivations that I have in security till the day I am forced to leave this server or if it is shut down. With all the equipment I have on the RRH I have the ability to protect anyone. One of my most important tools or equipment that I will use is of course my rifle/shotgun a riot shield. Thankyou for reading and I hope this explains why I would like to be part of the O5 Staff Team.
  2. Thanks for taking me on all those adventures on RCF. Those were the best nights when you get on. Sorry but you're resignation has been DENIED You may try and resign in a week.
  3. +Support Yes Gubby can sometimes mess around but I think he should be given the opportunity to play on Heavy. Yes, the RDM part was not the right thing to do but I think you have learned you’re lesson now . Generally on the server your behavior is getting a lot better and I would like to see you on the battlefield with us. Now about the part with the SGT, that was very unprofessional of him and since you were just on the heavy job he should not have forced you to go to the PT since you were on the heavy job. Finally this appeal is very professional and I can tell you put a lot of effort into this. I hope to see you on the battlefield with us pal.
  4. I could see that being a problem with SCP's refusing to listen and end up having to get staff involve d.
  5. This looks cool. I am looking forward to get more of a fight out of CI.
  6. +Support This should definitely be made a rule. SCP's 95% of time come into d-block to minge and hinder GenSec's job.
  7. That's throwing knifes for sure. You can even see the guy in front of him throwing them.
  8. +Support A very kind member of security and whenever I have questions or just need to talk to someone Assassin is always there. In my opinion this man should be chosen for Senior Command any day.
  9. It was such a nice time knowing you and when we we're SM's together. You're were always a great role model and a we're always someone that I looked up to for example you were on of the people to increase my motivation to go to a staff interview and to apply for WO. I hope you come back soon enough. Also here is my discord if you ever want to play a game or something. Sprinklertek#4711
  10. -support In the clip the researcher literally said kill them meaning for you to shoot them and then you killed him. That is no reason to kill a researcher. Finally I would like you to explain how there was staff bias. If you would like to report me for that then go to staff reports.
  11. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY You were such a wonderful command member and I hope you come back one day.
  12. -Support I was in fact the moderator on the scene. I decided to go with a verbal because it was clearly miscommunication from both sides. J0LT was typing in chat which could have been easily overlooked and in the clip not all of the CI were actually pointing there guns at him. I also see no evidence really of meta gaming and in the original staff sit this was not said so that part I have no idea what happened. The thing that really ticks me off is that people are saying that is "staff bias" which it defiantly was not. I handed out a punishment which is the necessary punishment for this report according the staff handbook and it seemed like a complete miscommunication in the clip and when Infamous was there he explained the situation and even admitted he did not see all the CI and did not see the chat. Also 527 can talk so it was not metagaming for the Fish to tell him that there was CI there.
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